Top Produkte
Monitor, supervise, control and predictive analysis using real-time network models
Intelligent Electrical GIS interface
Störlichtbogenberechnung fuer Gleichstrom
Kurzschlussberechnungen Gleichstromnetzen
Star™ Auto-Evaluation - Automated Protection & Coordination Evaluation
Software fur Kurzschlussberechnungen von ein-, zwei- oder dreiphasige Wechselstromnetzen
Analyse und Bewertung des Risikos von Störlichtbögen im Stromnetz.
Analysemodul für die Bedarfsermittlung, Lastflussanalyse, Verluste, Leistungsfaktorkorrektur und Spannungsabfallberechnung.
Simulierung und Evaluierung der Auswirkung von Motorenhochlauf auf das Stromnetz.
Generalized connected load schedules & reports for your electrical model
Accurately model system disturbances and events for load shedding, fast bus transfer, critical clearing time
Analyze cold-state starting of generators under normal and emergency conditions
Build and customize complex machine control block diagrams and systems
Calculate equivalent circuit model parameters for motors
Automatically adjusts parameters to match actual field measurements
Accurate multi-Domain phasor and electromagnetic transients co-simulation.
Calculate optimal & alternative cable sizes
Design, analyze, and size cables in underground raceway systems
Cable pulling tension calculator using 3D graphcial layout
Sizing, & Ampacity Software for a complete analysis for subsea cable systems.
Protective earthing / ground conductor sizing calculation tool
Determine cable capacity, sizing, and protection against electric shock
Model, design, and analyze various earthing system configurations
Integrierte AC & DC Lastflussberechnung
The Battery Discharge Analysis module simulates various scenarios, like shutdowns and emergencies, to verify the performance of an existing or sized battery.
Advanced battery sizing selection and verification software
Most comprehensive unsymmetrical system fault simulation module including simultaneous faults
Optimize power system controls and operating conditions based on system objectives and constraints
Define & analyze component outage and failure scenarios
Validate load shedding logic schemes via simulation prior to field deployment
StarZ™ - Perform system-wide protection studies and evaluate the relay performance.
Confirm the sequence of operation and selectivity of protective devices.
Calculated derated ampacity of overhead lines under various operating conditions
Calculate and utilize self and mutual impedances of overhead power lines
Perform sag and tension calculations for transmission and distribution lines
Simulate HVDC response under steady-state and transient conditions
Build a complete switching sequence plan and execute it, all in one step
Visualize, analyze & modify geospatial electrical models and simulation results
Seamless communication with almost any data acquisition system.
Create, model, design integrated electrical one-line diagrams in seconds.
Current carrying capacity calculations for power cables in ships & offshore units
Integrated and unified AC & DC network power flow
This module calculates the bus voltages, branch power factors, currents, and power flows throughout the electrical system.
Equipment modeling for electrical power distribution systems
Detailed logical layout of substation diagrams and equivalent feeder circuits
Oberschwingungsanalyse in 3-, 2- und 1-phasigen Wechselstromsystemen, Pegelberechnung, Oberschwinnungsquelle, Filterdimensionierung
User-friendly interface for creating and managing electrical grid network visualization
Detailed modeling and simulation of transmission equipment for steady-state and dynamic studies
Geospatial tools to better design, analyze, and expand transmission networks and situational awareness
Current carrying capacity calculations for low voltage cables per IEC 60364-5-52 & IEC 60364-4-41
Complete feeder views utilizing logical layout
Time Series Unsymmetrical Unified AC & DC Power Flow
High performance distribution state estimation and non-technical loss software
Continuous electrical topology processing of the system for real-time conditions
Load flow analysis and voltage drop calculations with accurate and reliable results
Track, alarm and schedule maintenance for field equipment based on number of operations
Model, monitor, and manage railway electrical networks
Visualize and analyze airport power system assets using geospatial layout plans
Intelligent modeling environment to create, configure and manage marine electrical system models.
