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Learn about ETAP Automated Fault Analysis Software

Learn about ETAP Automated Fault Analysis Software

ETAP Automated Fault Analysis System (AFAS) solution provides Real-Time and advanced analytics of electrical faults for your complex networks. Using the ETAP digital twin combined with disturbance records, engineers and operators have a clear forensic picture of any electrical fault in the network. Using proven ETAP analysis solvers, AFAS identifies faults, including fault type, start time, protection trip time, fault magnitudes, and fault distance/impedances. A novel signal injection features allow users to playback recorded data into the protection model to compare "as designed" vs. "as found" relay response. This comparison using ETAP electrical digital twin is used to validate system response per the configured protection scheme, and the sequence of operation was followed within expected time durations.

Learn how the ETAP FlickerMeter Calculator improves power quality

Learn how the ETAP FlickerMeter Calculator improves power quality

FlickerMeter is part of the Power Quality applications in ETAP. FlickerMeter allows importing CSV-formatted data files and analyzes up to 20 signals at each run, to evaluate flicker compliance against emission limits. Flicker calculations comply with IEC 61000-4-15 which is the standard for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and the calculation provides instantaneous, short-term (PST), and long-term (PLT) flicker indices based on a voltage waveform loaded into the calculator.

Unbalanced Network Harmonic Analysis: Power System Infrastructure Challenges & Active Filter Technology

Unbalanced Network Harmonic Analysis: Power System Infrastructure Challenges & Active Filter Technology

The integration of electric vehicles (EVs), PV systems, battery energy storage systems (BESS), and more has presented us with exciting opportunities and challenges. One such challenge is the need for unbalanced network harmonic analysis, especially when dealing with single-phase charging vehicles and inverter controls.

How to Visualizing ZSI Scheme in ETAP: Enhancing Safety and Arc Flash Mitigation Techniques

How to Visualizing ZSI Scheme in ETAP: Enhancing Safety and Arc Flash Mitigation Techniques

Discover how this powerful simulation tool evaluates, verifies, and confirms the operation and selectivity of the ZSI scheme for different types of faults. The ZSI capabilities empower engineers and professionals like you to take control of electrical power system protection and analysis, enhance safety, minimize equipment damage, and validate arc flash mitigation techniques and scenarios.

Understanding Arc-Flash Calculations: Overcoming Challenges of Short-Circuit Standards

Understanding Arc-Flash Calculations: Overcoming Challenges of Short-Circuit Standards

Are you curious about the limitations of short-circuit standards and their inadequacy in addressing arc-flash incident energy calculations? In this presentation, we will review the challenges posed by these standards with an emphasis on IEC 60909-2016 and provide you with an explanation of ETAP arc-flash solutions to these limitations.

How to safeguard workers and elevate Arc Flash Hazard Analysis to new heights with ArcBlok™ and ETAP

How to safeguard workers and elevate Arc Flash Hazard Analysis to new heights with ArcBlok™ and ETAP

When it comes to running an arc flash hazard analysis study, it's crucial to identify equipment that may expose workers to high incident energy. One of the most hazardous areas is where line side arcing faults can occur. To address this challenge, Annex 0.2.3 of the 70E 2021 standard outlines various industry-accepted incident energy mitigation techniques. However, not all methods effectively tackle line side arcing faults. During the demonstration, you will acquire valuable knowledge on NFPA 70E  endorsed mitigation techniques as well as details on ETAP modeling of the ArcBlok technology. 

What's New in ETAP 2023 - Introduction to New Product Modules & Enhancements

What's New in ETAP 2023 - Introduction to New Product Modules & Enhancements

ETAP 2023 version 22.5 offers innovative solutions and features with numerous enhancements and time-saving improvements, empowering ETAP customers with technology and best practices to be safer, more reliable, efficient, compliant, and sustainable.

Cities of the future will soon account for 90% of the world’s population growth and 75% of its energy consumption. The pressure on critical resources will increase. The New Administrative Capital in Egypt launched one of the country’s most ambitious development projects to date, setting standards in smart city living is ADMS. ETAP ADMS will manage, control, visualize and optimize power distribution required to run critical smart services for city operators, citizens, workers, and visitors alike. Learn how ETAP ADMS is utilized to support long-term sustainable, efficient smart city services that will support a safer, more innovative, and more prosperous Egypt. 

Phase to Phase Fault Debacle: Fault Lasted 1.7s/108 Cycles. Protection Studies are quite Challenging

Phase to Phase Fault Debacle: Fault Lasted 1.7s/108 Cycles. Protection Studies are quite Challenging

How a failure, to properly perform protection studies, led to a significant substation safety incident and outage. ​Understanding minimum and maximum fault current values are critical in this case study. The shortcomings led to a fault not being removed fast enough.  Short circuit impedances are very valuable, it is critical to have the right cables and impedances of the equipment. An excellent learning from this case study is that line to line arc flash fault exists much longer at medium voltage level. In low voltage we do not see those type of line-to-line arc flash faults because line to line arc flash fault will rapidly turn into a three-phase fault. The arc flash calculator is a great tool to estimate incident energy.  The arc flash calculator shows both methods:  below 15 kv we can use IEEE 1584-2018 to calculate incident energy at 15 Kv, and above our fault calculated method can calculate calories exposure during the fault.

