
Birmingham, Alabama | June 10 - 12, 2025

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Nuclear Utility User Group Banner 2024

Join the premier advisory user group for
ETAP software development for nuclear utilities.
Membership is open to ETAP users worldwide
who are involved in the nuclear industry.

NUUC banner thumb
NUUG banner thumb

The ETAP Nuclear Utility User Group (NUUG) represents the shared objectives and requirements of the nuclear power industry and provides valuable feedback to advise on future ETAP software development. The NUUG engages in meaningful discussions with ETAP regarding the use of ETAP solutions for nuclear power generation activities and holds an annual in-person technical conference for in depth learning and collaboration.

ETAP NUUG members are licensed ETAP nuclear users and other licensed ETAP users involved in nuclear-related activities. The User Group welcomes new members to share in this collaborative endeavor.

Are you interested in participating in the advancement of nuclear power system software? Submit your request to join NUUG today:

NUUG Goals

Provide a discussion platform for its members related to ETAP solutions for the nuclear power industry


Evaluate and review the latest ETAP enhancements


Encourage the exchange of member experiences and ideas on the use of ETAP


Collaborate on recommendations for future enhancements


Address issues or deficiencies in the software discovered from user evaluation


Provide consolidated & prioritized feedback to ETAP from members' practical operating experiences in the nuclear power industry


Share techniques and methods used in analyzing the auxiliary systems of nuclear power plants

ETAP NUUG Executive Committee



Jeff Weibelt

Southern Nuclear
Operating Company

(205) 992-7649


Technical Chairman

Preston Cooper

TVA Nuclear

(423) 751-7697

David Dearing

Associate Chair / Secretary

David Dearing

Energy Northwest

(509) 377-8611

etap big daddy award

The Big Daddy Award

The “Big Daddy” Award is presented to a member who has actively contributed for many years to the ETAP NUUC.

The award recognizes the recipient’s long term contribution to the nuclear power industry by partnering with ETAP.

View Big Daddy Award winners

Past ETAP NUUC Events

The Case for Online Monitoring Using ETAP Real-Time™ in a Nuclear Power Plant

19:41 Webinars  
At a given nuclear power plant, nuclear safety is directly dependent on a reliable source of electric power supplied via the plant’s auxiliary power system. The auxiliary power system typically consists of an MV and LV AC and a DC distribution system, powering thousands of individual loads and circuits. The presentation explores past practices and recent developments in the online monitoring of such systems using a digital twin. It includes the reasons for utilizing online monitoring, the advantages and benefits, i.e., business, safety, reliability.

Login to View NUUC Presentations / Sign-up to Request NUUG Membership

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