Time Domain Unsymmetrical Unified AC & DC Load Flow
Minimize operating cost and improve generation unit life-time
Element List for Control Systems Elements
Simplify modeling & design by importing Revit drawings to ETAP one-line diagram
Flexible database mapping module to transform and manipulate data between ETAP and other databases
Use etapAPP™ for data collection & syncronisation, system modeling & layout
Flexible alarm management with power analysis based alarming, real-time data and field device notifications.
Create, request and validate switching work order requests, schedules and activities
Intuitive, intelligent, and integrated real-time monitoring via a state-of-the-art interface.
Programmable controller & RTU hardware integrated with ETAP applications.
The ESRI ArcGIS Interface easily converts system models from ESRI ArcGIS to ETAP
Evaluate the operation of Zone Selective Interlock scheme for selectivity of protective devices.
Evaluate transformer inrush current and its impact on the system
Evaluate technologies used to reduce power consumption and increase energy savings.
Accurately identify the system maximum load carrying capacity limits and reactive power compensation requirements
etapAPI is ETAP's public-facing RESTful API. This API can be consumed from any language on any device.
Star™ - An intuitive and logical approach to time-overcurrent protection & selectivity analysis
Grid Code Harmonic Compliance Assessment
A Dedicated Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMT) for simulation and analysis of power system transients.
This module provides a comprehensive automation solution for complex electrical systems. It integrates with onsite renewables, enabling users to customize controller logic and lower maintenance costs via remote updates and performance monitoring.
The ePPC interfaces with the renewable inverters, battery energy storage systems, power conditioning devices & capacitor banks.
Grid Code Compliance Assessment is a process used to ensure that a power generation facility meets the technical requirements set by the grid operator.
Fast & convenient graphical result comparison from multiple studies built on Python™ Framework
Project Tracking streamlines project management by monitoring tasks, dependencies, and progress through intuitive Gantt charts, ensuring timely completion within the ETAP environment.
Interface simplifies the way you design and analyze electrical systems
Module to quickly identify missing information and disabled functions of protective devices
Advanced Fault Analysis Software
Determine if the magnetic fields generated by underground conductors exceed health & safety exposure limits for workers & public
Current Transformer Sizing and Saturation
Cable current carrying capacity & sizing based on AS/NZS 3008
Quasi-Dynamic analysis is an option within Time-Domain Unified Load Flow Analysis.
FlickerMeter evaluates flicker compliance against emission limits. Flicker calculations comply with IEC 61000-4-15, standard for electromagnetic compatibility.
Current carrying capacity & sizing for high voltage power cables per French Standards
The integration of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) improves system reliability and performance.
Increased Productivity with Scripting & Program Automation in Python™
Advanced Framework for Plotting & Live Charts
ArcBlok™ Energy Reducing Line Side Isolation
Unbalanced Network Harmonic Analysis
A data conversion tool for importing project data from ArcFM CIM XML file and generating diagram in ETAP GIS View.
ETAP Short Circuit Analysis complies with IEC 61660 standard, targeting dc auxiliary systems in power plants and substations.
Optimize distributed energy resource (DER) penetration and study the impacts of DERs.
User-Defined Dynamic Model for Alkaline Electrolyzer
Take your greenhouse gas emissions estimations to the next level with advanced accuracy and detail, using real-time data and customizable emission factors for precise carbon footprint assessments.
Determine power plant's reactive power capability and compare against grid interconnection requirements.
Derzeit nur in Frankreich, Spanien und Deutschland verfügbar – Weitere Updates für Q2 geplant.
Advanced Electrical Design streamlines electrical planning into one smart platform, improving BIM workflows. It enables engineers and designers to enhance designs, reduce costs, shorten timelines, and seize new business opportunities.
Dieses Add-on erweitert die Reichweite von Caneco und unterstützt mehrere Sprachen und Standards.
