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Mission critical operations need a reliable power system that operates by supplementing the utility grid in parallel mode or autonomous island mode in a clean, optimized, low cost and resilient manner.ETAP μGrid™ (Microgrid) includes an advanced electrical digital twin model combined with intelligent automation and system protection to optimize and control simple or complex microgrid electric and thermal systems.
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ETAP Microgrid Control offers an integrated model-driven solution to design, simulate, optimize, test, and control microgrids with inherent capability to fine-tune the logic for maximum system resiliency and energy efficiency.
ETAP Microgrid software allows for design, modeling, analysis, islanding detection, optimization and control of microgrids.
ETAP Microgrid software includes a set of fundamental modeling tools, built-in analysis modules, and engineering device libraries that allow you to create, configure, customize, and manage your system model. Microgrid controller response can be verified and validated prior to connecting it into the field.
ETAP offers a fully configurable model-driven microgrid controller that provides considerable flexibility to achieve desired control functionalities. Once the controller logic is deployed to the ETAP Microgrid controller hardware software-in-the-loop (SIL) or hardware-in-the-loop (HIL), testing can be utilized where the physical controller interacts with the model of the microgrid and associated devices.
ETAP Microgrid Controller hardware is designed for environments while delivering optimal performance, fast response, and security.
<1 MWPortable Microgrid Controller
< 20 MWMountable Microgrid Controller
> 20 MWMountable Microgrid Controller
ETAP offers engineering services in the entire process of design, analysis, monitoring and programming of control functions based on user requirements.
ETAP Microgrid Energy Management System is an-all-inclusive holistic software and hardware platform that provides complete system automation for safe and reliable operation.
The solution integrates with onsite Cogeneration, Solar PV, Energy Storage, Absorption Chillers, and more to manage load demand and cost-effective generation in real-time.
Use ETAP Digital Twin to design, analyze, and validate, and configure the microgrid system, objectives, and logics. Validate controller logic with ETAP software-in-the-loop (SIL) or hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) systems then simply transfer the model to ETAP Microgrid Controller to deploy.
After deployment, the controllers can control live microgrids via their communication systems and can be fine-tuned and re-deployed instantly without any decommissioning. Use the controller hardware to view, adjust parameters, set up function, update logics via easy to use HMIs that consolidates all necessary information.
Intelligent real-time situational awareness and forecast-driven predictive simulations to reliably and accurately determine short-term loading and generation, especially from inconsistent sources such as wind and solar.
ETAP Microgrid automatically identifies and adapts to system changes using proven control and optimization algorithms to handle unexpected events. Proactive generation dispatch and switching control logics regulate voltage and frequency for system preservation during and after an islanded condition.
ETAP’s Advanced Microgrid Management Control considers and responds to multiple contingencies simultaneously to preserve critical loads.
Evaluate energy-reducing strategies such as moving on-peak usage to off-peak periods or shifting from one rate schedule to another to improve the bottom line. Fast load curtailment and remedial actions based on load and generation changes and priorities.
The Red Sea Utility Grid is in the Tabuk province of Saudi Arabia. The site is a vast 33,000 km2 of islands, lagoon, coastal plain and mountains with extremely diverse marine life and terrestrial landforms. The grid is divided into four off-grid microgrids. The focus of this presentation is about three of the microgrids that are very similar in size and operation. Each of these microgrids includes two PV generation (total 6 MW), two battery storages (total 5MW, ~18 MWh), and two emergency backup diesel generators (~ total 3.8 MW). The system is designed to achieve high reliability by having redundancy at various levels.
Engineering and operation objectives of mission-critical facilities require a reliable and secure power supply system. Microgrids have become the leading technological solution for a resilient and sustainable supply of electricity for critical infrastructures. This paper presents ETAP-based power system studies of a microgrid designed for a mission-critical facility, a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The microgrid consists of a behind-the-meter (BTM) solar photovoltaic (PV) system, a battery energy storage system (BESS), a combined heat and power (CHP) generator, and standby diesel generators. We modeled this microgrid by leveraging the ETAP software and performed power system studies for both grid-connected and islanded modes of operation. Several scenarios were created based on different loading conditions and power source combinations, which are utilized to validate the power system studies. We will discuss the model of the power system investigated, operational strategy and sequences of operation, findings, challenges, lessons learned, and future works.
This webinar outlines how ETAP Microgrid Control Solution devises and implements adaptive strategies to enable a smooth transition between grid-connected and islanded modes during unplanned islanding.
This webinar examines the microgrid controller’s architecture, hardware deployment workflow, and a range of advanced monitoring tools. Learn how ETAP Digital Twin platform enables the design and deployment of ETAP's Intelligent μGrid™ solution.
As more Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) are added and mixed into the grid, the need to effectively evaluate and validate the dynamic response of power systems has become essential for grid resiliency, reliability, and security. In this webinar, learn how ETAP Transient Stability Analysis addresses needs and challenges of stability studies for power systems with integrated DERs.
ETAP's μGrid™ solution combines model-driven microgrid controller hardware with advanced power management software to unlock system resiliency, optimized cost, security, and sustainability. This webinar focuses on microgrid design and software-based validation.