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A tablet application to streamline field data collection as well as model, verify, and visualize electrical systems using logical and geospatial asset location and connectivity.
ETAP Battery Energy Storage Systems solution helps improve system reliability and performance, offers renewable smoothing, and can increase the profit margins of renewable farm owners.
Enterprise Protection & Asset Management Software A centralized protection asset management application communicating with protective relays & electrical assets and ETAP Protection & Coordination modules to manage location & settings data.
ETAP ArcFault™ software is recommended for performing Arc Flash Analysis on electrical utilities and renewable power systems operating at 15 kV and above.
ETAP’s Renewable Energy offering enables designers and engineers to conceptualize the collector systems, determine wind & PV solar penetration and perform grid interconnection studies.
An integrated model-driven design software and control hardware solution to develop, simulate, optimize, test, and deploy microgrid controllers with inherent capabilities to fine-tune the logic for maximum system resiliency.
ETAP DataX provides interfaces to 3rd-party engineering and CAD software as well as built-in tools to automatically convert from legacy power system analysis software.
ETAP Arc Flash Analysis software is used to perform arc flash analysis for systems from 0.208 kV to 15 kV in accordance with IEEE 1584-2018 “IEEE Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard Calculations.”
The magnetic field exposure analysis tool uses balanced & unbalanced load-flow currents and angles to determine the location of the worst-case magnetic field exposure due to conductors in underground raceways.