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The complexities of microgrid evaluation cannot be overstated, involving numerous studies that must be conducted across various stages from design to real-time operation. To power up your understanding of microgrid analysis and get a demonstration the innovative methods offered by ETAP software, attend this webinar, and stay for the Q&A session afterward to get your questions answered.
What you’ll learn:
The data-driven technology, built-in functions, and specific scenarios demonstrating the performance of the ETAP Microgrid Controller will be presented for both grid-tied and off-grid microgrid examples. The hardware-in-loop testing capability of ETAP software will also be demonstrated, showcasing its real-time digital simulator and its application for testing and validating microgrid controller functions. Overall, the ETAP microgrid solution is an integrated environment that efficiently evaluates and optimizes microgrid systems, providing customers with cost and time-saving benefits.
(2:00 AM - 3:00 AM UTC)
Engineers and technical professionals involved in power systems, renewable energy, and energy storage. Utility companies, independent power producers, and system operators. Researchers and academic institutions working on microgrid technologies. Policymakers and regulators interested in promoting sustainable energy solutions.
This webinar is free. Registration is required.
Jan 30, 20252:00 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
ETAP - Corporate Headquarters17 GoodyearIrvine, CA 92618United States+1 (949) 900
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