112 Item(s) found

AC Arc Flash using IEEE 1584 - University Campus Case Study

AC Arc Flash using IEEE 1584 - University Campus Case Study

Since the release of IEEE 1584-2018, the industry has been challenged to reach a consensus on applying the new standard. The most significant application “pain” so far has been identifying actual equipment data for input to the study, including bus gap and electrode configurations in the equipment. A case study of an arc flash analysis for a large university campus with MV and LV power distribution equipment of different types, vintages, and manufacturers is presented. The presentation highlights selection of electrode configuration(s) for various equipment types and voltage levels and correct application of arc current and enclosure size correction factors to significantly reduce the data entry time and effort. The presentation will cover upcoming IEEE P1584.1 revisions to apply IEEE 1584 for arc-flash hazard calculations directly from the revision subgroup chair.

Data Center Power System Expansion: DC Arc Flash Case Study

Data Center Power System Expansion: DC Arc Flash Case Study

Case study of a a power system study, which involved the replacement of an extensive UPS system at a data center. The studies included short-circuit, protective device coordination, and arc-flash hazard analysis for both the AC and DC systems consistent with the NFPA 70E 2018 and IEEE 1584 2018 Standards. The DC equipment as installed required mitigation efforts due to high incident energies. This presentation details the analysis, findings, and recommended mitigation for anyone embarking on similar retrofit or expansion studies.

Hyperloop Propulsion System from Design to Operate

Hyperloop Propulsion System from Design to Operate

HyperloopTT focuses on systems that moves people and goods safely, efficiently and sustainably; bringing airplane speeds to the ground by using passive levitation and electric linear propulsion in a low-pressure tube. This presentation discusses the complex power system challenges and collaboration with ETAP for conceptual design and detailed engineering of the 1st commercial prototype. The companies will then thereafter collaborate with ETAP and migrate the digital twin into operations to validate and improve the prototype design and extend to upcoming long-distance commercial & freight systems.

Sustainable Transportation - SCADA & Maintenance Planning

Sustainable Transportation - SCADA & Maintenance Planning

This case study for Mumbai Metro Rail covers Operator Training Simulator (OTS), where the customer is specifically looking for a simulation environment to test their operations in a real-time environment for the following reasons: avoid errors, enhance communication & management of new crews, train inexperienced operators, certification and competency for operators, situational awareness & workload management. ETAP OTS helped Schneider Electric, India, to give the right solution for Metro Mumbai. ETAP OTS utilizes a model-driven power network that enables the customer to approve switching procedures, perform predictive simulations to verify correct switching actions with software-in-the-loop, replicate real-world situations with unlimited scenarios for knowledge transfer via a trainer-to-trainees learning environment.

Integrated Modeling and Analysis of Electrified Railroad Operations and Traction Power Systems

Integrated Modeling and Analysis of Electrified Railroad Operations and Traction Power Systems

The presentation covers: physical modeling of rail systems, techniques to speed modeling development, eTraX modular integration in ETAP, railroad & power system model validation, railroad & power system model calibration, integrating railroad operations & power system analysis. Practical lessons learned that address project challenges and solutions are discussed. The value of modeling and analysis, engineering deliverables, why they have value, and creating value streams are presented. 

The Crucial Role of ADMS for Smart Cities

The Crucial Role of ADMS for Smart Cities

Smart City's objective is to develop resilient, safe, sustainable, and healthy living. The advent of DERs and ICT infrastructure in Smart City presents challenges and many significant opportunities for novel technologies together with distribution utility control room operation powered by ADMS. This presentation will describe how Smart Cities functions, ranging from city planning to operational resilience and sustainable urban growth, which can leverage and assist the utility control room ADMS application.

The Role Of ADMS For Improved Power Distribution Operation​

The Role Of ADMS For Improved Power Distribution Operation​

Noida Power Company Limited implemented ETAP ADMS to improve its distribution network's operation, outage response, and increase revenue. This presentation introduces ETAP ADMS and demonstrates how NPCL has leveraged the solution to maximize revenue, enhance reliability, and improve customer satisfaction.

The Case for Online Monitoring Using ETAP Real-Time™ in a Nuclear Power Plant

The Case for Online Monitoring Using ETAP Real-Time™ in a Nuclear Power Plant

At a given nuclear power plant, nuclear safety is directly dependent on a reliable source of electric power supplied via the plant’s auxiliary power system. The auxiliary power system typically consists of an MV and LV AC and a DC distribution system, powering thousands of individual loads and circuits. The presentation explores past practices and recent developments in the online monitoring of such systems using a digital twin. It includes the reasons for utilizing online monitoring, the advantages and benefits, i.e., business, safety, reliability.

Intelligent Load Shedding - a Business Case by PTAR de Bello

Intelligent Load Shedding - a Business Case by PTAR de Bello

The presentation shows the implementation of ETAP Intelligent Load Shedding in the water treatment plant of Bello, Colombia. First, a description of the production process that is carried out within the plant is given, then particularities of the power system are shown, and a general description of the architecture regarding the automation system of the plant are made. Finally, the intelligent load shedding system is presented, as a predictive system to keep the system online, in the event of contingencies that affect its stability.

Critical Power Solutions​ for Data Centers

Critical Power Solutions​ for Data Centers

As computing requirements continue to increase, data centers are becoming a larger portion of the total world-wide loading. It is critical that the monitoring solutions for these data centers are intelligent in order to maintain a reliable, safe, and efficient asset. During this presentation we will take a deep dive in one such data center utilizing the ETAP eSCADA / PMS solution to achieve an optimal data center.