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PlotView is an advanced all-in-one solution for graphical report creation and data analysis. PlotView utilizes advanced & high-speed frameworks for charting and graphing. With comprehensive design and intuitive interface, users can maximize work productivity and save time comparing, generating, and maintain high-quality plots for their power system studies.
Compare and overlay previous results with new study conditions on the same plot.
Plots live study results directly on the one-line diagram for multiple devices.
Line charts allow for time series data to be plotted such as time domain load flow, motor starting and transient stability.
ETAP UDM is used to build complex control diagrams for machines & renewable energy systems via a graphical editor and includes solvers for simulating system dynamics. Learn how to use UDM Plot View to compare & analyze these dynamic simulation results from single or multiple cases in a quick & efficient manner.
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Testez ETAP gratuitement pendant 30 jours pour découvrir par vous-même les capacités des solutions ETAP. Essayez la vaste collection de modules et de résultats d'analyse d'ETAP sur cette plateforme de démonstration basée sur le cloud, à tout moment et en tout lieu. Commencez votre démo en ligne dès aujourd'hui !