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ETAP Unbalanced Network Load Flow Analysis software empowers engineers to easily model your unbalanced system, incorporating a detailed representation of component unsymmetrical characteristics, while providing accurate, reliable, and insightful results that describe your system's unbalanced operation conditions and open phase conditions.
The Unbalanced Network Load Flow Analysis program efficiently solves unbalanced networks and provides thorough results including phase and sequence values of voltage levels, power flows, current distribution, and unbalance indices throughout the electrical system. Automatic alarms / warning are incorporated to compare limits and duties for the correct design and operation of power system apparatus.
Additionally, the module offers comprehensive reports, a diverse set of visualization tools, and an efficient result analyzer to enhance engineers' analysis efficiency.
A unified AC/DC load flow is offered as a separate capability, enabling engineers to seamlessly analyze both AC and DC networks simultaneously.
ETAP and industry experts from the ETAP NUUG, successfully enhanced the ETAP Unbalanced Load Flow module to be able to model and analyze the effects of both single and double open-phase faults.
This presentation will discuss how the recently updated ETAP unbalanced load flow feature has been used for analyzing the effects of an open-phase fault on several TVA nuclear power stations.
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