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Integrated Short Circuit & Electric Shock Protection Calculations
ETAP Electric Shock Protection calculation software helps determine the cable current carrying capacity, size, and protection against electric shock based on the following standards and publications:
ETAP Electric Shock Protection software equipped with a comprehensive set of features and robust calculation helps to efficiently determine the cable current carrying capacity, size, and protection against electric shock in electrical installations to ensure the protection of persons and livestock according to the listed standards.
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Current carrying capacity calculations for low voltage cables per IEC 60364-5-52 & IEC 60364-4-41
Current carrying capacity & sizing for low voltage cable installations per British Standards
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A complete solution for your cable system needs
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Oil and gas exploration leads companies to some of the most remote, inhospitable locations on Earth in search of energy
According to the Top 40 Electrical Design Firms published in EC&M Magazine, 100% of the Top 10 Electrical Design Firms rely on ETAP
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