Dynamics & Stability Analysis - Professional

4-Day Workshop
May 6 - 9, 2025
Houston, United States
Fee: $ 2,680


ETAP Overview
Introduction of Power Systems Transients & Dynamics
Synchronous Generators
Generator Control Basics
Power Transferring Capability
Swing Equation
Equal Area Criterion
Exciter and Dynamics
Governor and Dynamics
Power System Stabilizer (PSS)
Typical Transient Stability Studies

Critical Fault Clearing Time
Critical System Separation Time
Voltage / Frequency Relay Protection
Motor Dynamic Acceleration / Reacceleration
Generation Plant Local Load Effect
Transient Stability Study Example

Generation Plant
Deviated System Frequency Operating Study
Frequency Deviation Transient Study
Excitation System Fault Study
Turbine-Governor Internal Fault Study
Negative Forcing Excitation Study
Exciter and Governor Dynamic Model
Parameter Tuning
Generator Startup

Under-frequency load shedding study 
Intelligent Load Shedding Study
Bus (load) transferring study
Fast Bus / Load Transfer
Residual Bus Transfer

Active Power Transferring Capability Study
Reactive Power Transferring Capability Study
Generator Frequency Response
Generator Damping Factor Effect Study
Generator Inertia Effect
Load Dynamic Model Effect
Fault Clearing Time Effect
Excitation Effect
Governor Effect
PSS Effect Study
Synchronizing Impedance Effect
Maximum Exchange Power
Hybrid Wind-Diesel Power Penetration

Fundamentals of Excitation System Modeling
Creating an Exciter / AVR Model
Creating Power Factor and Mvar Controllers
Creating a PSS Model

Fundamentals of Governor / Prime Mover Modeling
Creating a Governor Model in UDM
Debugging Techniques and UDM Governor Internal Actions
Governor Model Initialization Requirements
Creating Generic Dynamic Load Models

Fundamentals of Machine Parameter Tuning
Dynamic Parameter Estimation & Tuning
Machine Model Parameter Estimation & Tuning for Asynchronous Machines
MPET and DPET Examples

Workshop Description

  • The purpose of this 4-day professional hands-on workshop is to develop a more thorough understanding of the capabilities of ETAP in regards to stability & dynamics of the system.
  • The topics covered in this workshop embrace fundamentals on power system dynamics and stability as well as induction and synchronous machine dynamics. Modeling of their associated control systems such as excitation/AVR, turbine/governor and PSS are discussed.
  • Additional topics include network and load modeling, steady-state and transient-state stability limits, simulation of system disturbances and actions, motor starting and acceleration, affects of system parameters, common transient stability studies such as critical fault clearing time, critical islanding time, protective device settings, bus transfer, load shedding, etc. Case studies from actual industrial and T&D systems will be provided and worked on.
  • Through the hands-on exercises using ETAP, the attendees will acquire the knowledge, skills, and experience to conduct power system dynamic and stability studies for their own systems.
  • This workshop does not include any refresher on fundamentals of power system modeling in ETAP.
  • An ETAP workstation is provided for each attendee.

Who should attend

  • ETAP professional workshops are recommended for engineers who have taken prior ETAP workshops and/or are proficient in basic functionalities of ETAP. 
  • This series of workshops use the current ETAP version in multiple practical cases and teaches how to fully utilize ETAP capabilities more efficiently to analyze the dynamic behavior of the systems.
  • Recommended for users who have practical experience with the details of power system modeling, managing 3-dimensional database and utilizing device libraries in the ETAP application, as well as being familiar with performing the transient cases & dynamic analysis.


3.2 CEUs available by completing this workshop.


ETAP Learning Center - Gulf Region
14330 W. Sylvanfield Drive
Houston, TX 77014
+1 (281) 493 0300

Date & Time

May 6 - 9, 2025
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Time zone: UTC


Light breakfast snacks, beverages, and lunch are included with the registration fee.


All travel and hotel arrangements are the responsibility of the attendees.


ETAP - Corporate Headquarters
17 Goodyear
Irvine, California 92618
United States
+1 (949) 900 1000
+1 (949) 900 1000

ETAP Training Services | (949) 900-1084 |