ETAP Digital Innovations Conference
successfully delivered
This year’s conference theme, "Digital Twin Driven Continuous Intelligence," explored the frontiers of digital thinking and allowed attendees to discover successful digital transformation strategies for integrated power system design, automation and operation.
Conference Agenda
Educational Industry-focused Sessions
Case Study & Panel Discussion Presentations with Industry Experts
Welcome & Keynotes
Welcome to Day 4 of ETAP’s Digital Innovations Conference, focusing on Industrial Power Systems.
From oil & gas to metals & mining, join us as we learn how ETAP enables intelligent situational awareness in all stages of an industrial facility’s life cycle - from original concept through specification, design, modeling, analysis, integration, commission and in-service support. During this one-day program focusing on industrial systems, industry & product experts provide insights in real world use cases & solutions.
Highlighted Topics
- Power System Modeling & Visualization
- Power System Analysis & Optimization
- Power System Protection & Coordination
- Power System Safety & Grounding
- Power Management System
- Load Shedding System
Tanuj Khandelwal
Tanuj Khandelwal
Tanuj is ETAP’s Chief Executive Officer, and author of numerous publications and holds several patents. He has shaped and directed the development of ETAP’s solutions for over 20 years. Before joining ETAP, he worked as an Associate Engineer at PricewaterhouseCoopers.
He is a Senior Member of IEEE and co-chair of IEEE Stds: 3002.2 & 3002.7. He is also a co-author of “Power System Dynamics with Computer-Based Modeling and Analysis” by Wiley and co-inventor of various ETAP technologies with 3 granted patents.
Tanuj received his bachelor's degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering from University of Bombay in 1999 and his master's degree in Electrical Engineering from California State University, Long Beach in 2001.
John Francis
VP Business Development & Marketing, ETAP
John Francis
Mr. Francis is the VP of Business Development / Marketing and Principal Electrical Engineer at ETAP. He has over 16 years of electrical engineering experience. John has been involved in the sales, design, support, testing, and marketing of ETAP for more than 13 years.
John received his bachelor's degree from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona in June of 2004 with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Ground Grid Design with ETAP in a Steel Plant in Mexico
A Ground Grid design project is presented in a steel plant in Mexico and the objective is to reduce the step and touch potentials in the area of ​​electric arc furnaces of 50 kA connected to transformers of 13.8/0.6 KV and that in the moment of melting, they create dangerous currents for the workers who operate these furnaces. The project is executed from the field measurements of the resistivity of the ground and the design of the ground grid with the ETAP finite element method (FEM) and the construction of the grid is executed up to the foot of the ovens, thereby reducing said potentials to safe values ​​for the workers, contributing to a safer work area.
M.C. Carlos Morán Ramirez
Project Manager, EPSOL
M.C. Carlos Morán Ramirez
Carlos has over 6 years of project management experience with EPSOL, a power system service provider, specializing in protection, control, measurement, recording, and the commissioning of power plants, substations and transmission lines in the National Electricity Grid. Before joining EPSOL, he worked at the Tecnologico de Monterrey as a Research Assistant and Team Manager, and this is also where he received his BS and MSc.
Industrial Plant Electrical Risk Management Program
The Electrical Risk Management (ERM) group at FTI uses ETAP to provide short circuit, coordination, and arc flash studies as a part of building a safety program for industrial facilities around the US and Canada. This presentation will describe our approach to an overall safety program and the ways that a safety program encompasses more that just an engineering study. Some topics to be discussed are the need for maintenance personnel to understand the labeling, assessing the risk vs. just looking at the label, the choice between full coordination and arc flash hazard, field verification, and bolted fault current vs arcing fault current as it relates to equipment evaluation. We will look at the ETAP model of one of our industrial customers and discuss the benefits of using ETAP for our studies – reliability, adaptability to many systems by using configurations and scenarios, wizards, availability of DC and MV calculations, Star TCCs, ease of exporting reports to Excel, and solar and wind sources capability.
Jennifer Childress
Electrical Engineering Team Lead, Faith Technologies Inc.
Jennifer Childress
Jennifer is based out of Appleton, Wisconsin, and has been with Faith Technologies, Inc. for more than 10 years, currently in the role of Electrical Engineering Team Lead. Before joining Faith Technologies, she was an associate lecturer and graduate assistant at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, where she received her MS in Mathematics Education. Jennifer received her BS from Michigan Technological University.
Online Monitoring of Nuclear Power Plant Auxiliary Power Systems using ETAP Real-Time
At a given nuclear power plant, nuclear safety is directly dependent on a reliable source of electric power supplied via the plant’s auxiliary power system. The auxiliary power system typically consists of an MV and LV AC and a DC distribution system, powering thousands of individual loads and circuits, i.e., pumps, fans, valves, sensors, and controls specifically designed to protect the integrity of the nuclear reactor and containment structures. This presentation will explore past practices and recent developments in the online monitoring of such systems using a digital twin. The presentation includes the reasons for utilizing online monitoring, the advantages of using a digital twin versus simple data collection, and the multi-faceted benefits realized from such a system (i.e., business, safety, reliability).
Mark Bowman
Sr. Program Manager - Power System Analysis, TVA
Mark Bowman
Mark D. Bowman (BSEE ’84) is the Senior Program Manager of Power System Analysis for the Tennessee Valley Authority Nuclear Power Group, with 30+ years’ experience in design, analysis, and testing of nuclear power plant electrical systems. He is considered an industry-wide expert in power system analysis, dynamic modeling of emergency diesel generators, degraded voltage protection, stationary battery short-circuit behavior, and conceptual design of electrical systems for advanced nuclear reactors. Mark has served throughout his career as a member of many IEEE standards related to nuclear power and is currently an officer of the IEEE PES Nuclear Power Engineering Committee.
Electrical System Expansion of Copper Mine in Peru
As part of their Tailings Dam Expansion project, a large copper mine in Peru required to have several studies performed in their electrical system. As loads were added and the topology of the system was changing, the client wanted to ensure that their electrical system would be able to handle the new loads and operate reliably and efficiently. Electro Integra S.A.C. was hired to perform Load Flow, Short Circuit, Relay Coordination, Motor Starting and Optimal Capacitor Placement studies. ETAP was used as the tool to perform all the studies because the client has been using ETAP for over 20 years.
Since 2000, Electro Integra has partnered with ETAP to bring their software solutions to the Peruvian market. Continuous development and investment in ETAP Solutions has kept them as the de facto standard for power system analysis for all types and sizes of electrical industries.
Electro Integra services all ETAP customers in Peru by providing local technical support and training.
Gilberto Luy
Electrical Engineer, Electro Integra S.A.C.
Gilberto Luy
Gilberto Luy is an Electrical Engineer from the University of British Columbia (Vancouver BC, Canada) with 40 years of experience in energy, design, installation and start up of large electrical systems in the private industry. Mr. Luy's professional career is developed in the area of electronics, manufacturing and testing with companies such as Texas Instrument and Siemens. He has held several management positions in the electrical maintenance area for the Peruvian mining industry, and was elected Director by the free clients in the Peruvian Economic Operation Committee of the National Electric System (COES). As our foremost expert in the ETAP software, Mr. Luy has an astonishing 22 years of experience in the use and application of ETAP software, and is a certified Instructor by the Head Office in California.
Upgrade of existing SLCC System for Power Distribution
Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) is one of the largest steel-making companies in India and one of the Maharatnas of the country’s Central Public Sector Enterprises. ETAP was selected to upgrade the existing SLCC (Supervisory Load Control Centre) System for Power Distribution of Bokaro Steel Plant. This presentation will give insights into the project scope and deployment: The SCADA/PDMS system shall monitor and control the Distribution & Sub-Distribution stations and achieve the SCADA/PDMS functions, integrated with the SLCC control center. Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL) is having a client/server architecture-based SCADA System for monitoring and controlling of generation, import, and distribution of power through SLCC Control room at MSDS-I. The SLCC system is also connected to a central SLCC system located in Kolkata. RTUs for substations will be installed in various locations which are connected through a dedicated fiber-optic network to the server.
Sushil Ojha
ADMS & Automation, ETAP
Sushil Ojha
Sushil has over 6 years of hands-on experience with ETAP Automation, SCADA Systems and Microgrid Systems. He received his B.E in Electronics and Communications Engineering from R.E.C Bhalki in 2011 and has worked in numerous engineering positions since.
It's breaktime, enjoy a fresh cup of coffee and network with fellow attendees. Now is also a good time to - Get in the Game - collect points to win one of the many prizes. Go to Scoreboard to learn more!
AC & DC, from LV to HV Arc Flash - ArcSafety
Experience ETAP ArcSafety, an all-in-one AC & DC arc flash solution for LV, MV & HV systems that improves safety, reduces risk, minimizes equipment damage, and validates mitigation techniques.
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Raghu Veeraraghavan
Department Manager Safety, ETAP
Raghu Veeraraghavan
Raghu Veeraraghavan, MSEEE, P.E. – Division manager Electrical Safety, Senior Electrical engineer, member of IEEE P 1584.1. Raghu started as a power engineer in 2013 and then held roles as a department manager. Raghu is responsible for design, testing, validation, technical support, and engineering services for ETAP Safety division. He is a certified NFPA 70E, ETAP advanced instructor for Short-circuit, Arc Flash (AC and DC) respectively. He is a registered professional engineer in California and an active IEEE member.
Conference Closing Remarks
Thank you for attending!
This concludes our Digital Innovations Conference 2022. We hope you enjoyed this 4 day series and we are looking forward to seeing you again in 2023.
All case study presentations, solutions demonstrations and other conference related materials will be available on this platform until the end of August 2022.
In the meantime we will publish the conference materials in our Resource Center.
We'd appreciate your conference feedback.
ETAP Arc Flash - Auto-Evaluation
This presentation introduces the concept of arc flash incident energy evaluation with the protection and coordination study.
The anticipated detection of arc flash problems, usually found during the arc flash study, significantly reduces costly modifications and mitigation equipment. This time-saving capability limits the number of scenarios or even entirely removes the need for an arc flash study.
The automatic evaluation also includes arc-resistant switchgear ratings based on ANSI C37.20.7. Arc Flash Auto-Evaluation is based on the brand-new concept of C-area plots. C-area plots are a way to reference a target incident energy using thousands of input parameter combinations which aim to find worst-case conditions. This presentation includes a live demo of the automatic evaluation of C-area plots and equipment damage points, report viewers, and global evaluation rulebooks.
You will learn:
- How to apply arc flash auto evaluation during coordination studies.
