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The ETAP Harmonic Frequency Scan module calculates and plots the magnitudes and phase angles of bus driving point impedance over a frequency range specified by the user.
This allows any parallel resonance condition and its resonance frequency to be clearly identified. The study also allows users to tune their harmonic filter parameters and test the final results. The frequency range for scanning is defined by the user, which starts from the fundamental frequency and can go as high as the user needs. The impedance of elements such as cables is user-definable over the range of the frequency scan to account for the effect of special cable physical constructions.
The results from the harmonic frequency scan study are reported in reports which includes the system input data, and a tabulation listing bus driving point impedances. The same tabulated information is also given on the one-line diagram, as well as in a plot format.
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This webinar introduces an integrated model-driven approach for engineers and managers to design and operate power systems. ETAP’s Digital Twin Platform combines electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties with intelligent visualization for modeling, design, automation, and real-time predictive analysis. Learn how ETAP’s unique multi-dimensional database eliminates the need for hundreds of copies of the project file, by providing unlimited graphical presentations, configurations, data revisions, loadings, generations and operational values within the same project database. Moreover, ETAP unified platform allows simultaneous analysis of the network under various conditions.
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