Energy Accounting Analysis
Energy accounting software provides energy usage analysis and cost allocation for individual generation units, areas, and the entire system. ETAP can track and create energy billing reports based on user-definable energy cost functions and energy tariffs. The energy cost / profit analysis and energy production / consumption billing are reported for generators and inter-tie exchanges.
Energy Cost Reporting Key Features
- Cost Allocation
- Real-Time Energy Cost Tracker
- Predict system-wide energy usage & cost
- User-definable cost functions & heat rates
- Track energy related costs
- Negotiate better energy rates
- Avoid unnecessary peak demands & penalties
- Implement cost savings programs
- Make better decisions on generation opportunities
- Improve energy usage of existing plant facilities
- Cost/profit analysis report
- Production/consumption billing

Energy Accounting software provides real-time cost and usage comparison against on-site generation, power exchange allocation, and spinning reserves while providing power consumption and pricing profiles for reporting purposes.

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