- How to apply the tool to commonly neglected parts of the low-voltage systems near the 240 V, 125 kVA limits of IEEE 1584-2018.
- How to configure the global options to automatically update maximum and minimum bolted fault currents and generate the C-area plots.
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Albert Marroquin
Senior VP Dynamics & Safety, ETAP
Albert Marroquin
Albert Marroquin, BScEE, SMIEEE, PE – V.P., Electrical Safety & Dynamics Eng. Divisions, Senior Principal Electrical Engineer, Co-chair of IEEE P1584-2018 Ballot Resolution Committee, vice-chair of IEEE P1584-2018 Arc Flash Model Validation Group, member of IEEE 1458, P1814 and NFPA 70E. Albert is a licensed engineer in California. Albert has designed AC and DC Arc Flash software for 20 years. Albert joined ETAP in Jan. 2001 as an electrical engineer. He is an active power system analysis instructor for short-circuit, AC & DC arc flash and transient stability. Albert has authored several IEEE IAS PCIC and ESW papers and Tutorials on electrical safety.
ETAP Star Auto-Evaluation: Automated Protection & Coordination Evaluation
Whether you are an experienced protection engineer or new to the protection and coordination studies, this webinar will highlight how Star Auto-Evaluation software can improve your system design, safety, reliability and operation. Star Automated Protection and Coordination Evaluation software provides automatic detection and evaluation of system protection and coordination / selectivity based on customized design criteria and industry guidelines.
- Validate protective device settings for equipment protection.
- Identify mis-coordination and fix zone selectivity issues.
- Apply industry rules for system protection & coordination.
- Significantly increase efficiency, accuracy, and design consistency.
- Quickly create TCC curves based on automated path of protection
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Pirooz Barkhordar
VP Protection & Coordination, ETAP
Pirooz Barkhordar
EMT CoSim™ - CoSimulation of Electromagnetic & Phasor Transients
Learn how ETAP Transient Stability program and Electromagnetic Transients Program (eMT) are combined in eMTCoSim mode to provide hybrid simulations of Phasor and Transients domains to collectively solve large, complex, and multi-disciplinary system models with higher fidelity.
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Fabian Uriarte
VP Real-Time Simulation & Cloud Systems, ETAP
Fabian Uriarte
Dr. Fabian Uriarte is the VP for Real-Time Simulation and Cloud Systems at ETAP. He is an expert in software architectures on the Microsoft stack and has written a book in parallel simulation of large-scale power-system electromagnetic-transients using multicore technology. He has done extensive research in microgrids ranging from shipboards to residential communities . At ETAP, his team is responsible for technologies such as Python Automation, ETAP API, ETAP microgrid controller ETAP’s co-simulation platform, as well as ETAP’s cross-platform and cloud technologies.
Centralized Enterprise Protection Asset Management - eProtect
Discover eProtect™ , a centralized enterprise protection asset management solution that communicates with field protection relays and ETAP Protection & Coordination modules to manage location, information and settings throughout the lifecycle of protective relays and substation assets.
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Derek Dean
Principal Automation and Controls Engineer, ETAP
Derek Dean
Operator Training Simulator - eOTS
Discover how ETAP eOTS, model-driven power system training simulator helps to develop and improve operator competency through real-world simulated learning.
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Hossain Shaikh
Sr. VP & Global Director – Product & Strategy, ETAP
Hossain Shaikh
ETAP Power System Monitoring & Simulation (PSMS™)
Discover ETAP Power System Monitoring & Simulation (PSMS™), the core of the ETAP Real-Time power management system, and how it enables intelligent monitoring, event playback, load forecasting, predictive simulation, energy accounting, and data acquisition via open architecture and native communication. We will show its integration with Schneider Electric Power Monitoring Expert (PME) and Power Scada Operation (PSO).
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Carlos Tlalpan
Sr. Automations & Controls Engineer, ETAP
Carlos Tlalpan
Cable EMF - Cable Magnetic Field Exposure Analysis
Learn how ETAP’s cable magnetic field exposure analysis determines the worst-case magnetic field exposure produced by conductors in underground raceways. This presentation will explain how the Cable EMF tool integrates with the underground cable systems analysis module to determine the balanced or unbalanced currents which induce the magnetic fields. The presentation will show how the tool evaluates the field intensity against industry-accepted health-and-safety magnetic field intensity exposure limits.
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Walter Gonzalez
Senior Power Engineer, ETAP
Walter Gonzalez
Walter is a Senior Power Engineer who designs and tests ArcSafety products which include the ETAP Short Circuit and Arc Flash modules. Walter has obtained his E.I.T certificate and is an NFPA 70E certified instructor who teaches introductory ETAP AF courses. Additionally, he is also a working group member of IEEE 1584.1 standard which is titled "Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in Accordance with IEEE Std 1584™".
Lightning Risk Assessment
In this session, we demonstrate how to use ETAP’s Lightning Risk Assessment (LRA) tool to assess the risk of a lightning strike and the probability of damage. Learn how to perform the LRA to comply with NFPA 780-2020, 2014 and IEC 62305-2 2010.
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Raghu Veeraraghavan
Department Manager Safety, ETAP
Raghu Veeraraghavan
Raghu Veeraraghavan, MSEEE, P.E. – Division manager Electrical Safety, Senior Electrical engineer, member of IEEE P 1584.1. Raghu started as a power engineer in 2013 and then held roles as a department manager. Raghu is responsible for design, testing, validation, technical support, and engineering services for ETAP Safety division. He is a certified NFPA 70E, ETAP advanced instructor for Short-circuit, Arc Flash (AC and DC) respectively. He is a registered professional engineer in California and an active IEEE member.
Short Circuit & Ground Grid Analysis
Discover ETAP’s Ground Grid Design module and how to create accurate and economical ground grid designs while efficiently conducting studies using integrated fault analysis tools such as the ETAP Short Circuit Analysis module.
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Victor Andrade
VP Business Development, ETAP
Victor Andrade
Victor Andrade has over 15 years of experience in the Energy and Power Systems sector. He joined ETAP as a Senior Power Engineer in the Engineering Department in March of 2011. Victor’s responsibilities include verification and validation of the results for ETAP Load Flow, Short-Circuit, Protective Device Coordination, Arc Flash, Harmonics, Motor Starting, Transient Stability, DC Systems among other features. He also provides ETAP training to various users locally and internationally in various industries including Oil and Gas, Mining, Utility, Nuclear, Rail and more. Victor graduated from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona with a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering in 2007.
Yichen Bi
Sr. Electrical Engineer & Product Manager, ETAP
Yichen Bi
Yichen joined ETAP in 2014 and currently serves as the Sr. Electrical Engineer and Product Manager. His responsibilities include the research, design, and test of multiple ETAP products including Underground Raceway, Ground Grid, Cable Pulling, and Reliability. His interests of research include power cable modeling and ground grid design simulation. One of his current focuses is power cable grounding schemes. Yichen graduated from the University of Southern California with a Master of Science degree in 2014.
Mission Critical & Transport
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Welcome to ETAP’s Digital Innovations Conference, focused on Mission Critical Facilities and Transportation Infrastructure. Join us as we learn how Users leverage ETAP, the only verified & validated high-impact software in its class, from design to automation to ensure critical 24/7 power availability, smooth operations, and business continuity. Discover the latest technology, demonstrated by our Subject Matter Experts.
Tanuj Khandelwal
Tanuj Khandelwal
Tanuj is ETAP’s Chief Executive Officer, and author of numerous publications and holds several patents. He has shaped and directed the development of ETAP’s solutions for over 20 years. Before joining ETAP, he worked as an Associate Engineer at PricewaterhouseCoopers.
He is a Senior Member of IEEE and co-chair of IEEE Stds: 3002.2 & 3002.7. He is also a co-author of “Power System Dynamics with Computer-Based Modeling and Analysis” by Wiley and co-inventor of various ETAP technologies with 3 granted patents.
Tanuj received his bachelor's degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering from University of Bombay in 1999 and his master's degree in Electrical Engineering from California State University, Long Beach in 2001.
John Francis
VP Business Development & Marketing, ETAP
John Francis
Mr. Francis is the VP of Business Development / Marketing and Principal Electrical Engineer at ETAP. He has over 16 years of electrical engineering experience. John has been involved in the sales, design, support, testing, and marketing of ETAP for more than 13 years.
John received his bachelor's degree from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona in June of 2004 with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Infrastructure of the Future: Transport Solutions for a Greener Mobility
Schneider Electric’s and ETAP’s end-to-end integrated portfolio of software and services help governments, cities, and companies involved in public and private infrastructure projects to make them more sustainable, resilient, efficient, and inclusive. Together, we bring value across the entire infrastructure lifecycle, and help address and combat the challenges posed by climate change.
Valerie Layan
Segment President Transportation, Schneider Electric
Valerie Layan
As the General Manager in Energy Management & Industrial Automation, Telecom, IT and Consumer Electronics, Valerie’s key roles include Global Segment President, GM of a Business Unit (with P&L ownership), Global Commercial, Marketing & Sales VP.
Presenter Introductions
Presentation overview and introduction of the speakers.
John Francis
VP BD & Marketing, ETAP
John Francis
Mr. Francis is the VP of Business Development / Marketing and Principal Electrical Engineer at ETAP. He has over 16 years of electrical engineering experience. John has been involved in the sales, design, support, testing, and marketing of ETAP for more than 13 years.
John received his bachelor's degree from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona in June of 2004 with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Modeling and Analysis of a Microgrid for a Wastewater Treatment Plant
Engineering and operation objectives of mission-critical facilities require a reliable and secure power supply system. Microgrids have become the leading technological solution for a resilient and sustainable supply of electricity for critical infrastructures. This paper presents ETAP-based power system studies of a microgrid designed for a mission-critical facility, a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The microgrid consists of a behind-the-meter (BTM) solar photovoltaic (PV) system, a battery energy storage system (BESS), a combined heat and power (CHP) generator, and standby diesel generators. We modeled this microgrid by leveraging the ETAP software and performed power system studies for both grid-connected and islanded modes of operation. Several scenarios were created based on different loading conditions and power source combinations, which are utilized to validate the power system studies. We will discuss the model of the power system investigated, operational strategy and sequences of operation, findings, challenges, lessons learned, and future works.
