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ETAP 2024에서

베타 1

ETAP 2024의 베타 1 릴리스, 통합 설계 및 운영을 발표하게 된 것을 기쁘게 생각합니다 효율성을 극대화하고 향상시키도록 설계된 새로운 사용자 인터페이스를 특징으로 하는 솔루션 생산성을 높이고 전반적인 사용자 경험을 단순화합니다.  

이 주요 업데이트는 신선하고 현대적인 디자인, 즉 ETAP Design & 의 새로운 얼굴과 명령 패러다임을 제공합니다. Operate Solutions - 업계 최고의 소프트웨어와 상호 작용하는 방식을 재구상합니다.

최신 리본 인터페이스, 통합 의도 및 명령

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Distribution Network Analysis

1 19, 2023, 23:31 오후
Duration : 19:22
External URL :
Alpine Energy Case Study – Building a model for today and the uncertain tomorrow. To maximize the benefit from our ETAP models, we developed a system that makes use of the available features to provide structure to our system models, and allow flexibility to deal with future model expansion and changes. The foundation to achieving this objective was the establishment of a naming convention and model structure that would enable the loading of models and data handling processes to be done with ease. Further enhancing our use of ETAP, we make use of templates and color coding linked to the themes to match the real world network in the modelling world. Lastly, the library was built from scratch and has now matured to a stage where new data is phased in and updated during the validation of models. Following our investment in building our models, in order to maximize the benefit from our ETAP, we developed rigorous processes to ensure accuracy and consistency in building models and managing data. Once data is updated, we utilize ETAP to run Load Flow, Fault Level and Protection Coordination studies and rely on ETAP multi-dimensional database capabilities to set financial years, switching configurations and add new proposed loads to the relevant configuration year. Combining the above features and processes, we have established a disciplined and rigorous Network Development Planning process using ETAP. This has enabled us to plan for the future in an efficient and effective manner. Our ETAP models are benchmarked against actual power system conditions by collecting historical demand data (voltages and currents) from smart meters at customer level, power quality measurement devices at distribution transformers, protection relays at substations, and our SCADA system. But this is not the end, we have developed a future roadmap for our ETAP models with plans to fully integrate with our geospatial information system and our supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) environment, to utilize protection coordination, and build smart scenario wizards to do the hard work for us.
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