
Seamless Transition
From Grid-Connected to Islanded Mode

Microgrid Technical Webinar


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Microgrid Energy Management Solution

Edge control solution for microgrids & distributed energy resources ​ ​


Seamless Transition of Microgrids - From Grid-Connected to Islanded Mode


Power systems continue to face blackouts from a variety of natural and human-made disasters which increases the importance of Microgrids due to their inherent ability of islanding to ensure uninterrupted service. This video outlines the challenges of unplanned and planned outages and how the ETAP Microgrid Controller is utilized to achieve a smooth transition to islanding.

Mission critical operations need a reliable power system that operates by supplementing the utility grid in parallel mode or autonomous island mode in a clean, optimized, low cost and resilient manner.

ETAP μGrid™ (Microgrid) includes an advanced electrical digital twin model combined with intelligent automation and system protection to optimize and control simple or complex microgrid electric and thermal systems.

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