Abinet Eseye
Microgrid Power Systems Engineer, AECOM
Abinet Eseye
Abinet is a Microgrid Power Systems Engineer at AECOM Technical Services, Inc. He has 8 years of industrial experience in design/planning, modeling/analysis, control/protection of electrical power systems, and R&D experience in advanced mathematical optimization for power systems and renewable energy applications. His portfolio of projects includes distribution network analysis, distributed generation and storage sizing and selection, power system studies/analysis, control/optimization, and forecasting and dispatch. He has a PhD degree in Electrical Power System Engineering & Automation, over 30 published scientific articles, 7 invention patents, 2 software records, and h-index of 15.
Powering IT/OT Convergence for DC Management with ETAP
Electrical infrastructure can only be managed by including both equipment and data. Transforming electrical data to information and knowledge for decision-makers of mission-critical facilities requires IT-compatible software with the latest technologies’ integration capabilities. This presentation shows how ETAP enables end-users to achieve sustainable operations in their critical facilities by fulfilling OT/Site Management and IT Management requirements. ETAP’s unique features are configured with respect to data center topology and sustainable operation principles. These features are enriched as we have positioned ETAP in the corporate environment of end-users, where their corporate IT standards, services, and tools are integrated. As the title suggests, both OT and IT protocols are commissioned together, and the management of electrical infrastructure is powered by IT services via ETAP.
Hüseyin DoÄźa EmiroÄźulları
Founder and CEO, Otomatica
Hüseyin DoÄźa EmiroÄźulları
Hüseyin is the founder and CEO of Otomatica, a regional technology solution provider for management systems in mission-critical facilities.  He oversees Otomatica's operations across 7 countries. Prior to Otomatica, Hüseyin was a Project Manager at Schneider Electric where he was managing iBMS projects. He completed his bachelor's and Master's degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Imperial College London and eMBA degree from Sabanci University.
Analysis of Power Distribution Network in Airports & Datacenters
ETAP Power System Software, with its various analysis modules is used to validate the design of L & T – Buildings and Factories projects in airports, data centers, hospitals, office buildings etc. Network Analysis, such as Load Flow and Short Circuit Calculations, ensure load shedding and voltage drop within permissible limits, Transformer Sizing Analysis is utilized to meet standard requirements. Cable Sizing and Cable Pulling Modules, along with UG Thermal Analysis modules, validate cable routing at various underground locations. These tools allow for easy planning and approval at the initial project stage.
On Safety and Protection – STAR curves help to find the correct protection and selectivity for prestigious projects with critical operations such as airports, data centers, office buildings and hospitals, to ensure smooth power flow without interruptions. Arc Flash Modules help us to quickly create & define Arc Flash Labels, as well as PPE requirements. Ground Grid Analysis is used for effective and economical earth mat design and sizing. Reliability Assessments are part of the design process to ensure the AIDI and CAIDI reliability metrics. Harmonic Analysis, for the sizing of active and passive filters allows for fine-tuning of filter design at the right locations.
R Balakrishnan
General Manager & HEAD of MEP Design - EDRC, Larsen & Toubro
R Balakrishnan
R Balakrishnan has more than 36 years of experience handling various projects in the construction sector of commercial buildings. He has been with L&T Construction, Chennai for 26 years and is responsible for design in MEP areas related to commercial buildings and airports. His expertise in MEP design - L&T Construction includes Electrical, ELV, FEMS, PHE, HVAC and CFD systems.
Some prestigious projects to name upon:
- IT Parks: CTS, TCS, HCL, FORD, Wipro, Motorola
- Hospitals: Apollo, MIOT, JIPMER, West Bengal Medical Hospitals, Odisha Medical Hospitals
- Airports: HIAL / DIAL / BIAL / MIAL
Sustainable Transportation - SCADA & Maintenance Planning – MMRC Project Update
Today’s Transportation businesses call for sustainable mobility. The goal is to deliver an end-to-end digital solution throughout the asset lifecycle to optimize critical mobility infrastructure management for the optimal customer experience in rail, airports, roads, and ports.
This case study for Mumbai Metro Rail covers Operator Training Simulator (OTS), a simulation environment to test operations in a real-time environment for the following reasons: error avoidance, communication enhancement & training of new crews, train inexperienced operators, certification and competency for operators, situational awareness & workload management. Learn about the scope of work, implementation requirements, lessons learned, and future developments of this project.
Sushil Ojha
Manager, ADMS & Automation, ETAP
Sushil Ojha
Sushil has over 6 years of hands-on experience with ETAP Automation, SCADA Systems and Microgrid Systems. He received his B.E in Electronics and Communications Engineering from R.E.C Bhalki in 2011 and has worked in numerous engineering positions since.
Electrical T&D for Airport Project – From Design to Operation
This presentation discusses a large-scale airport project, from the design to the operation of the most critical components of the electrical transmission & distribution network. ETAP Software was utilized to enhance the electrical design, including cable sizing, which resulted in significant cost savings.
Hamada Youssef
Electrical Engineer & Project Manager, Al Ahlia Integrated General Trading & Contracting Co
Hamada Youssef
Youssef is a senior electrical engineer and electrical project manager for KAFB airport project, validating and enhancing the electrical design using ETAP Software.
GreeNext to Provide Sustainable and Resilient Energy-as-a-Service, in Collaboration with ETAP
This presentation introduces GreeNext, a joint venture providing sustainable and resilient energy solutions to commercial and industrial customers through solar and battery hybrid microgrid technology. Learn how and why GreeNext will utilize ETAP Software and controller hardware to increase deployment speed and provide an additional layer of reliability.
Yuvaraj Moorthy
Head of Technology - CTO, GreeNext India
Yuvaraj Moorthy
Highly organized, motivated, experienced and result-oriented professional. Proven ability to develop & grow new business. Extensive experience in direct sales (new market development), Business Development, and customer relationship management on a global level with high levels of personal integrity at all times; In his role as CTO of GreeNext India (Schneider & Temasek - JV Company), he oversees the Energy as a Service Market and dissemination of technology for external customers, vendors, and other clients to help improve and increase Sustainable , Reliable , Resilient Business model with Carbon neutral as a Goal.
It's breaktime, enjoy a fresh cup of coffee and network with fellow attendees. Now is also a good time to visit our virtual Exhibit Hall, watch related on-demand video presentations or connect with other attendees.
Protection & Coordination for Traction Systems
ETAP Train Power Simulation - eTraX™ software includes validated, user-friendly and flexible software tools for designing, analyzing and managing AC and DC railway infrastructure. Learn how eTraX integrates with ETAP protection & coordination software to offer insights into line protection, protective relay performance & evaluation, troubleshooting false trips, and system-wide protective device operation.
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Mohammad Zadeh
Senior VP Protection and Control, ETAP
Mohammad Zadeh
Mohammad Zadeh is a senior vice president of Protection and Control at ETAP, Irvine, CA, USA. He has over 20 years of experience in power system protection and control, including 7 years of academic career and 13 years of industrial experience in power system protection and control product development. Mohammad is an IEEE Senior member, registered professional engineer in the state of California. He has authored more than 70 technical papers and holds nine US patents.
ETAP Power System Monitoring & Simulation (PSMS™)
Discover ETAP Power System Monitoring & Simulation (PSMS™), the core of the ETAP Real-Time power management system, and how it enables intelligent monitoring, event playback, load forecasting, predictive simulation, energy accounting, and data acquisition via open architecture and native communication. We will show its integration with Schneider Electric Power Monitoring Expert (PME) and Power Scada Operation (PSO).
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Carlos Tlalpan
Sr. Automations & Controls Engineer, ETAP
Carlos Tlalpan
Design & Analysis of Underground Raceway Systems
Learn how to determine optimal cable sizes, physical attributes, and maximum ampacity using ETAP’s Underground Raceway System module, ensuring that cables in duct banks or directly buried are operating within their maximum potential capacity. Optimization solutions accelerate the time from design to install providing a layout and configuration that improves security and reliability.
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Yichen Bin
Sr. Electrical Engineer & Product Manager, ETAP
Yichen Bin
Conference Closing Remarks
Thank you for attending, we look forward to seeing you at our next Digital Innovations Day in July, with a focus on Industrial Power Systems.
Our Exhibit Hall will remain open for product presentations until 12:00 PM (PDT)
John Francis
VP BD & Marketing, ETAP
John Francis
Mr. Francis is the VP of Business Development / Marketing and Principal Electrical Engineer at ETAP. He has over 16 years of electrical engineering experience. John has been involved in the sales, design, support, testing, and marketing of ETAP for more than 13 years.
John received his bachelor's degree from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona in June of 2004 with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Cable EMF - Cable Magnetic Field Exposure Analysis
Learn how ETAP’s cable magnetic field exposure analysis determines the worst-case magnetic field exposure produced by conductors in underground raceways. This presentation will explain how the Cable EMF tool integrates with the underground cable systems analysis module to determine the balanced or unbalanced currents which induce the magnetic fields. The presentation will show how the tool evaluates the field intensity against industry-accepted health-and-safety magnetic field intensity exposure limits.
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Walter Gonzalez
Senior Power Engineer, ETAP
Walter Gonzalez
Walter is a Senior Power Engineer who designs and tests ArcSafety products which include the ETAP Short Circuit and Arc Flash modules. Walter has obtained his E.I.T certificate and is an NFPA 70E certified instructor who teaches introductory ETAP AF courses. Additionally, he is also a working group member of IEEE 1584.1 standard which is titled "Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in Accordance with IEEE Std 1584™".
Analysis & Operation of Rail Traction Systems - eTraX
This webinar introduces ETAP eTraX, the latest integrated solution for design and operation of Rail Traction Systems. eTraX is utilized by railway owners, operators and engineering consultants as an integrated electrical traction power system design and management system to:
- Design and study behavior and operation of railway systems
- Perform multi-physics simulation of train mechanical energy and corresponding electrical demand in a single unified solution
- Determine power and energy consumption of train services to design & analyze capacity of traction power supply
- Safely optimize number of trains using minimum headways and running time calculations
- Simulating contingencies (infrastructure failures, delays) and evaluating appropriate mitigation methods - Rolling stock evaluation and comparison
- Effect of energy storage and regenerative braking
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Tanuj Khandelwal
Tanuj Khandelwal
Tanuj is ETAP’s Chief Executive Officer, and author of numerous publications and holds several patents. He has shaped and directed the development of ETAP’s solutions for over 20 years. Before joining ETAP, he worked as an Associate Engineer at PricewaterhouseCoopers.
He is a Senior Member of IEEE and co-chair of IEEE Stds: 3002.2 & 3002.7. He is also a co-author of “Power System Dynamics with Computer-Based Modeling and Analysis” by Wiley and co-inventor of various ETAP technologies with 3 granted patents.
