Innovative Platform & Game-Changing Solutions
ETAP 18 offers a powerful set of new products and major features & capabilities. This game-changing release brings together innovative solutions for modeling, analysis, and operation at your fingertips.
etapAPPTM Data Collection & Synchronization App
Field data collection and simultaneous user project management synchronized with ETAP
Available for free download from Microsoft® and Apple® App stores

Smart Connect
Auto-insert devices without breaking connections
StarZTM T&D Protection & Coordination
Transmission and distribution system protection & coordination software offers insight into line protection evaluation, protective relay performance and system-wide protective device operation
- Evaluate & verify system Protection & Coordination
- Reduce human error in relay settings & logic
- Simulate model-specific protection settings & functions
- Use real-time operational data for system evaluation
ArcFaultTM Arcing Fault Hazard Evaluation
High voltage arc flash module for arcing fault evaluation on electric transmission & distribution utilities and renewable power systems operating from 1 kV to 1000 kV.
- Arc fault analysis using NESC & OSHA methods
- Arc flash analysis data for equipment above 15 kV
- Extended model for 'Arc in a Box'
eTraXTM Rail Traction System
Solution for analyzing, managing, and simulating low & medium voltage train power systems
- Data Centralization: Geospatial, Schematics, Planning, Protection & Operations
- Solve AC & DC Power Systems Simultaneously
- Train Performance Calculation
- Verified & Validated against benchmarks & global standard
- Conceptual design & study to system integration & operation
- Traction eSCADA with Real-Time Predictive Simulation
TDLF Time Domain Load Flow
Unsymmetrical Unified AC & DC Power Flow based on time-varying load and generation
- Simultaneous AC & DC simulation
- Unified alerts & reporting
- Varying load & generation as a function of time
DataXTM Data Exchange
ETAP 18 offers a set of new powerful set of data exchange and interface tools including Autodesk Revit®, Model Conversion from SKM PTW, ESRI ArcGIS®, MultiSpeak®, CIM, Universal Mapping
EMT Electromagnetic Transient Program
Electromagnetic Transient Programs (EMT) for simulation & analysis of power system transients
- Dedicated module for EMT analysis
- Export ETAP electrical data to PSCAD® & EMT-RV
- Automatic mapping of attributes
Renewable & Microgrid
New renewable energy models for accurate static and dynamic simulation, equipment sizing, grid interconnection studies and field verification of wind and solar farms
- Design & analyze solar farms & wind parks
- Microgrid modeling & design
- Wind & PV integration impact on transmission grid
- Wind & PV impact on distribution grid as Distributed Energy Resource
- WTG short-circuit modeling per IEC 60909-2016
ETAP-RTTM Power Monitoring & Control
New applications and major enhancement to ETAP Power Management & Automation solution
- etapADMS™ - Advanced Distribution Management System
- Switch Order Management - SOM
- Electrical SCADA protocols & dashboards
- Native IEC 60870 & ICCP protocols
- Long-term Load Forecasting
- Real-Time & Historical reports
- Intelligent Load Shedding dashboard
etap iCETM Intelligent Control Enterprise Hardware
- Programmable Controller
- Remote Terminal Unit - RTU
- Data Acquisition & Control
- Secure Controller
- Integrated Fault Detector
- Fault Tolerant Hardware
- Built-In Redundancy
- Communication Protocols
- Wireless Communications
System Modeling
ETAP 18 offers several new and time saving features and capabilities for intelligent system modeling and network management.
- Powerful Plot Manager
- New elements & engineering libraries
- One-Line Diagram & Datablock enhancements
- Intelligent Geospatial Diagram