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ETAP 不平衡短絡は、現代のマーケットで入手可能な最も包括的な不平衡短絡モジュールです。送電線と配電網の分流器、直列、滑りや同時故障計算をモデル化する能力によって、それは短絡を解析する最も包括的な方法です。
In this webinar, we introduce ETAP Unbalanced Network Short Circuit Analysis and demonstrate how to evaluate the impact of shunt and sliding faults on balanced and unbalanced networks: *Device Duty Evaluation for multi-phase, single-phase, AC & DC systems * Run and evaluate all fault types in one study * Shunt, series, and simultaneous faults * Simulate protective device responses to fault currents and configuration changes Unbalanced Network Short Circuit Standards: * ANSI C37.10 for AC systems * IEC 60909 for AC systems * IEC 61660 for DC systems