Harmonic Analysis
Complied Harmonic Standards:
- IEEE 519
- IEEE 141
- IEEE 519-2014 - MV / HV / EHV
- IEC 61000-3-14 - LV
- IEC 61000-3-6
Harmonic Load Flow Capabilities
- User-expandable harmonic source library
- Modeling voltage & current harmonic sources
- Considering both harmonic source magnitudes & phase angles
- Global, local & individual location compliance rule book for voltage & current distortion
- Harmonic source based spectrum or device parameters
- Model up to the seventy-third (73rd) harmonic
- Temperature-dependent line & cable resistances
- Automatic adjustment of equipment impedance to harmonic frequency
- Includes phase shifting transformers
- Build-in single-tuned, high-pass, & band-pass harmonic filter models
- Create harmonic filters to shift resonance points to less harmful frequencies
- Identify harmonic distortion problems
- Identify & analyze telephone interference problems by harmonics
- Identify parallel resonance conditions
- Fundamental load flow results
- IEEE 519 defined harmonic indices
- Skin effect models for motors & transformers
- Automatic TDD current distortion limit evaluation
- Enhanced load equipment cable modeling
- Voltage & current alerts with percentile multipliers
- Total & harmonic voltage & current
- Harmonic Distortions (THD & IHD)
- Root Mean Square Values (RMS)
- Voltage Arithmetic Summation (ASUM)
- Telephone Interference Factor (TIF)
- I*T product
- Time-domain waveform plots
- Frequency-domain harmonic spectrum plots
- Harmonic filter performance evaluation
- Report voltage & current harmonic distortions
- Report RMS, ASUM, TIF, & I*T values
- Text output reports including harmonic violation flags
- Graphical one-line display of harmonic results
- Voltage & current harmonic spectrum plots
- Export one-line diagrams to third party CAD systems
- Fundamental load flow results
- Use Crystal Reports® for full color, customizable reports
- Export output reports to your favorite word processor
- Multiple plot database comparison in single window using Plot Analyzer™ tool
How to perform Harmonic Analysis with ETAP
Learn how engineers use ETAP Harmonic Analysis software to simulate harmonic current and voltage sources, identify harmonic problems, reduce nuisance trips, design, and test filters, and report harmonic voltage and current distortion limit violations on balanced or unbalanced systems. Additionally, for transmission and distribution system operators, Harmonic Grid Code automates harmonic analysis for detailed power quality assessment reporting demonstrating the generation facility is designed to comply with applicable harmonic limits. Study reports include worst-case incremental and total harmonic distortion, frequency-dependent Thevenin Equivalent at PCC, and color-coded impedance loci charts.
Power Quality - Fundamentals of Harmonics
This webinar presents the fundamentals of harmonics, harmonic distortion and its sources, and related issues such as premature equipment failure or unplanned downtime.
The presentation will demonstrate how to identify, analyze, and minimize or eliminate harmonics problems using the ETAP software.
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