Traction One-Line Diagram

Traction Single-Line Diagram

Traction Single-Line Diagram

Traction One-Line Diagram is a user-friendly interface to interactively create and manage railway network models using schematic visualization.

Traction One Line Diagram

Traction one-line diagram is used to model, monitor, and manage electrical networks as well as execute simulation scenarios and analyze their results in a simple and intuitive manner. Other features include multi-level nesting of sub-systems, multi-color symbols, interfaces for management of switching devices, and a unique multi-dimensional database.

Intelligent One-Line Diagram Key Features

  • Represent railway power system and distribution network
  • Integrated 3-phase, 1-phase AC & DC systems
  • Include rail grounding and bonding information
  • High-resolution graphics with detailed single-line diagram showing isolators, insulators, neutral sections, etc.
  • Information and result visualization with Datablocks
  • Composite Networks for detailed traction power substations
  • Theme manager with voltage, train route and grounding / earthing colors
  • Graphical contouring based on study results
  • Export and print diagrams with print area definition and preview
  • Train animation based on study results
  • Interactive time slider for multi-result visualization
Traction Substation Results Contouring


Theme & Contouring

Utilize flexible heatmap based background coloring scheme to visualize key results when working with large networks. Theme and contouring allow for identification and easy understanding of key information at-a-glance.

Color coding may be based on phase, AC or DC, voltage level, area classification, grounding, LV earthing, train route, etc.

Color contouring via heat maps allows for a user-configurable heatmap behind the diagrams. These maps may be color coded based on voltage or power flow magnitude.

Intelligent Traction One-Line Diagram




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