Das AutoCAD OEM-Add-on bietet eine Grundlage für die Entwicklung eines robusten elektrischen CAD-Engineering-Tools.
Ein PDM-Add-on zur Verwaltung von Elektroprojekten, die mit SEE Electrical Expert oder SEE Electrical erstellt wurden
Die Anwendung unterstützt die Montage von Schaltschränken, die mit der 3D-Panel-Software entworfen wurden
Erstellen Sie mit SEE Electrical mit nur wenigen Klicks elektrische Schaltpläne
Ein CAD-Add-on für die Planung von Elektroinstallationen auf Gebäudeplänen
Eine umfassende PLM-Anwendung für die Verwaltung elektrischer Produkte
Eine innovative Software-Suite für die Herstellung elektrischer Kabelbäume
Ein Add-on für den Zugriff auf die elektrische Datenbank mit Referenzen und Symbolen für SEE Electrical und SEE Electrical EXPERT
Die gesamte Leistungsfähigkeit von Electrical CAD für die industrielle Automatisierung und elektrische Kabelbäume
Und Add-on zur Generierung von Elektroprojekten für SEE Electrical Expert und SEE Electrical-Benutzer
Es handelt sich um ein Add-on zum Entwerfen von 2D-Elektrokabelbäumen auf der Grundlage von Schaltplänen in SEE Electrical Expert
Ein Add-on zur Automatisierung der Übersetzung elektrischer Projekte für SEE Electrical Expert
Ein Add-on zum Übersetzen von Projekten für SEE Electrical-Benutzer
Entwerfen und produzieren Sie Schalttafeln, indem Sie eine virtualisierte Umgebung nutzen, um eine räumlichere Perspektive zu erhalten.
Automatisiert die Entwurfs- und Dokumentationsprozesse von Niederspannungsinstallationen.
Das Add-on 2D/3D Digital Modeling vereint die Berechnung mit dem digitalen Gebäudemodell in AutoCAD® oder Revit.
Dokumentation zum elektrischen Leitungsverbindungssystem (EWIS)
Caneco BIM ist ein Revit®-Plugin, das den Austausch elektrischer Informationen zwischen einem digitalen Modell und der Caneco-Softwarepalette ermöglicht.
Elektrische Datenbank mit Gerätedefinitionen
Analyze impact of unbalanced system open phase fault
Determine the optimal transformer turns ratio to deliver maximum reactive power output
Transformer sizing based on altitude, temperature, insulation, number of phases & cooling stage
Unique feature that combines unlimited system data, topology and views in one database
Tool to view, report & batch process cables
Cable impedance calculation tool
Theme, Report, Configuration & Data Managers
Time saving project management tools to record and run any desired study at any time.
A compherensive list of AC/DC elements and protection components for modeling electrical power systems.
Model, monitor, and manage electrical networks
Study results from the latest version of ETAP are automatically compared with results of older releases.
Automatic protective device coordination & selectivity path detection tool
Model and simulate wind farm operation with grid connection
Model unlimited solar panels individually or in groups to form a solar array
Determine pickup and dropout voltages, power losses, current flows and system violations via time series simulation
Solve multiple power flows and compare results at a glance
Solve time varying rolling stock power demand on complex 3 phase, 1 phase, AC & DC networks
Place capacitors for voltage support and power factor correction while minimizing installation and long-term operation costs
Assess the availability and quality of power supply throughout the distribution system
Utilize metering information to determine technical & non-technical losses
Optimize tie-point configuration based on multi-objective requirements
Optimal network restoration to determine fault isolation and restoration strategy, FLISR
Integrated SCADA with intuitive real-time visualization and analyses platform
Web-based applications and views to visualize, simulate, and manage
Simulate harmonic current and voltage sources, reduce nuisance trips, and report distortion limit violations.
Investigate power quality issue and system resonance problems
Size harmonic filters based on a built-in filter types and configurations.