Tanuj received his bachelor's degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering from University of Bombay in 1999 and his master's degree in Electrical Engineering from California State University, Long Beach in 2001.
ETAP Digital Twin Solution for Data Centers
Smart Data Center Solutions for integrated power system modeling, analysis, and simulation have become critical in design and operation of Data Centers. Making proper design decisions early on during the system planning stages is paramount for energy efficiency strategies, reducing the total cost of ownership and improving the reliability of engineering and facility operations. In this webinar, we will present ETAP's Digital Twin solution for integrated design, analysis, real-time predictive simulation, and operation of Data Centers.
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Tanuj Khandelwal
Tanuj Khandelwal
Tanuj is ETAP’s Chief Executive Officer, and author of numerous publications and holds several patents. He has shaped and directed the development of ETAP’s solutions for over 20 years. Before joining ETAP, he worked as an Associate Engineer at PricewaterhouseCoopers.
He is a Senior Member of IEEE and co-chair of IEEE Stds: 3002.2 & 3002.7. He is also a co-author of “Power System Dynamics with Computer-Based Modeling and Analysis” by Wiley and co-inventor of various ETAP technologies with 3 granted patents.
Tanuj received his bachelor's degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering from University of Bombay in 1999 and his master's degree in Electrical Engineering from California State University, Long Beach in 2001.
Lightning Risk Assessment
In this session, we demonstrate how to use ETAP’s Lightning Risk Assessment (LRA) tool to assess the risk of a lightning strike and the probability of damage. Learn how to perform the LRA to comply with NFPA 780-2020, 2014 and IEC 62305-2 2010.
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Raghu Veeraraghavan
Department Manager Safety, ETAP
Raghu Veeraraghavan
Raghu Veeraraghavan, MSEEE, P.E. – Division manager Electrical Safety, Senior Electrical engineer, member of IEEE P 1584.1. Raghu started as a power engineer in 2013 and then held roles as a department manager. Raghu is responsible for design, testing, validation, technical support, and engineering services for ETAP Safety division. He is a certified NFPA 70E, ETAP advanced instructor for Short-circuit, Arc Flash (AC and DC) respectively. He is a registered professional engineer in California and an active IEEE member.
Short Circuit & Ground Grid Analysis
Discover ETAP’s Ground Grid Design module and how to create accurate and economical ground grid designs while efficiently conducting studies using integrated fault analysis tools such as the ETAP Short Circuit Analysis module.
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Victor Andrade
VP Business Development, ETAP
Victor Andrade
Victor Andrade has over 15 years of experience in the Energy and Power Systems sector. He joined ETAP as a Senior Power Engineer in the Engineering Department in March of 2011. Victor’s responsibilities include verification and validation of the results for ETAP Load Flow, Short-Circuit, Protective Device Coordination, Arc Flash, Harmonics, Motor Starting, Transient Stability, DC Systems among other features. He also provides ETAP training to various users locally and internationally in various industries including Oil and Gas, Mining, Utility, Nuclear, Rail and more. Victor graduated from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona with a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering in 2007.
Yichen Bi
Sr. Electrical Engineer & Product Manager, ETAP
Yichen Bi
Yichen joined ETAP in 2014 and currently serves as the Sr. Electrical Engineer and Product Manager. His responsibilities include the research, design, and test of multiple ETAP products including Underground Raceway, Ground Grid, Cable Pulling, and Reliability. His interests of research include power cable modeling and ground grid design simulation. One of his current focuses is power cable grounding schemes. Yichen graduated from the University of Southern California with a Master of Science degree in 2014.
AC & DC, from LV to HV Arc Flash - ArcSafety
Experience ETAP ArcSafety, an all-in-one AC & DC arc flash solution for LV, MV & HV systems that improves safety, reduces risk, minimizes equipment damage, and validates mitigation techniques.
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Raghu Veeraraghavan
Department Manager Safety, ETAP
Raghu Veeraraghavan
Raghu Veeraraghavan, MSEEE, P.E. – Division manager Electrical Safety, Senior Electrical engineer, member of IEEE P 1584.1. Raghu started as a power engineer in 2013 and then held roles as a department manager. Raghu is responsible for design, testing, validation, technical support, and engineering services for ETAP Safety division. He is a certified NFPA 70E, ETAP advanced instructor for Short-circuit, Arc Flash (AC and DC) respectively. He is a registered professional engineer in California and an active IEEE member.
Centralized Enterprise Protection Asset Management - eProtect
Discover eProtect™ , a centralized enterprise protection asset management solution that communicates with field protection relays and ETAP Protection & Coordination modules to manage location, information and settings throughout the lifecycle of protective relays and substation assets.
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Derek Dean
Principal Automation and Controls Engineer, ETAP
Derek Dean
Operator Training Simulator - eOTS
Discover how ETAP eOTS, model-driven power system training simulator helps to develop and improve operator competency through real-world simulated learning.
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Hossain Shaikh
Sr. VP & Global Director – Product & Strategy, ETAP
Hossain Shaikh
T&D, Microgrid
Welcome to ETAP’s Digital Innovations Conference 2022!
Day 2, Transmission, Distribution & Microgrids, will explore how ETAP provides a unique 360-degree network view and allows efficient & optimal design using operation knowledge, while empowering operators to dispatch the electrical system with design knowledge.
John Francis
VP Business Development / Marketing, ETAP
John Francis
Mr. Francis is the VP of Business Development / Marketing and Principal Electrical Engineer at ETAP. He has over 16 years of electrical engineering experience. John has been involved in the sales, design, support, testing, and marketing of ETAP for more than 13 years.
John received his bachelor's degree from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona in June of 2004 with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Opening Remarks ETAP CEO
Welcome to ETAP’s Digital Innovations Conference 2022!
Grid modernization and sustainability efforts, increased distributed generation and demand response require an integrated network design, analysis, operation and management solution.
Join us as Industry Experts will discuss smart grid implementation strategies and lessons learned. Explore how ETAP provides a unique 360-degree network view and allows efficient & optimal design using operation knowledge, while empowering operators to dispatch the electrical system with design knowledge.
Highlighted Topics
- Network Modeling, Visualization, Analysis & Optimization
- Network Safety & Protection
- Asset Management
- ADMS: Model-Driven Planning, eSCADA, DMS & OMS
- Distribution Load Shedding
- Operator Training
- Microgrid Controller & Energy Management System
- Power Plant Controller & Grid Code Compliance
Tanuj Khandelwal
Tanuj Khandelwal
Tanuj is ETAP’s Chief Executive Officer, and author of numerous publications and holds several patents. He has shaped and directed the development of ETAP’s solutions for over 20 years. Before joining ETAP, he worked as an Associate Engineer at PricewaterhouseCoopers.
An Energy Transition in Trouble: ​Will Sustainable Grids Rescue Net Zero?​
Gary Lawrence
President Power & Grid, Schneider Electric
Gary Lawrence
Applying ETAP to Calculate, Analyze and Install BESS in the Vietnam Power System
Peaking electricity consumption in North - and high penetration of renewable energy sources in South Vietnam pose great pressure on the grid. PECC2 utilized ETAP to model Vietnam's power system, calculate and analyze power systems scenarios, identify the optimal location and install capacity of Battery Energy Storage Systems based on the criteria of reducing/avoiding overload of the power grid and peak shaving. This presentation will demonstrate how BESS solutions with capacity and location calculated with ETAP have shown a clear effect in reducing the power system’s overload.
Vu Duc Quang
Deputy Director of Training, Research and Development Center, PECC2
Vu Duc Quang
Mr. Duc Quang Vu holds a master’s degree with major in Electrical Engineering from the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. Mr. Duc Quang Vu is Deputy Director of TR&D Center - Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 2 (PECC2). He has 13+ years of power system experience. Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 2 with business growth focus on consulting and energy solutions.
He has been a member of the Power System Study group of Vietnam Electricity (EVN) also participated in the review and contribute to the Master Plan for the period 2010-2022.
Mr. Duc Quang Vu also conducts many types of research about FACTs, transient, stability, BESS, renewable, etc to apply to Vietnam’s Power System. Especially, tackling the challenges in the integration of renewable to Vietnam’s Power System.
Mr.Quang had made a lot of short-circuit, stability, optimization, lightning studies in the power systems to select equipment for many transmission projects. Mr.Quang had also been a trainer about the power system for other local companies.
Reactive Power based LCOE Analysis
High penetration of solar PV energy fed into an electrical grid brings its share of challenges making the grid volatile which requires stabilizing variable energy. This presentation addresses one such challenge, of voltage profile improvement with reactive power compensation at the point of interconnection. A solar PV plant is rated in terms of power (either AC or DC) and is typically not rated for their reactive counterparts (MVAr). IEEE 1547/UL 1741 compliant inverters will typically not have reactive power capability and operate with a unity power factor. Although modern inverters have a capacity to supply reactive power in the range of +0.9 lead/-0.9 lag, the PV plant is rated based on the AC power supplied by the inverter at unity PF. Operational data sourced from various plants in India suggest that a typical utility-scale PV plant provides reactive energy in the range of 7% to 10%. This leads to an inherent error in the per-unit cost calculation, as when the inverter providing the reactive power, the active power is hampered. This paper showcases a cost-to-benefit analysis of various scenarios, such as unity power.
Jaydeep Suryawanshi
Subject Matter Expert, SgurrEnergy
Jaydeep Suryawanshi
Mohammed Usama Shaikh
Subject Matter Expert, SgurrEnergy
Mohammed Usama Shaikh
Using ETAP to Evaluate Ground Fault Trips in a Microgrid
Adding distributed generation sources to existing power distribution systems and the implementation of islanding microgrid capability introduce protection and control challenges if not properly designed. Each new generator may present a new source ground fault current to the system, which can result in unanticipated breaker operation. Using ETAP to model the system and check coordination of local and remote breakers can reduce downtime and troubleshooting.
Jesse Hoffman
Consultant, Energy Systems Group
Jesse Hoffman
Jesse is an electrical engineer at Energy Systems Group with 20yrs of experience designing, building and operating distributed generation systems. He has been using ETAP to model and design power systems since 2006 and regularity performs power system studies for both design and troubleshooting purposes.
Remote Management of Protection Relays
This presentation defines and demonstrates the importance of remote data collection of protection relays for the security and reliability of large power system networks.
