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The variable nature of renewable energy introduces power quality concerns, including frequency and voltage control, that may negatively impact the reliable performance of a power system. Grid codes, interconnection, or evacuation criteria must be followed during the proposed system design and continue to maintain compliance under grid-connected operation.
ETAP GridCode Solution is used for the Design, Analysis, Protection, Optimization, Operation & Maintenance of Renewable Energy Systems.
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ETAP GridCode utilizes a model-driven electrical digital twin with automated analysis, predictive calculations, network optimization, validation processes, and intelligent, secure power plant control hardware to ensure local grid code or standards compliance throughout the power system design and operations lifecycle.
Design and operation solutions for continuity, quality, and reliability of power supply.
Shift from static to dynamic plant control and reducing grid voltage variations & enhance grid stability.
Help power plants conform to local grid standards & interconnection requirements early in the design stages.
Enhance solar plant & wind park reliability using a full dynamic network model (RMS & EMT) to stabilize and guarantee reactive power, voltage, frequency, and power quality.
Meet investor expectations through an accurate forecast of energy yield and power transfer capability.
Condition power produced to interconnect with the power grid and improve overall grid performance.
Operation, maintenance, and compliance auditing including ancillary system control.
ETAP Real-Time™ Model-Driven power plant eSCADA & Power Plant Controller (ePPC) for increased transparency & investment security.
ETAP GridCode provides objective assessment of grid connection for generating plants, allows for TSO/DSO based grid connection studies, design and dimensioning of RES, the configuration of optimal offshore solutions for platforms and grids & wind and PV power plant control. Leverage the Model-Driven Power Plant Controller-ePPC™ from design to operations and perform network stabilization with advanced operational planning using ETAP renewable energy management system.
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A renewable power plant is a huge investment that requires control, routine maintenance, and continuous insight to keep it running efficiently, safely, and profitably. Wind or solar parks require many inverters to process the output of multiple turbines or arrays. Each inverter is capable of individual control functions but must coordinate, as a unified regiment, to appear as a single source at the Point of Interconnect (POI). In today’s dynamic energy generation environment, power plant owners, therefore, require sophisticated & integrated control solutions to meet a variety of operational compliance and interconnection standards.
An important step in assessing project feasibility is to calculate the electrical energy & revenue expected from the plant. Typically, the energy yield is estimated using simple simulation software based on estimated losses, site conditions & historical irradiance. These are good for estimation and do not capture detailed AC & DC losses, auxiliary power, grid availability, grid compliance loss, plant controller performance, and storage size optimization.
The ultimate aim of the designer is to design a plant that maximizes financial returns by minimizing the Levelized cost of electricity (LCOE). LCOE does not take into account the site environmental factors such as panel soiling, which may be accelerated due to unforeseen conditions, technical faults such as an inoperative inverter or shattered solar panel due to dust or rocks, and changing site conditions such as vegetation. A plant controller should be able to detect and adapt to these changing conditions.
The logic used for the plant controllers during the design stage must be the same as that used for the operation phase for another reason. You run the risk of meeting grid code requirements during the design stage but not during operations if you utilize a controller logic in simulation mode, that is not commercially available to be used in operations. The cost to design, rewrite and maintain two-controller logics can delay commissioning and increase start-up costs.
A power plant owner/operator can easily lose their license to operate or incur financial losses should their plant fail to meet ongoing/evolving operational grid code requirements. Therefore there is a need to continuously monitor the power exchanges, power quality, and grid conditions and proactively adjust plant performance should it not be within grid code requirements.
SCADA technology is essential during the operational phase to maintain a high level of performance, reduce downtime, and ensure rapid fault detection. A SCADA system allows the yield of the plant to be monitored and raise warnings if there is a performance shortfall. A model-driven SCADA can compare actual vs predicted vs theoretical yield and provide predictive and preventive solutions. Without a reliable model-driven system, it can take many months for a poorly performing plant to be identified leading to revenue loss.
Grid Codes are technical specifications which define the parameters that a facility connected to a public electric network must meet to ensure safe, secure and economic proper functioning of the electric system. The facility can be a power generation plant, solar farm, or any other grid-connected source.
Voltage and frequency limits or operating areas are defined where a generator is capable or expected to run permanently, regions of temporary operation time. It is not permitted to disconnect gen-set sooner than the time defined in this area.
Ride Through (XXRT) functions support the grid during faults or short circuit events. There is a defined area or region where the power plant is not allowed to disconnect from the grid. The area is defined by voltage level and time and/or frequency limits and time. The RT function can be split into two main types:
Frequency is one of the most important indicators of power in the grid. Falling frequency indicates lack of active power in the network and rising condition implies more active power is being generated than is necessary.
Control of reactive power is a crucial aspect and indicates the voltage health of the power system. Generator operating capability is given by P/Q ratio and maximum apparent power (Smax) is determined dynamically based on this curve. Reactive power control is important especially in case of undervoltage when reactive power demand is increased and must be compared with the generator capability. In this situation, reactive control system may decrease real power over reactive power, without exceeding maximum apparent power Smax.
Number of possible reactive power and power factor control modes that may be applied to satisfy local grid code requirements include but are not limited to:
ETAP GridCode utilizes a progressive electrical digital twin with automated analysis, predictive calculations, network optimization, validation processes, and intelligent power plant control hardware to ensure local grid code compliance.
The webinar is an opportunity to discover how the features in this release of GridCode contribute to better and faster grid code compliance evaluation in an automated fashion, including real and reactive power capability, and harmonic distortion and resonance. By carefully evaluating the impact of new generation on the grid, you’ll learn how to define and produce compliance studies that help protect the system, enable renewable energy growth, and promote cost-effective grid development.
As the global power sector rapidly transitions toward sustainable energy, the importance of grid code interconnection studies becomes paramount. The manual analysis of grid codes can be time-consuming, involving intricate scenarios and strict compliance. ETAP Grid Code is a model-driven solution that includes software tools and control hardware to ensure local grid codes or standards compliance throughout the power system design and operations lifecycle. Additionally, ETAP’s unique Power Plant Controller (ePPC) along with its digital twin, ensures accurate evaluation and study of the system's actual performance to improve compliance and minimize risk.
The variable nature of renewable energy introduces power quality concerns, including frequency and voltage control, that may negatively impact the reliable performance of a power system. Grid codes, interconnection, or evacuation criteria must be followed during the proposed system design and continue to maintain compliance under grid-connected operation. ETAP Grid Code is a model-driven solution that includes software tools and control hardware to ensure local grid codes or standards compliance throughout the power system design and operations lifecycle.
Today’s power systems depend on renewable energy resources to meet their load demand and are typically interconnected through inverters. This webinar demonstrates how inverter-based resources are modeled for short circuit studies. It will also review various dynamic modeling approaches offered by ETAP and discuss merits and limitations of each approach.