Predictive Simulation
Predictive Simulation Analysis
Online Predictive Simulation analysis is a powerful analytical tool that allows for prediction of system behavior in response to operator actions and events via the use of real-time and archived data.
Predictive Simulation Key Benefits
- Full spectrum AC & DC analyses
- Emulate response of protective devices
- Evaluate protection & control actions
- Get online data on-demand
- Retrieve archived data for system analysis
- One-touch simulation
- View & analyze initial & post-disturbance actions
- Intelligent interactive graphical user interface
- Online simulation alerts
- Automatic scenario simulation using Project Wizard
- Accurate analysis with actual operating values
- Virtual operation of power systems
- Improve system planning & design
- Recognize & correct potential hidden problems
- Avoid “unforeseen” errors
- Prevent system interruption
- Determine under-utilization of system resources
- Identify the cause of operation problems
- Accelerate engineer & operator training
- Virtual test of operator / controller actions
- Validate system settings
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