Oman Electricity Transmission Company grid stations contain more than 5000 rapidly expanding protection relays installed. In case of tripping incidences, the protection system would isolate the faulty primary equipment by actuating the switchgear. These isolated equipment restorations can be done faster if protection relays’ fault records and events can be retrieved through remote access at any time. ETAP and OETC jointly worked to provide remote relay access and data retrieval. The protection system model and relay data feed in a relay management system solution, is called ETAP eProtect. This system is connected through IEC 61850 and IEC 60870-5-103 protocol to linked relays, events, and fault records. Fault records are stored in a database for detailed analysis and validation. This presentation discusses the challenges faced, technical requirements, and benefits of the solution.
Anilkumar Karabhai Ravat
Technical Expert, Oman Electricity Transmission Company
Anilkumar Karabhai Ravat
Konexa's Digital Grid Journey
Konexa rolling out its integrated distribution model with multiple DISCOs across Nigeria. In its sub-concession area, Konexa will develop embedded generation capacity (solar PV), and invest in the distribution network (medium voltage line, distribution transformers, injection substations) and last mile reticulation (low voltage lines, smart metering infrastructure). In addition, Konexa will invest in and implement IT & OT systems and processes to drive operational efficiency and significantly reduce ATC&C losses. The first phase of the project would serve about 7,000 customers (C&I and residentials).
Konexa is engaging with EPCs, consultants and various OEMs like ETAP for Distribution Network Analysis and future Digital Protection and Smart Grid applications. These applications would be integrated with other business systems to be implemented by Konexa.
Ibitayo Banigbe
Vice President Technology, Konexa
Ibitayo Banigbe
Ibitayo Banigbe is a Digital Transformation enthusiast with 18+ years of experience prescribing solutions for Power Utilities, Oil & Gas, Telecommunication, and other Mission Critical Infrastructures.
Prior to Konexa, he worked with technology companies such as Schneider Electric, Ericsson and Huawei, supporting projects in Europe, Asia and Africa. He has led large roll outs of 2G, 3G and 4G technologies for major telecom companies operating in Sub-Saharan Africa, including MTN South Africa, MTN Nigeria, MTN Ghana, and Benin.  In his role as Schneider Electric’s Sub-Saharan African Territory Technology Lead, he drove technology adoption initiatives for power and oil and gas customers in Northern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. He also successfully implemented a Revenue Management system for the Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company (IKEDC), resulting in significant improvements in revenue collection for the utility. He has a strong domain competence in Power Utilities, Telecommunication, Smart Grid Technology and Automation. Ibitayo holds a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Ilorin and he is a member of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)
In his is current role as Konexa’s Technology VP, he works with various business unit and functional leaders across the enterprise, driving Grid investment geared towards loss reduction and improved customer experience with Smart Grid Technology.
Azusa Light & Water Substation SCADA
City of Azusa's Department of Light and Water serves approximately 17,000 electric , and 23,000 water customers and strives to provide reliable electricity and quality water.
The Electric Division operates and maintains the distribution system which consists of two substations and twenty feeders. Recently, the Electric Division has completed the implementation of ETAP Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (“SCADA”) system for its two substation. We strongly believe that ETAP SCADA is the tool needed to accomplish our mission in providing reliable service to our valuable customers.
Hien Vuong
Assistant General Manager - Electric Operations, City of Azusa
Hien Vuong
Hien Vuong is the Assistant General Manager of Electric Operations for the City of Azusa Light and Water Department.
Currently Hien manages Electric Operations branch of Light & Water Department. His Staff of 20 consists of Electrical Engineers, Technicians, Superintendent, Two full Line Crews, and Senior Administration Technician.
Hien is in charge of the Electric Operations which responsible for distribution system that serves approximately 17,000 electric utility customers within the City’s limit.
Hien represents the City as a member of Southern California Public Power Authority (“SCPPA”) in the Transmission and Distribution Engineering and Working Group. They meet monthly to share industry knowledge, and learn from each other best industry practice.
B.S. Electrical Engineer: California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 1990
MBA : California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 2009
Digital Twin with Generation, Transmission, Distribution & Microgrid Applications
ETAP Electrical Digital Twin is a unified engineering and real-time platform to accelerate productivity and increase efficiency. Learn how it enables the digitization of your Generation, Transmission, Distribution, and Microgrid System; at every stage of the electrical installation life cycle, from design and build, to operate and maintain.
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Hossain Shaikh
Hossain Shaikh
Transmission & Distribution Network Analysis
Learn how utility engineers use ETAP’s transmission & distribution system analysis and optimization solutions to optimize capacity planning, improve reliability and safety using schematic or geospatial views.
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John Francis
VP Business Development / Marketing, ETAP
John Francis
Mr. Francis is the VP of Business Development / Marketing and Principal Electrical Engineer at ETAP. He has over 16 years of electrical engineering experience. John has been involved in the sales, design, support, testing, and marketing of ETAP for more than 13 years.
John received his bachelor's degree from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona in June of 2004 with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
AC & DC, from LV to HV Arc Flash - ArcSafety
Experience ETAP ArcSafety, an all-in-one AC & DC arc flash solution for LV, MV & HV systems that improves safety, reduces risk, minimizes equipment damage, and validates mitigation techniques.
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Raghu Veeraraghavan
Department Manager Safety, ETAP
Raghu Veeraraghavan
Raghu Veeraraghavan, MSEEE, P.E. – Division manager Electrical Safety, Senior Electrical engineer, member of IEEE P 1584.1. Raghu started as a power engineer in 2013 and then held roles as a department manager. Raghu is responsible for design, testing, validation, technical support, and engineering services for ETAP Safety division. He is a certified NFPA 70E, ETAP advanced instructor for Short-circuit, Arc Flash (AC and DC) respectively. He is a registered professional engineer in California and an active IEEE member.
Centralized Enterprise Protection Asset Management - eProtect
Discover eProtect™ , a centralized enterprise protection asset management solution that communicates with field protection relays and ETAP Protection & Coordination modules to manage location, information and settings throughout the lifecycle of protective relays and substation assets.
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Derek Dean
Principal Automation and Controls Engineer, ETAP
Derek Dean
Advanced Distribution Management System - ADMS
Discover ETAP ADMS™, a combined planning and operation solution to manage, control, visualize, and optimize electrical power distribution networks comprising of:
- Geospatial Information System (GIS)
- Electrical Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA)
- Distribution Management System (DMS)
- Distribution Network Applications (DNA)
- Outage Management System (OMS)
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Hugo Castro
VP Real Time, Senior Principal Electrical Engineer, ETAP
Hugo Castro
Intelligent Distribution Load Shedding - iDLS
In this session, we will demonstrate ETAP iDLS, an integrated model-driven controller with real-time operational digital twins to validate, optimize, predict, and manage load shedding for geographically dispersed systems such as Transmission & Distribution networks and Industrial production fields.
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Carlos Tlalpan
Real Time Manager, Senior Automation Engineer, ETAP
Carlos Tlalpan
Operator Training Simulator - eOTS
Discover how ETAP eOTS, model-driven power system training simulator helps to develop and improve operator competency through real-world simulated learning.
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Hossain Shaikh
Sr. VP & Global Director – Product & Strategy, ETAP
Hossain Shaikh
Microgrid Solution - ETAP μGrid™
Learn about ETAP μGrid™, an advanced electrical digital twin model combined with intelligent automation and system protection maximizing system resiliency and energy efficiency for simple or complex electric and thermal systems
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Mohammad Zadeh
Senior VP Protection and Control, ETAP
Mohammad Zadeh
Mohammad Zadeh is a senior vice president of Protection and Control at ETAP, Irvine, CA, USA. He has over 20 years of experience in power system protection and control, including 7 years of academic career and 13 years of industrial experience in power system protection and control product development. Mohammad is an IEEE Senior member, registered professional engineer in the state of California. He has authored more than 70 technical papers and holds nine US patents.
ETAP Grid Code Solutions
Experience ETAP GridCode™ for the design, analysis, protection, optimization, operation & maintenance of renewable energy systems and how it ensures the compliance with grid codes, interconnection, or evacuation criteria during the proposed system design and under grid-connected operation.
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Christophe Durant
Christophe Durant
Power Plant Controller - ePPC
ETAP Power Plant Control solution includes an advanced electrical digital twin model combined with intelligent automation via ePPC Power Plant Controller, system monitoring via model-driven eSCADA™ platform, and grid compliance auditing via eTESLA™ Dynamic System Monitoring Recorder.
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Aslan Mojallal
Senior Power Engineer, ETAP
Aslan Mojallal
Outage Management System - OMS
Discover our integrated outage management and mobile workforce management solution that minimizes outage disruption by enabling faster detection and quick restoration through enhanced situational awareness, automation, and efficient and highly effective use of field crews.
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Derek Dean
Principal Automation and Controls Engineer, ETAP
Derek Dean
Conference Closing Remarks
Thank you for attending, we look forward to seeing you at our next Digital Innovations Day in June, with a focus on Mission Critical Facilities & Transportation Infrastructure.
John Francis
VP BD & Marketing, ETAP
John Francis
Mr. Francis is the VP of Business Development / Marketing and Principal Electrical Engineer at ETAP. He has over 16 years of electrical engineering experience. John has been involved in the sales, design, support, testing, and marketing of ETAP for more than 13 years.
John received his bachelor's degree from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona in June of 2004 with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Improved Protection Testing with Typhoon HIL
Justin Smith, Power Systems Protection and Control expert - joined the Typhoon HIL team to discuss the difficulties related to protection testing on today’s increasingly complex grids with high penetration of power electronics-based distributed generation.
The talk will go over use cases on how to verify and validate protection relay settings and coordination and on how to test the entire protection layer against different fault scenarios for both utility-tied and islanded operation of microgrids. The fault scenarios covered are multiple short circuit types, phase losses, voltage and frequency ride throughs, anti-islanding as well as component failures. Furthermore, the presentation will cover how to connect the physical protection relays to your Hardware-In-the-Loop real-time replica of the microgrid on both the signal and communication protocol levels.
Justin Smith
Power System Analytics
Justin Smith
Justin Smith is the owner of the consulting firm Power System Analytics located in Roxboro NC. A former NC State Alum, Justin has a BSEE and MSEE with a specialization in Power System Protection & Control. Justin also specializes in DER Protection including Anti-Islanding, Ride-Through Analysis, Inverter Modelling, and Microgrids.
Testing a SEL Protection Relay in a Real-Time HIL Simulation of a Microgrid
Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing has been adopted as a standard technique for the development, validation and integration of power systems control and protection equipment.
In this presentation, we will show why HYPERSIM® is a powerful real-time electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation tool for HIL testing of power systems protection equipment. The GHOST microgrid model, based on the BANSHEE distribution network developed at MIT and NREL, is a distribution level power system model comprised of three feeders having various Distributed Energy Resources, including solar, diesel, and battery energy storage systems.
