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Upgrading Bokaro Steel Plant's existing Supervisory Load Control Centre System with ETAP SCADA

Okt 17, 2022, 17:08
Duration : 14:47
External URL :
Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) is one of the largest steel-making companies in India and one of the Maharatnas of the country’s Central Public Sector Enterprises. ETAP was selected to upgrade the existing SLCC (Supervisory Load Control Centre) System for Power Distribution of Bokaro Steel Plant. This presentation will give insights into the project scope and deployment: The SCADA/PDMS system shall monitor and control the Distribution & Sub-Distribution stations and achieve the SCADA/PDMS functions, integrated with the SLCC control center. Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL) is having a client/server architecture-based SCADA System for monitoring and controlling of generation, import, and distribution of power through SLCC Control room at MSDS-I. The SLCC system is also connected to a central SLCC system located in Kolkata. RTUs for substations will be installed in various locations which are connected through a dedicated fiber-optic network to the server.
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