High-Voltage Arc Flash for Overhead Conductor Systems

High-Voltage Arc Flash for Overhead Conductor Systems

Arc flash analysis extends well beyond the scope of IEEE 1584 and NFPA 70E methodology for transmission, distribution and renewable energy systems. For many years, the industry has been lacking an “all-in-one” solution for performing arc flash analysis on DC, LV, MV and HV AC systems. ETAP ArcFault™ provides a validated method for performing arc fault simulations in T&D open-air overhead conductor systems plus it provides two methods to determine the incident energy for arc-flash in 3-phase enclosed equipment for 15 to 38 kV renewable energy collector systems. This presentation explains the background and methods for arc fault simulations and explains how ETAP ArcFault helps utilities comply with OSHA requirements to perform arc-flash analysis for systems voltage above 1.0 kV.

Methods for Evaluating DC Arc Incident Energy in PV Systems

Methods for Evaluating DC Arc Incident Energy in PV Systems

Renewable energy systems continue to be one of the fastest growing segments of the energy industry. This presentation focuses on the understanding of how photovoltaic (PV) technology behaves under dc arc conditions. A comparative analysis of the arc flash incident energy calculation method developed in collaboration between National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and ETAP details the effect of PV module I-V and P-V curves under arcing conditions. Examples of the application of the proposed calculation method to the test measurements are included.

T&D Network Analysis & Planning Solutions - Session Intro

T&D Network Analysis & Planning Solutions - Session Intro

Solution overview and presenters introduction.

Distribution Automation with Model-Based Volt/Var Optimization (VVO)

Distribution Automation with Model-Based Volt/Var Optimization (VVO)

This webinar discusses industry challenges and benefits of a model-based VVO, including practical applications for electric distribution systems. Gain valuable insights and benefits from ETAP customers enjoying a proactive reduction in energy waste, reduced CO2 emissions, consumption reduction, and extended equipment lifetime.

ETAP Intelligent Distribution Load Shedding - iDLS - Solution Demonstration

ETAP Intelligent Distribution Load Shedding - iDLS - Solution Demonstration

The ETAP iDLS solution leverages advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide accurate predictions of load demand and provide real-time operational insights to help grid operators make informed decisions. Additionally, iDLS integrates with existing grid infrastructure and control systems, making it easy to deploy and integrate into existing power systems. By providing a centralized load management solution, iDLS helps ensure grid stability and continuity of power supply, while minimizing the impact on connected customers and preventing blackouts and unplanned outages.

How to perform Transmission & Distribution Network Analysis with ETAP Solutions

How to perform Transmission & Distribution Network Analysis with ETAP Solutions

Learn how utility engineers use ETAP’s transmission & distribution system analysis and optimization solutions to optimize capacity planning and improve reliability and safety using schematic or geospatial views. ETAP Grid™ transmission system software integrates transmission network planning with detailed substation models, network topology processing, transmission system analysis, electric SCADA and real-time transmission network energy management system. For integrated distribution network analysis, system planning and operations solution it offers a progressive geospatial platform for simulating, analyzing, operating and optimizing the performance of Utility Smart Grids.

Distribution Network Analysis

Distribution Network Analysis

Alpine Energy Case Study – Building a model for today and the uncertain tomorrow. To maximize the benefit from our ETAP models, we developed a system that makes use of the available features to provide structure to our system models, and allow flexibility to deal with future model expansion and changes. The foundation to achieving this objective was the establishment of a naming convention and model structure that would enable the loading of models and data handling processes to be done with ease. Further enhancing our use of ETAP, we make use of templates and color coding linked to the themes to match the real world network in the modelling world. Lastly, the library was built from scratch and has now matured to a stage where new data is phased in and updated during the validation of models. Following our investment in building our models, in order to maximize the benefit from our ETAP, we developed rigorous processes to ensure accuracy and consistency in building models and managing data. Once data is updated, we utilize ETAP to run Load Flow, Fault Level and Protection Coordination studies and rely on ETAP multi-dimensional database capabilities to set financial years, switching configurations and add new proposed loads to the relevant configuration year. Combining the above features and processes, we have established a disciplined and rigorous Network Development Planning process using ETAP. This has enabled us to plan for the future in an efficient and effective manner. Our ETAP models are benchmarked against actual power system conditions by collecting historical demand data (voltages and currents) from smart meters at customer level, power quality measurement devices at distribution transformers, protection relays at substations, and our SCADA system. But this is not the end, we have developed a future roadmap for our ETAP models with plans to fully integrate with our geospatial information system and our supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) environment, to utilize protection coordination, and build smart scenario wizards to do the hard work for us.