The model is run on an OPAL-RT Real-Time Simulator, which sends voltage and current measurements in real-time to a physical protection relay from SEL interfaced to the simulation. Using IEC 61850 GOOSE protocol, the demo will feature fault and islanding scenarios to highlight the ease and utility of HYPERSIM® as a real-time simulation tool.
Chris Genganantha
Chris Genganantha
My passion is emerging technology and how technologies can shape user experience. I have had the opportunity to work with companies whose core values are to innovate and change their clients’ lives with breakthrough technologies. I thrive at the interface of innovation and client management.
My journey began with Chemical Research in 2003, then in 2011 I got the chance to work with one of the most disruptive companies in measurement technology at the time, and I moved to the High-Tech Manufacturing sector. Since then I have had the satisfying job of discovering clients’ needs and ensuring a clear path of action for the delivery of solutions to those needs that will enhance the clients’ experience. This has given me exposure to hardware, firmware and software product development, marketing and customer support. It has also allowed me to simultaneously wear the hats of scientist, marketer, and client advocate.
Utility Management Platform
Abdelrahman El Garf
Sales Manager, Pylon
Abdelrahman El Garf
Abdelrahman has 10 years of experience in the fields of Engineering and Real estate development with a special focus on Oil and Gas, Industrial Engineering, Power and Renewable Energy, and Real Estate Sales. Following his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the American University in Cairo, he worked as a field engineer in several leading Oil and Gas Services companies including Schlumberger and Halliburton. He acquired experiences both on the national and the regional level, working in Egypt and KSA in multiple locations and attending International Seminars and trainings in USA and Asia. Abdelrahman has participated in several part-time consultancy positions focusing on conducting feasibility studies, desk research, and data analysis on the optimizations of industrial sectors analyzing sectoral trends and market gaps. Abdelrahman is currently the sales manager for Pylon where his networking, relationship management, strategy development, and market analysis skills are accentuated. Abdelrahman likes learning new languages, playing music and is a dedicated sports fan.
Safety & Protection
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Welcome to ETAP’s Digital Innovations Conference 2022!
John Francis
VP Business Development & Marketing, ETAP
John Francis
Mr. Francis is the VP of Business Development / Marketing and Principal Electrical Engineer at ETAP. He has over 16 years of electrical engineering experience. John has been involved in the sales, design, support, testing, and marketing of ETAP for more than 13 years.
John received his bachelor's degree from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona in June of 2004 with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Tanuj Khandelwal
Tanuj Khandelwal
Tanuj is ETAP’s Chief Executive Officer, and author of numerous publications and holds several patents. He has shaped and directed the development of ETAP’s solutions for over 20 years. Before joining ETAP, he worked as an Associate Engineer at PricewaterhouseCoopers.
He is a Senior Member of IEEE and co-chair of IEEE Stds: 3002.2 & 3002.7. He is also a co-author of “Power System Dynamics with Computer-Based Modeling and Analysis” by Wiley and co-inventor of various ETAP technologies with 3 granted patents.
Tanuj received his bachelor's degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering from University of Bombay in 1999 and his master's degree in Electrical Engineering from California State University, Long Beach in 2001.
Keynote: Electricity 4.0: Powering the Digital Energy Landscape
Today we are on the brink of Electricity 4.0. A convergence of digital + electric, with its scale, scope, and complexity driving a transformation unlike any in history. In the face of heightened climate change, the old electricity system is being ushered out, leading us to a more efficient, sustainable, and resilient New Electric World. Learn how Schneider Electric and ETAP accelerate the Digital Transformation of Power to support customers and partners in their sustainable transformation.
Olivier Blum
Executive VP, Energy Management & Member of the Executive Committee, Schneider Electric
Olivier Blum
Olivier is Schneider Electric’s Executive Vice President, Energy Management and a member of the Executive Committee. He is responsible for the entire Energy Management portfolio of world-leading technologies, software and services. Olivier is an active promoter of Sustainability and “Electricity 4.0” the fastest route to a net-zero world that is more electric and more digital. In his previous role as Chief Strategy & Sustainability Officer, Olivier led the development of Corporate Strategy, Mergers & Acquisitions, Sustainability and Quality. Prior to that, Olivier led Schneider’s People Strategy as Chief Human Resources Officer between 2014 and 2020. Olivier graduated from Grenoble Business School (GEM), France.
Introduction to ArcSafety - Case Study Presentations
Solution overview and introduction of the presenters.
Albert Marroquin
Senior VP Dynamics & Safety, ETAP
Albert Marroquin
Albert Marroquin, BScEE, SMIEEE, PE – V.P., Electrical Safety & Dynamics Eng. Divisions, Senior Principal Electrical Engineer, Co-chair of IEEE P1584-2018 Ballot Resolution Committee, vice-chair of IEEE P1584-2018 Arc Flash Model Validation Group, member of IEEE 1458, P1814 and NFPA 70E. Albert is a licensed engineer in California. Albert has designed AC and DC Arc Flash software for 20 years. Albert joined ETAP in Jan. 2001 as an electrical engineer. He is an active power system analysis instructor for short-circuit, AC & DC arc flash and transient stability. Albert has authored several IEEE IAS PCIC and ESW papers and Tutorials on electrical safety.
Generator Brush Collector Ring’s Arc Flash Hazard - A Safety Concern!
In some types of generator exciter systems collector rings and brushes are used to provide energy from the exciter to the rotating fields. Collector equipment wears down and needs to be replaced with the unit on-line. There are personal safety concerns, especially regarding possible arc flash during this maintenance activity. Currently, there is no established DC standard, guidelines, or methods to quantify potential energy levels and determine appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for this unique maintenance application. This presentation addresses this important and dangerous maintenance task, electrical safety, lack of standards and guidelines, and our first initial step (research by university students) for a calculation method using ETAP.
Zia Salami
Sr. Electrical Engineer / SME Power Systems, CDM Smith
Zia Salami
Dr. Salami, a senior member of IEEE, has 23 years of industry and academic experience in electrical power systems. He has served in several roles as advisory engineer, consultant, and academic professor. At the University of North Carolina Charlotte, Dr. Salami served as an Associate Professor in Electrical & Computer Engineering Department teaching and conducting research and continue as an adjunct professor to provide service to his local university. Dr. Salami is a senior expert in electric power system design, modeling, and analyses and working with CDM Smith as a Management Specialist – Subject Matter Expert in electrical power system to guide the company in power system analysis and support to resolve clients’ technical issues.
High Voltage Arc Flash for Overhead Conductor Systems
Arc-Flash analysis extends well beyond the scope of IEEE 1584 and NFPA 70E methodology for transmission, distribution and renewable energy systems. For many years, the industry has been lacking an “all-in-one” solution for performing arc flash analysis on dc, LV, MV and HV ac systems. ETAP ArcFaultTMprovides a validated method for performing arc fault simulations in T&D open-air overhead conductor systems plus it provides two methods to determine the incident energy for arc-flash in 3-phase enclosed equipment for 15 to 38 kV renewable energy collector systems. This presentation explains the background and methods for arc fault simulations and explains how ETAP ArcFault helps utilities comply with OSHA requirements to perform arc-flash analysis for systems voltage above 1.0 kV.
Albert Marroquin
Senior VP Dynamics & Safety, ETAP
Albert Marroquin
Albert Marroquin, BScEE, SMIEEE, PE – V.P., Electrical Safety & Dynamics Eng. Divisions, Senior Principal Electrical Engineer, Co-chair of IEEE P1584-2018 Ballot Resolution Committee, vice-chair of IEEE P1584-2018 Arc Flash Model Validation Group, member of IEEE 1458, P1814 and NFPA 70E. Albert is a licensed engineer in California. Albert has designed AC and DC Arc Flash software for 20 years. Albert joined ETAP in Jan. 2001 as an electrical engineer. He is an active power system analysis instructor for short-circuit, AC & DC arc flash and transient stability. Albert has authored several IEEE IAS PCIC and ESW papers and Tutorials on electrical safety.
Methods for Evaluating DC Arc Incident Energy in PV Systems
Renewable energy systems continue to be one of the fastest growing segments of the energy industry. This paper focuses on the understanding of how photovoltaic (PV) technology behaves under dc arc conditions. A comparative analysis of the arc-flash incident energy calculation method developed in collaboration between National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and ETAP details the effect of PV module I-V and P-V curves under arcing conditions. Examples of the application of the proposed calculation method to the test measurements are included.
Bill Sekulic
Researcher IV-Electrical Engineering, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Bill Sekulic
William Sekulic, BSEE, PE, PV Reliability Group at National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Co. since 2001. His research areas include photovoltaic reliability, battery storage, balance of systems components and electrical safety. He is also a member of the electrical safety committee and part time electrical inspector. He graduated from Colorado School of Mines and is a professional engineer registered in the state of Colorado.
Peter McNutt
Solar/PV Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Peter McNutt
Peter McNutt graduated from the University of Colorado at Denver in 1994 with an MSEE. He began working at NREL in 1997 in the areas of PV performance, deployment, and energy systems integration. In the Energy Systems Integration Facility at NREL part of his time is spent as an electrical safety officer performing electrical safety inspections and updating arc-flash hazard analyses for AC and DC equipment. He is a registered professional engineer in the State of Colorado.
Albert Marroquin
Senior VP Dynamics & Safety, ETAP
Albert Marroquin
Albert Marroquin, BScEE, SMIEEE, PE – V.P., Electrical Safety & Dynamics Eng. Divisions, Senior Principal Electrical Engineer, Co-chair of IEEE P1584-2018 Ballot Resolution Committee, vice-chair of IEEE P1584-2018 Arc Flash Model Validation Group, member of IEEE 1458, P1814 and NFPA 70E. Albert is a licensed engineer in California. Albert has designed AC and DC Arc Flash software for 20 years. Albert joined ETAP in Jan. 2001 as an electrical engineer. He is an active power system analysis instructor for short-circuit, AC & DC arc flash and transient stability. Albert has authored several IEEE IAS PCIC and ESW papers and Tutorials on electrical safety.
AC & DC Arc Flash Analysis for Renewable Energy Systems
This presentation will address the difficulties and lessons learnt on performing arc flash analysis using available methods (outside the voltage limits of IEEE 1584-2018 standard) on a 2.3 MW PV generation facility. The analysis includes system modeling, short-circuit, arc flash (both AC and DC) using various applicable calculation methods that best fit this application along with available tools in ETAP and generating worst-case arc flash deliverables.
