Time Saving Resources
Global Arc Flash Data Entry for Equipment
Speed up data entry for your arc flash study by globally applying arc flash analysis data tool based on electrical equipment type and voltage rating.
- Global definition of arc flash analysis data eliminates the need to specify this information in each bus.
- Global definition of working distance, bus gaps, electrode configurations, approach boundaries, & voltage-rated glove classes.
- Specify Arc Flash Analysis Data based on IEEE 1584 2018 or user-defined values
- Globally select Shock Risk Assessment Data based on NFPA 70E 2024, CSA Z462 2021 to 2024 or user-defined settings.
- Globally populate the voltage-rated glove class settings per ASTM D 120-22, IEC 60903:2014, or user-defined settings.
- Updates to arc flash calculation data can be made globally without having to modify each bus editor individually.
Motor Contributions & Low Voltage Equipment Handling
ETAP arc flash analysis software makes it easier to specify arc flash analysis data that should be applied to low voltage equipment such as motors based on IEEE 1584-2018.
- Consider motor fault current decay for arc flash analysis
- Automatically exclude small motor contributions entirely from the arc flash analysis
- The arc flash analysis software automatically adjusts the arc fault current based on the decaying motor contributions and determines the effect on the energy and protective device response.
- User-definable cycle (time) for motor contribution to allow better modeling of motor time constants for the arc flash calculation.
- The arc flash analysis program automatically updates the maximum or minimum or both currents based on multiple scenarios that give different short-circuit currents to the bus.
- Automatically assign arc flash incident energy to type of equipment based on fault current ranges and voltage levels below IEEE 1584 model.