Solution en matière d'Énergies Renouvelables

Énergies Renouvelables - Production Distribuée

Prenez le contrôle de votre production d'énergie renouvelable afin de maximiser le rendement et améliorer l'efficacité

ETAP permet aux concepteurs et aux ingénieurs de conceptualiser les systèmes de captage, de déterminer la pénétration des énergies éolienne et photovoltaïque et d'effectuer des études d'interconnexion de réseaux. ETAP inclut des modèles complets d'énergie renouvelable combinés à une gamme complète de calculs d'analyse du système électrique à spectre complet pour une simulation précise, une analyse prédictive, un dimensionnement des équipements et une vérification sur le terrain des parcs éoliens, des fermes solaires et d'autres ressources énergétiques renouvelables distribuées (DER).

Prévision de la réponse du système aux actions de l'opérateur

  • Concevez, Analysez & Exploitez les Systèmes Électriques à Énergie Verte
  • Exécutez des études de pénétration de l'Énergie éolienne
  • Optimisez les études d'interconnexion de Réseaux
  • Système de Gestion de la Puissance
  • Surveillance des performances des éoliennes
  • Surveillance des performances des onduleurs & des panneaux solaires


Reactive Power based LCOE Analysis

Reactive Power based LCOE Analysis

High penetration of solar PV energy fed into an electrical grid brings its share of challenges making the grid volatile which requires stabilizing variable energy. This presentation addresses one such challenge, of voltage profile improvement with reactive power compensation at the point of interconnection. A solar PV plant is rated in terms of power (either AC or DC) and is typically not rated for their reactive counterparts (MVAr). IEEE 1547/UL 1741 compliant inverters will typically not have reactive power capability and operate with a unity power factor. Although modern inverters have a capacity to supply reactive power in the range of +0.9 lead/-0.9 lag, the PV plant is rated based on the AC power supplied by the inverter at unity PF. Operational data sourced from various plants in India suggest that a typical utility-scale PV plant provides reactive energy in the range of 7% to 10%. This leads to an inherent error in the per-unit cost calculation, as when the inverter providing the reactive power, the active power is hampered. This paper showcases a cost-to-benefit analysis of various scenarios, such as unity power.

Using ETAP to Evaluate Ground Fault Trips in a Microgrid

Using ETAP to Evaluate Ground Fault Trips in a Microgrid

Adding distributed generation sources to existing power distribution systems and the implementation of islanding microgrid capability introduce protection and control challenges if not properly designed.  Each new generator may present a new source ground fault current to the system, which can result in unanticipated breaker operation. Energy Systems Group, was using ETAP to model the system and check coordination of local and remote breakers can reduce downtime and troubleshooting.

Microgrid Design & Analysis

Microgrid Design & Analysis

Microgrid Analysis & Design is an essential step for Microgrid Implementation. Upfront design and analysis of the target microgrid system, whether for brownfield or green-field Microgrid implementation, can help drive both technical and financial benefits, including determining optimized generation assets required to meet the microgrid objectives as well as a projection of return on investments. Analysis & design from safety, reliability, and financial perspective are critical for successful microgrid implementation to minimize the impact and rework during the installation phase. This presentation will provide recommendations on best practices for Microgrid Analysis & Design.

Études de stabilité pour les systèmes d’énergie avec des ressources énergétiques distribuées

Études de stabilité pour les systèmes d’énergie avec des ressources énergétiques distribuées

As more Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) are added and mixed into the grid, the need to effectively evaluate and validate the dynamic response of power systems has become essential for grid resiliency, reliability, and security. In this webinar, learn how ETAP Transient Stability Analysis addresses needs and challenges of stability studies for power systems with integrated DERs.

Systèmes de stockage d

Systèmes de stockage d'énergie par batterie

This webinar demonstrated how the integration of battery energy storage systems improves system reliability and performance, offers renewable smoothing, and can increase profit margins of renewable farm owners.

Réseau Photovoltaïque & Panneau Solaire

Réseau Photovoltaïque & Panneau Solaire

An overview to photovoltaic array modeling and simulation using the ETAP software for solar panel sizing and grid impact analysis.



An overview of wind farm modeling and simulation using the ETAP Renewable module.

Intelligent Microgrid Management - Part 2

Intelligent Microgrid Management - Part 2

This webinar examines the microgrid controller’s architecture, hardware deployment workflow, and a range of advanced monitoring tools. Learn how ETAP Digital Twin platform enables the design and deployment of ETAP's Intelligent μGrid™ solution.

Gestion intelligente des microréseaux - Partie 1

Gestion intelligente des microréseaux - Partie 1

ETAP's μGrid™ solution combines model-driven microgrid controller hardware with advanced power management software to unlock system resiliency, optimized cost, security, and sustainability. This webinar focuses on microgrid design and software-based validation.

Generation Optimization for Microgrids

Generation Optimization for Microgrids

This webinar demonstrates how ETAP can help you optimally utilize limited power generation resources in an islanded or grid-tied microgrid environment.


ETAP Energy Storage

ETAP Energy Storage

White Papers