Gabriel Molina, P.E.
Director of Engineering, Blue Oak Energy, LLC
Gabriel Molina, P.E.
Gabriel Molina started as a project engineer in 2013, then held roles as developer and engineering project manager. Now, as Director of Engineering, Gabe is responsible for managing and mentoring a team of engineers and designers. He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from UC Davis and previously worked at the UC Davis California Lighting Technology Center. He is a registered professional engineer and subject matter expert in renewable systems providing professional services to commercial and utility-scale PV and storage
Raghu Veeraraghavan
Department Manager Safety, ETAP
Raghu Veeraraghavan
Raghu Veeraraghavan, MSEEE, P.E. – Division manager Electrical Safety, Senior Electrical engineer, member of IEEE P 1584.1. Raghu started as a power engineer in 2013 and then held roles as a department manager. Raghu is responsible for design, testing, validation, technical support, and engineering services for ETAP Safety division. He is a certified NFPA 70E, ETAP advanced instructor for Short-circuit, Arc Flash (AC and DC) respectively. He is a registered professional engineer in California and an active IEEE member.
AC Arc Flash Calculations in a Data Center Network
A major electrical facility manager has contracted Schneider Electric to perform Arc Flash Hazards Analysis on a new datacenter building in Italy. The datacenter network is composed of 4 identical and redundant segments with two step/down transformers from 132kV network local utility to 15kV distribution level. The analysis is aimed at calculating Arc Flash Incident Energy and Arc Flash Boundaries at several points of the installation from the main 15kV distribution switchgears down to the main LV distribution switchboard and divisionary panel boards in each segment. The ETAP network model is based on a complete data collection phase gathering all input data necessary to correctly conduct the study in compliance with the latest safety standard NFPA70E – 2021, and IEEE 1584- 2018.
Pierre-Antoine Claudel
Senior Power System Engineer, Schneider Electric
Pierre-Antoine Claudel
Pierre-Antoine Claudel received his Master degree in Electrical Engineering from the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble in 2004. He joined Schneider Electric in 2007. He has been involved in Medium Voltage (MV) Engineering/commissioning and MV offer management.He is currently working on Power System Studies such as Protection and Coordination, Arc Flash, Harmonics and Transient Stability studies and on-site assessments.
Expert Panel & QA
Live Q & A Panel with Presenters and Session Chair discussing Attendees' questions.
Albert Marroquin
Senior VP Dynamics & Safety, ETAP
Albert Marroquin
Albert Marroquin, BScEE, SMIEEE, PE – V.P., Electrical Safety & Dynamics Eng. Divisions, Senior Principal Electrical Engineer, Co-chair of IEEE P1584-2018 Ballot Resolution Committee, vice-chair of IEEE P1584-2018 Arc Flash Model Validation Group, member of IEEE 1458, P1814 and NFPA 70E. Albert is a licensed engineer in California. Albert has designed AC and DC Arc Flash software for 20 years. Albert joined ETAP in Jan. 2001 as an electrical engineer. He is an active power system analysis instructor for short-circuit, AC & DC arc flash and transient stability. Albert has authored several IEEE IAS PCIC and ESW papers and Tutorials on electrical safety.
Zia Salami
Sr. Electrical Engineer / SME Power Systems, CDM Smith
Zia Salami
Dr. Salami, a senior member of IEEE, has 23 years of industry and academic experience in electrical power systems. He has served in several roles as advisory engineer, consultant, and academic professor.
Daleep Mohla
Consulting Engineer, IEEE
Daleep Mohla
Daleep Mohla, (S’72-M’73-SM’01, F’06, LF’12) Principal Consultant DCM Electrical Consulting Services Inc. received a BSEE degree from West Virginia Institute of Technology, WV in 1973. He is chair of IEEE 1584WG and a member of NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace. He was employed with Union Carbide and Dow for over 30 years
As the Owner and Principal consultant for DCM Electrical Consulting Services, Inc., Daleep is now engaged in conducting training on National Electrical Code and NFPA 70E, and preparation and auditing of safety programs for industrial and commercial customers. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas
Jim Phillips
Founder, Brainfiller
Jim Phillips
Jim Phillips, is founder of He received a B.S.E.E. Degree from the Ohio State University and is a Registered Professional Engineer. His career began with Square D Company performing power system studies, software development and corporate training. Later, Jim headed the short circuit studies group of Ohio Edison Company. He also taught electrical power systems at Stark State College. Jim is Vice-Chair of IEEE 1584, International Chair of IEC TC78 and Technical Committee Member of NFPA 70E. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, Member of U.K based IET and Associate Director of U.K. based Electrical Safety UK.
Bill Sekulic
Researcher IV-Electrical Engineering, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Bill Sekulic
William Sekulic, BSEE, PE, PV Reliability Group at National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Co. since 2001. His research areas include photovoltaic reliability, battery storage, balance of systems components and electrical safety. He is also a member of the electrical safety committee and part time electrical inspector. He graduated from Colorado School of Mines and is a professional engineer registered in the state of Colorado.
Peter McNutt
Solar/PV Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Peter McNutt
Peter McNutt graduated from the University of Colorado at Denver in 1994 with an MSEE. He began working at NREL in 1997 in the areas of PV performance, deployment, and energy systems integration. In the Energy Systems Integration Facility at NREL part of his time is spent as an electrical safety officer performing electrical safety inspections and updating arc-flash hazard analyses for AC and DC equipment. He is a registered professional engineer in the State of Colorado.
Gabriel Molina, P.E.
Director of Engineering, Blue Oak Energy, LLC
Gabriel Molina, P.E.
Gabriel Molina started as a project engineer in 2013, then held roles as developer and engineering project manager. Now, as Director of Engineering, Gabe is responsible for managing and mentoring a team of engineers and designers. He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from UC Davis and previously worked at the UC Davis California Lighting Technology Center. He is a registered professional engineer and subject matter expert in renewable systems providing professional services to commercial and utility-scale PV and storage
Raghu Veeraraghavan
Department Manager Safety, ETAP
Raghu Veeraraghavan
Raghu Veeraraghavan, MSEEE, P.E. – Division manager Electrical Safety, Senior Electrical engineer, member of IEEE P 1584.1. Raghu started as a power engineer in 2013 and then held roles as a department manager. Raghu is responsible for design, testing, validation, technical support, and engineering services for ETAP Safety division. He is a certified NFPA 70E, ETAP advanced instructor for Short-circuit, Arc Flash (AC and DC) respectively. He is a registered professional engineer in California and an active IEEE member.
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Introduction to Power System Protection - Case Study Presentations
Introduction to Power Systems Protection and the upcoming Case Study Presenters.
Victor Andrade
VP of Business Development, ETAP
Victor Andrade
Victor Andrade has over 15 years of experience in the Energy and Power Systems sector. He joined ETAP as a Senior Power Engineer in the Engineering Department in March of 2011. Victor’s responsibilities include verification and validation of the results for ETAP Load Flow, Short-Circuit, Protective Device Coordination, Arc Flash, Harmonics, Motor Starting, Transient Stability, DC Systems among other features. He also provides ETAP training to various users locally and internationally in various industries including Oil and Gas, Mining, Utility, Nuclear, Rail and more. Victor graduated from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona with a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering in 2007.
Phase to Phase Fault Debacle: Fault Lasted 1.7s/108 Cycles. Protection Studies are quite Challenging
"How a failure to properly perform protection studies led to a significant substation safety incident and outage: A look at the real-life data"
A phase-to-phase fault occurred in a wind farm facility, and the relay in the primary zone of protection of the fault took 103 cycles/1.7 seconds to operate. 1 cycle delay is enough to cause a fire. The fault lasted so long that the relay captured 4 consecutive relays, and the initial phase to phase fault evolved to a 3-phase fault.
The presentation shows the actual data from the relays during the entire fault and discusses how ETAP modeling and protection is used to simulate the fault events. Significant challenges in protection can be hidden for so long because the right/wrong fault has not occurred yet to reveal the shortcomings. This presentation also utilizes the ETAP arc flash calculator to calculate the incident energy of an evolving fault which could have resulted in a significant arc flash event.
Thierry Espassa
Electrical Engineering Director, EEEngineering
Thierry Espassa
Thierry Julio Epassa. P.E is a truly multifaced electrical engineer. He holds 3 bachelor’s degrees in mathematics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering - He worked in petrochemicals and renewables – He worked in maintenance, reliability, and now leads an electrical consulting engineering firm.
Thierry collected thousands of incidents in which protection scheme shortcomings were significant factors that led to outages, equipment failures, and/or injuries due to arc flash.
Thierry is now a LinkedIn micro-influencer talking about power systems concepts and theories and hopes to challenge the industry in best practices on gauging the accuracy of power system modeling and studies.
Review Process in Protection Coordination Studies
The adequate definition of protective device settings is crucial for effective operation, resilience, safety and continuity of service of any electrical installation.
A careful review process is required to ensure calculated settings are consistent with equipment characteristics, expected balanced & unbalanced fault levels, protective devices capabilities to facilitate effective protection and maximize coordination. This presentation goes through a practical example of an internal review of a performed protection coordination study.
Giovanni Gambirasio
Electrical Engineer, Selecty
Giovanni Gambirasio
Giovanni Gambirasio received his master’s degree in Electrical Engineering at University of Pavia (Italy) in 2010 and Certified professional Engineer for the State of Italy since 2011. Passionate Electrical Engineer Technical oriented, Leads Electrical Power System studies Team in SELECTY, Italy. Specialized in Load Flow, Short-circuit, Motor acceleration, Transient Stability, Load Shedding, Generator Dynamic model validation, Power Harmonics, Protection relay Coordination, CT & VT verification, and Arc-Flash hazard. Experienced in conventional and renewable generation, distribution, industrial and marine installation. Special focus in Petrochemical and Oil & Gas systems for both onshore & offshore installations.
ETAP Certified Instructor & Authorized Representative for Italian territories (since 2018).
Protection Coordination at Panama Mina de Cobre
The first Quantum Minerals Copper Mine project in Panama, located approx. 120 km west of Panama City and 20 km from the Atlantic coast, has large scale mining deposits and is furnished with ultra-class scaled mining equipment. Voltex Power Engineers had the rare opportunity to design and commission a green-site power system, encompassing an open-pit copper mine, processing plant, port and power station. Voltex conducted protection coordination for the entire site and implemented IEC61850 communications, inter-tripping, inter-locking and protection blocking schemes. This presentation focuses on protection coordination studies using ETAP.
