Cable Pulling
Cable Pulling Analysis
Cable Pulling Analysis accounts for multiple cables of different sizes and allows complex 3D pulling path geometry.
Accurate prediction of cable pulling tension is essential for the proper design of cable systems.
This knowledge makes it possible to avoid under-estimated and/or over conservative design practices to achieve substantial capital savings during construction.
A point-by-point calculation method is performed at every conduit bend and pull point. Both the forward and reverse pulling tensions are calculated for determining the preferred direction of pull.
A point-by-point calculation method is performed at every conduit bend and pull point. Both the forward and reverse pulling tensions are calculated for determining the preferred direction of pull.
Cable Pulling Software Capabilities
- Calculate forward & reverse pulling tensions
- Calculate pulling tensions at all bend points
- Calculate the maximum tension limited by sidewall pressures
- Calculate the maximum allowable pulling tension
- Allow segments to have non-zero slopes as well as horizontal bends (non-planer segments)
- Calculate the conduit percent fill
- Calculate the total length of run (pull)
- Compare the maximum tension limitations against the calculated pulling tensions
- Evaluate possible conduit jamming
- Account for the equivalent tension for cables pulled from reels
- Provide tolerance for cable weights & outside diameters
- Provide reduction factors for calculating allowable tension for multiple cables
- Cradled & triangular cable configurations
- Summary & alert windows
- Fundamental cable pulling study results
- Flag cable tensions that exceed limits
- Flag conduit percent fill limits
- Flag non-conforming NEC code requirements
- Graphical display of cable pulling analysis results
- Report sidewall tension, forward & reverse pull including violation flags
- Pulling schematic showing segment & bend plots
- Conduit cross-section showing conduit & cable plots
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