SoCal User Group Meeting, December 2017
December 5, the SoCal User Group met at the ETAP Headquarters in Irvine.
The meeting started with a social get-together, giving users the opportunity to share their practical experiences with ETAP, interact and network with ETAP employees and other users.
The meeting started with a social get-together, giving users the opportunity to share their practical experiences with ETAP, interact and network with ETAP employees and other users.
The focus of this evening was on the upcoming ETAP 18 Release, ETAP Master Designers presented the major capabilities.
- etapapp™ - Field Data Collection
ETAP application designed for field data collection that synchronizes information with ETAP.
- StarZ™ - T&D Protection & Coordination
T&D network protection & coordination software to examine the performance of relay functions including Distance, Directional, Load Encroachment and other protective devices.
- ArcFault™ - Arcing Fault Hazard Evaluation
LG, LL and 3-Phase arc fault analysis for 1 to 800 kV systems. New module provides incident energy results for open air and enclosed equipment with bolted fault currents up to 60 kA.
- TDLF™ - Time Domain & Unified Load Flow
Solve power flows based on time-varying load and generation for 3-phase, 2-phase, 1-phase AC & DC networks simultaneously in radial or looped configurations.
- DataX™ - Data Exchange Interface
Revit®, ArcGIS®, Universal Mapping, Common Information Model, MultiSpeak®, PSCAD®, EMTP-RV
- ETAP-RT™ - Power System Monitoring & Control
Electrical SCADA, Distribution Management System energy accounting, real-time predictive simulation, event playback, load forecasting and system automation.
- eTraX™ - Rail Traction System
Most accurate, user-friendly & flexible software tools for analyzing, managing, and simulating low and medium voltage train power systems.
Categories :
- Custom
- North America
- Power System Analysis
- Region
- Topic
- Type
- UG SoCal
- User Group
- User Groups
Tags :
- user groups