Save hundreds of work-hours by this efficient new multi-user platform for project execution and management.
Map Excel & Access worksheets to ETAP elements
A GUI base electrical tool for organizing and processing huge amounts of data
Bidirectional data synchronization between ETAP and Intergraph’s SmartPlant Electrical (SPEL)
Data exchange between AVEVA Electrical and ETAP analysis solution
Die ETAP Power Monitoring Software bietet eine intuitive und integrierte Echtzeit-Stromüberwachung über eine intelligente grafische Benutzeroberfläche.
Analyse des Energieverbrauchs und die Kostenzuweisung für einzelne Erzeugungseinheiten, Bereiche und das gesamte System.
Für die Untersuchung von Ursachen und Auswirkungen, Verbesserung des Systembetriebs, Untersuchung alternativer Maßnahmen und Wiedergabe von Was-wäre-wenn-Szenarien.
Die Lastprognose ist ein ideales Instrument für industrielle Nutzer und Versorgungsunternehmen, um die künftige kurzfristige Belastung des Netzes zuverlässig und genau vorherzusagen.
A multi-area supervisory control system to regulate generation levels
Allocate changing generation demand of a power system amongst controllable generator units.
Device interlocks, system optimization, control inhibits
Manage electrical transaction schedules and dispatches tradings that results from the buying and selling of energy.
Monitor system operating capacity and dynamically calculate the system generation versus load forecast balance.
Preserve system operation against disturbances, loss of generation, and unplanned outages.
Restores loads incrementally based on knowledge of process and electrical system interdependencies
Intelligent analysis processes to manage the monitored data for substation level and central system evaluation.
Peak load shifting, load start inhibition, Demand Side Management system
VVO optimizes system voltage & vars utilizing tap changers, regulators, capacitors, inverters, etc.
Cable ampacity calculation based on IEEE recommended practice for industrial and commercial power systems
Cable ampacity calculation based on ICEA / NEMA standard for cable tray installations
Cable ampacity calculation based on National Electrical Code
Current carrying capacity & sizing for low voltage cable installations per British Standards
Current carrying capacity calculations for high voltage power cables per IEC 60502
Current carrying capacity & sizing for low voltage power cables per French Standards
Embed system control logic & procedures in a sequence
Fast, accurate design and analysis of ground grid system & earthing mat
Model and define characteristics for Overhead Catenary Systems (OCS), Railway Track, Traction Transformers, etc.
Detailed rolling stock library including locomotives, passenger wagons, freight, etc.
Converter modeling including characteristics for controlled, uncontrolled and bi-directional operating modes.
Visualize geospatial assest including tracks, overhead catenary system and traction substations
Graphically identify and select track routes
Define, organize and assign train consist to a train timetable
Train performance simulation program to examine the interaction between trains along a route
Records and summarizes customer outage-related trouble call information
Automated outage prediction across your distribution system
Organized and efficient management and correlation of crews to Work Orders or Tickets
Planned outage scheduler & management system
Used in situations where major network damage is present and requires quick response
Real-time dashboard summaries and tabulation of outage data and quality of service indices
Programm zu Vorhersage des Systemverhaltens als Reaktion auf Bedieneraktionen und -Ereignisse unter Verwendung von Echtzeit- und archivierten Daten.
Easily design and analyze electrical distribution panel boards and load schedules.
Unbalanced power flow analysis and voltage drop calculations with accurate and reliable results
Conversion tools to import from legacy power system software
Native Integration mit IEDs, RTUs, SCADA-Servern und anderen Geräten, die verbreitete Industriestandardprotokolle verwenden.
An interface for monitoring, control and automation for substations.
Analyze disturbances, islanding conditions, and stability limits
Detect abnormalities in the system through Intelligent Electronic Devices.
Erhalten Sie einen vertieften Einblick in unsere Elektrotechnik-Software und fordern Sie eine für Sie passende Schulung an.
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