Excel & Access Interface

Excel & Access Interface

Excel & Access Interface

Data Exchange - Microsoft Excel Open Format Excel DataX ETAP

Microsoft Excel & Access Interface

  • Map Excel & Access worksheets to ETAP elements
  • Automatic one-line diagram generation
  • Synchronize data to ETAP projects
  • Perform consistency checks during data exchange
  • Substitute missing information with ETAP defaults & library data
  • Open-Format Excel DataX


Open-Format Excel DataX

Import from an Excel spreadsheet with any input data, layout, format, & field names
  • Sync Motor
  • Induction Motor
  • Lumped load
  • Static Load
  • 2-Winding Transformer
  • Cable
  • Bus
Intelligent equipment mapping
  • Recognize the type of equipment up front
  • Map equipment as new or existing


Customizable equipment mapping
  • Change the default mapping for equipment already mapped
  • Skip importing selective equipment in the user-interface
Customizable data mapping
  • Change the equipment data mapping in the mapping table
Customizable logic for data dictionary
  • Recognize input data based on the default logic provided in XML file
  • Customized logic to the XML file for more import flexibility
Add customized captions & headers to the spreadsheet



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