
Arc Flash Analysis

リスクを軽減   安全性を向上させる   コンプライアンスの徹底
ETAP アークフラッシュ解析を使用すると、電気システム内の高リスクアークフラッシュ領域を識別して分析することができ、高い入射エネルギーを軽減するためのいくつかの異なる方法のシミュレーションも可能です。
  • Arc Flash

    Arc Flash software identifies and analyzes high risk arc flash areas in AC systems.

  • アーク事故

    800 kVまでのシステムにNESCおよびOSHA手法を用いたアーク事故解析

  • DCアークフラッシュソフトウェア


Key Features

  • IEEE&NFPAガイドラインに準拠
  • 一相&三相アークフラッシュ計算
  • 多言語アークフラッシュラベル
  • 作業許可とデータシート
  • アークフラッシュ結果アナライザ
  • グローバル機器データ入力


    High Voltage Arc Flash for T&D, Industrial and Renewable Systems

    High Voltage Arc Flash for T&D, Industrial and Renewable Systems

    Arc flash analysis extends well beyond the scope of IEEE 1584 and NFPA 70E methodology for transmission, distribution, industrial and renewable energy systems. For many years, the industry has been lacking an ‘all-in-one’ solution for performing AC and DC arc flash analysis on LV, MV, and HV systems.

    IEEE 1584-2018 Arc Flash Incident Energy Calculation Method using ETAP

    IEEE 1584-2018 Arc Flash Incident Energy Calculation Method using ETAP

    This webinar will provide an overview of the fundamental differences between the IEEE 1584-2018 and existing arc flash methods. To better understand how the 2018 model combines empirical and arc flash physical behavior, the presentation will cover background and insights into the model development validation. 


    Arc Flash Analysis

    Arc Flash Analysis

    Introduction to ETAP Arc Flash Hazard Analysis module with instructions on how to setup arc flash calculations.

    ETAP Arc Flash IEEE 1584-2018

    ETAP Arc Flash IEEE 1584-2018

    ETAP Arc Flash Analysis software is used to perform arc flash analysis for systems from 0.208 kV to 15 kV in accordance with IEEE 1584-2018 “IEEE Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard Calculations.” The software determines the incident energy and arc flash boundary values required to comply with NEC equipment labeling. It also provides hazard evaluation for shock protection and arc flash PPE according to NFPA 70E 2018.




    ETAP ArcFault™ - High Voltage Arc Flash Analysis

    ETAP ArcFault™ - High Voltage Arc Flash Analysis

    ETAP ArcFault™ software is recommended for performing Arc Flash Analysis on electrical utilities and renewable power systems operating at 15 kV and above.

    High Voltage Arc Flash Assessment and Applications

    High Voltage Arc Flash Assessment and Applications

    Two-part technical article published by the InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA) in NetaWorld, co-authored by Albert Marroquin, VP of V&V at ETAP.

    White Papers