Lightning Risk Assessment Calculation

Lightning Risk Assessment Calculation

Lightning Risk Assessment Study

Lightning Risk Assessment Study


ETAP’s Lightning Risk Assessment (LRA) module assesses the risk of a lightning strike, probability of damage, and associated economic losses in compliance with international standards.

Lightning is the number one cause of power surges, leading to severe safety hazards for people as well as structural damage and fires. Lightning Risk Assessment (LRA) is the evaluation of the risk of a lightning strike on or near structures. Perform ETAP Lightning Risk Assessment to recommend lightning protection systems for the protection of life and property while considering the continuity of operation and system reliability.

Lightning Risk Assessment Study

Lightning Risk Assessment Key Features

  • Comply with standards for Lightning Risk Assessment
  • Identify & assess risks for a structure due to lightning flash
  • Accurate modeling and graphical analysis of structures with multiple high and low-risk zones
  • Considering risks from the surrounding environment, adjacent structures and incoming lines.
  • Considering effects of surge protective devices, lightning protection systems and equipotential bonding
  • Database for Lightning Density / Frequency Maps across the globe
  • Cost analysis for economic losses and lightning protection measures
  • Comprehensive LRA reports
  • Project saving and loading capabilities
  • Frequently used LRA templates and standard examples
  • Scalable drawing area up to 6 sq. km.
  • Validation assessment of zones and incoming lines 
Lightning Risk Assessment Key Features

Lightning Protection Standards

  • IEC 62305-2: 2010
  • NFPA 780 2014
Lightning Protection Standards

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    Lightning Risk Assessment

    Lightning Risk Assessment

    In this video, we demonstrate how to use ETAP’s Lightning Risk Assessment (LRA) module to assess the risk of a lightning strike and the probability of damage. Learn about the LRA calculation methods used in ETAP and how to perform the LRA to comply with internationals standards NFPA 780-2020, 2014 and IEC 62305-2: 2010. Explore the important reasons behind Lightning Risk Assessment. From lightning as the number one cause of power surges, to preventing damage, fires and other harm to lives and property, accounting for unpredictable weather patterns and asset protection, as in buildings, power infrastructure, and human lives, ETAP's Lightning Risk Assessment module will calculate the possible risk to humans and infrastructure.

    Play 27:17

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