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Successful and continuous management of data and assets in a digital substation can be a complex process. Power system asset management requires orchestration that addresses data management, personnel training, systems integration, maintenance testing, documentation combined with change management workflows.
ETAP eProtect™ is a centralized enterprise protection asset management solution that communicates with field protection relays and ETAP Protection & Coordination modules to manage location, information and settings throughout the lifecycle of protective relays and electrical assets.
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Manage thousands of protective devices, functions and substation assets
Centralized Asset Management System eProtect Asset Management Solution includes an extensive and universal storage database that hosts, vast and diverse data, from unlimited devices including protection relays, CTs, VTs, substation transformers, station batteries, and more.
Achieve a single source of truth for engineering and operation
eProtect uses ETAP Digital Twin Unified ModelDigital twinning allows for an accurate representation of the power system, its characteristics, behavior, and responsiveness under various conditions such that improvements can be made. ETAP Digital Twin is a unified engineering and real-time platform used to model, design, visualize, analyze, predict, control, and provide insight into the management and performance of electrical power systems.
Integrate the asset management system with protection and coordination solutions which will assist engineers in evaluating and optimizing relay settings
Integration with ETAP Design and Analysis Combine eProtect with power system analysis, coordination studies, automatic protection, & coordination evaluation, arc flash assessment, historical events, real-time operating data, and more to optimize the electrical system for any given condition.
Different database for each manufacturer
Vendor agnostic asset management system eProtect supports the direct import and export of settings information from multiple manufacturer platforms. This allows for a large volume of numerical relay settings to be imported into the database as well as generation of settings file to upload into the protection relays avoiding the need to be transcribed manually.
Time spent on data collection used for Protection and Arc Flash studies
Settings file consumption, generation and management Once the settings are available in the eProtect database, ETAP protection and coordination analysis software is utilized for settings design and verification unlocking productivity gains in the settings development, evaluation, and management process.
Change management and audit trails
Workflows, Access Control and Notifications Business logic including workflows handling protection settings can be setup in rulebooks to be company specific. The workflow definition and size are flexible and user-defined. Email notifications can be triggered by workflow events. eProtect tracks changes being made to the network database as well as relay settings database including settings, device modification, and locations are stored in an audit trail.
Ensure compliance with standards and grid requirements
Built-in compliance auditing and reporting eProtect compliance auditing and management system can setup, save, and store study parameters and intuitively rerun the same study in the future that pertains to NERC PRC or other local standards. View colored-coded study results to easily identify areas of noncompliance that require remedy actions.
Assess relay performance under operating conditions and system disturbances
Verification and Validation of Relay Settings Advanced Fault Analysis System – AFAS is used to determine fault type, improve fault location accuracy, and provide a thorough assessment and validation of relay settings. AFAS decisions and ETAP Predictive Simulation offer insight into relay performance, setting evaluation, and system-wide protective device operation.
eProtect’s power system asset management software is leveraged from an ETAP model. Not only will you be able to find, share, track, update and store asset data but also optimize your network protection through an agile & flexible system which provides true insight into the big picture.