Raul Barrera
Lead Engineer, Voltex Power Engineers
Raul Barrera
Raúl, performing the role of Lead Engineer and Auditor for the Voltex Group, is a chartered professional mechanical and electrical engineer in Australia; and holds a Master of Engineering Practice specialising in Power Systems Engineering. His career spans 30 years in engineering practice and 15 years as an accredited Hazardous Area, High Voltage and Safety Management System Auditor.
As part of an engineering team, Raúl has assisted Voltex in representing ETAP in Australia for over 10 years.
Expert Panel & QA
Live Q & A Panel with Presenters and Session Chair discussing attendee's questions.
Thierry Espassa
Electrical Engineering Director, EEEngineering
Thierry Espassa
Thierry Julio Epassa. P.E is a truly multifaced electrical engineer. He holds 3 bachelor’s degrees in mathematics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering - He worked in petrochemicals and renewables – He worked in maintenance, reliability, and now leads an electrical consulting engineering firm.
Thierry collected thousands of incidents in which protection scheme shortcomings were significant factors that led to outages, equipment failures, and/or injuries due to arc flash.
Thierry is now a LinkedIn micro-influencer talking about power systems concepts and theories and hopes to challenge the industry in best practices on gauging the accuracy of power system modeling and studies.
Giovanni Gambirasio
Electrical Engineer, Selecty
Giovanni Gambirasio
Giovanni Gambirasio received his master’s degree in Electrical Engineering at University of Pavia (Italy) in 2010 and Certified professional Engineer for the State of Italy since 2011. Passionate Electrical Engineer Technical oriented, Leads Electrical Power System studies Team in SELECTY, Italy. Specialized in Load Flow, Short-circuit, Motor acceleration, Transient Stability, Load Shedding, Generator Dynamic model validation, Power Harmonics, Protection relay Coordination, CT & VT verification, and Arc-Flash hazard. Experienced in conventional and renewable generation, distribution, industrial and marine installation. Special focus in Petrochemical and Oil & Gas systems for both onshore & offshore installations.
ETAP Certified Instructor & Authorized Representative for Italian territories (since 2018).
Victor Andrade
VP of Business Development, ETAP
Victor Andrade
Victor Andrade has over 15 years of experience in the Energy and Power Systems sector. He joined ETAP as a Senior Power Engineer in the Engineering Department in March of 2011. Victor’s responsibilities include verification and validation of the results for ETAP Load Flow, Short-Circuit, Protective Device Coordination, Arc Flash, Harmonics, Motor Starting, Transient Stability, DC Systems among other features. He also provides ETAP training to various users locally and internationally in various industries including Oil and Gas, Mining, Utility, Nuclear, Rail and more. Victor graduated from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona with a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering in 2007.
Raul Barrera
Lead Engineer, Voltex Power Engineers
Raul Barrera
Raúl, performing the role of Lead Engineer and Auditor for the Voltex Group, is a chartered professional mechanical and electrical engineer in Australia; and holds a Master of Engineering Practice specialising in Power Systems Engineering. His career spans 30 years in engineering practice and 15 years as an accredited Hazardous Area, High Voltage and Safety Management System Auditor.
As part of an engineering team, Raúl has assisted Voltex in representing ETAP in Australia for over 10 years.
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Cable EMF - Cable Magnetic Field Exposure Analysis
Join to learn how ETAP’s cable magnetic field exposure analysis determines the worst-case magnetic field exposure produced by conductors in underground raceways. This presentation will explain how the Cable EMF tool integrates with the underground cable systems analysis module to determine the balanced or unbalanced currents which induce the magnetic fields. The presentation will show how the tool evaluates the field intensity against industry-accepted health-and-safety magnetic field intensity exposure limits.
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Walter Gonzalez
Senior Power Engineer, ETAP
Walter Gonzalez
Walter is a Senior Power Engineer who designs and tests ArcSafety products which include the ETAP Short Circuit and Arc Flash modules. Walter has obtained his E.I.T certificate and is an NFPA 70E certified instructor who teaches introductory ETAP AF courses. Additionally, he is also a working group member of IEEE 1584.1 standard which is titled "Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in Accordance with IEEE Std 1584™".
Lightning Risk Assessment
In this session, we demonstrate how to use ETAP’s Lightning Risk Assessment (LRA) tool to assess the risk of a lightning strike and the probability of damage. Learn how to perform the LRA to comply with NFPA 780-2020, 2014 and IEC 62305-2 2010.
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Raghu Veeraraghavan
Department Manager Safety, ETAP
Raghu Veeraraghavan
Raghu Veeraraghavan, MSEEE, P.E. – Division manager Electrical Safety, Senior Electrical engineer, member of IEEE P 1584.1. Raghu started as a power engineer in 2013 and then held roles as a department manager. Raghu is responsible for design, testing, validation, technical support, and engineering services for ETAP Safety division. He is a certified NFPA 70E, ETAP advanced instructor for Short-circuit, Arc Flash (AC and DC) respectively. He is a registered professional engineer in California and an active IEEE member.
Short Circuit & Ground Grid Analysis
Discover ETAP’s Ground Grid Design module and how to create accurate and economical ground grid designs while efficiently conducting studies using integrated fault analysis tools such as the ETAP Short Circuit Analysis module.
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Victor Andrade
VP Business Development, ETAP
Victor Andrade
Victor Andrade has over 15 years of experience in the Energy and Power Systems sector. He joined ETAP as a Senior Power Engineer in the Engineering Department in March of 2011. Victor’s responsibilities include verification and validation of the results for ETAP Load Flow, Short-Circuit, Protective Device Coordination, Arc Flash, Harmonics, Motor Starting, Transient Stability, DC Systems among other features. He also provides ETAP training to various users locally and internationally in various industries including Oil and Gas, Mining, Utility, Nuclear, Rail and more. Victor graduated from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona with a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering in 2007.
Yichen Bi
Sr. Electrical Engineer & Product Manager, ETAP
Yichen Bi
Yichen joined ETAP in 2014 and currently serves as the Sr. Electrical Engineer and Product Manager. His responsibilities include the research, design, and test of multiple ETAP products including Underground Raceway, Ground Grid, Cable Pulling, and Reliability. His interests of research include power cable modeling and ground grid design simulation. One of his current focuses is power cable grounding schemes. Yichen graduated from the University of Southern California with a Master of Science degree in 2014.
International Standards for Arc Flash and Shock Risk Assessment
International standards define requirements for safe work practices by reducing the exposure to major electrical hazards. In this session, we introduce ETAP Arc Flash and Shock Risk
Analysis Software and demonstrate how to use the tool to easily comply with IEEE 1584-2018, NFPA 70E 2021, OSHA, NESC, DGUV-I 203-077, ENA NENS 09-2014 and more.
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Albert Marroquin
Senior VP Dynamics & Safety, ETAP
Albert Marroquin
Albert Marroquin, BScEE, SMIEEE, PE – V.P., Electrical Safety & Dynamics Eng. Divisions, Senior Principal Electrical Engineer, Co-chair of IEEE P1584-2018 Ballot Resolution Committee, vice-chair of IEEE P1584-2018 Arc Flash Model Validation Group, member of IEEE 1458, P1814 and NFPA 70E. Albert is a licensed engineer in California. Albert has designed AC and DC Arc Flash software for 20 years. Albert joined ETAP in Jan. 2001 as an electrical engineer. He is an active power system analysis instructor for short-circuit, AC & DC arc flash and transient stability. Albert has authored several IEEE IAS PCIC and ESW papers and Tutorials on electrical safety.
DC Arc Flash Analysis for PV Systems
Join to learn how ETAP DC Flash Analysis software calculates the incident energy for photovoltaic systems, while considering different methods such as Maximum Power, Stokes & Oppenlander, Paukert, DGUV-I-203-077. This presentation will show how ETAP applies the dc arc incident energy models developed in IEEE "Methods for Evaluating DC Arc Incident Energy in Photovoltaic Systems.”
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Gene Yong
Electrical Engineer, ETAP
Gene Yong
Gene Young joined ETAP starting 2017 and works for the Safety & Dynamics division. He primarily works on Short Circuit (SC) and Arc-Flash (AF) related features. His main job duties involve validating/testing SC and AF features for future ETAP releases. His other job duties involve answering technical support questions via the ETAP help center. He has also had experience working on consulting projects requiring analysis of Load Flow, SC & AF studies. Additionally, he has assisted and taught in several ETAP workshops. Gene obtained his PE license onFebruary 2020. He is familiar with the NEC (NFPA 70), NFPA 70E and IEEE 1584 Standard. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) class of 2017.
eLabel™ Maker
ETAP Arc Flash Analysis Software includes a variety of arc flash hazard safety labels in multiple languages. Experience some of the new label maker features such as two-incident energy result labels, QR codes and other nice label delivery capabilities of this new exciting label maker tool.
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Raghu Veeraraghavan
Department Manager Safety, ETAP
Raghu Veeraraghavan
Raghu Veeraraghavan, MSEEE, P.E. – Division manager Electrical Safety, Senior Electrical engineer, member of IEEE P 1584.1. Raghu started as a power engineer in 2013 and then held roles as a department manager. Raghu is responsible for design, testing, validation, technical support, and engineering services for ETAP Safety division. He is a certified NFPA 70E, ETAP advanced instructor for Short-circuit, Arc Flash (AC and DC) respectively. He is a registered professional engineer in California and an active IEEE member.
Current Transformer (CT) Saturation
In this tutorial, we cover the fundamentals & theory of CT saturation, the effects on equipment, and instruct how to avoid CT saturation for certain applications. Gain insights performing CT saturation analysis and CT sizing using ETAP.
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Jose Macias
Senior Electrical Engineer, ETAP
Jose Macias
Jose Macias has been working for the Dynamics Engineering Division at ETAP as an Electrical Engineer since 2018. His duties involve active participation in all phases of product development, including design, specification, test, support, and training on some of ETAP’s core modules, including Arc Flash, Short Circuit, Harmonic Analysis, and Motor Starting. Additionally, Mr. Macias has worked on several projects for the development of dynamic models (ETAP UDM) to be employed in Transient Stability studies. Jose Macias received his bachelor's degree in electrical engineering (Power Systems) from Simon Bolivar University in 2015 and his master's degree in electrical engineering (Power Systems) from California State University Northridge in 2018.
Conference Closing Remarks
Thank you for attending, we look forward to seeing you at our next Digital Innovations Day in May, with a focus on Transmission, Distribution & Microgrid Systems.
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