
New Version with Expanded Features & Functionalities

Download Free 30-Day Demo

ETAP Demo is a free 30-day working version of the software with specific activated modules and  functionalities including samples projects for a variety of systems.

The demo version includes the following features and modules by default:

  • Auto-Build & Rule Book One-Line Diagram
  • Load Flow
  • Wind Turbine Generator & PV Array Elements
  • Panel Systems
  • Short Circuit (ANSI, IEC, GOST)
  • Star™ - Protective Device Coordination

The latest Demo version is based on the latest ETAP 20 series, offering expanded list of modules and features not available in previous releases. Click here to view a list of additional module that can be activated upon request including Arc Flash IEEE 1584-2018 and more.

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Координация работы устройств

окт 31, 2016, 21:41
Duration : 5:14
External URL :
Кратко ознакомьтесь с ETAP Star™ - модулем координации работы защитных устройств.
Categories :
  • ETAP Demo
  • Учебник
Tags :
  • ETAP 16
  • ETAP 16 Demo Page
  • ETAP 16 Demo Page PT
  • ETAP 16 Getting Started
STAR Protective Device Coordination

Видеоролики с обзором существующих решений

Координация работы устройств

окт 31, 2016, 21:41
Duration : 5:14
External URL :
Кратко ознакомьтесь с ETAP Star™ - модулем координации работы защитных устройств.
Categories :
  • ETAP Demo
  • Учебник
Tags :
  • ETAP 16
  • ETAP 16 Demo Page
  • ETAP 16 Demo Page PT
  • ETAP 16 Getting Started
STAR Protective Device Coordination