Logiciel de Dimensionnement des Câbles

Cable Sizing

Cable Sizing Software


ETAP Cable Sizing software provides various options which can be used for design requirements. These design requirements can be user-defined or automatically determined from load flow, short circuit, and protective device calculation results. 

ETAP cable sizing study module calculates optimal and alternative cable sizes for phase conductors based on the following criteria:

  • Load current
  • Voltage drop
  • Motor minimum starting voltage
  • Short circuit current
  • Protective device requirements
  • Harmonic Spectrum
  • Min Number of Conductors/Phase
  • Let-Through Energy Capability

Cable Sizing Software Key Features

  • Cable parameters and calculation results
  • Grid based interface for sorting, searching and filtering
  • Multiple filters for selection
  • Batch updating from library
  • Batch selection from library
  • Accessing to Model Forms
  • Individual or Consolidated Report
Cable sizing and ampacity for voltage drop, short circuit, motor start voltage, and protective devices.

Cable Standards

  • IEEE 399 - Cable ampacity calculation based on IEEE recommended practice for industrial &  commercial power systems
  • NEC NFPA 70 - Cable ampacity calculation based on National Electrical Code
  • ICEA P-54-440 - Cable ampacity calculation based on ICEA / NEMA standard for cable tray installations
  • IEC 60502 - Cable capacity calculations for power cables per IEC 60502
  • IEC 60364 - Current carrying capacity calculations & sizing for low voltage cables per IEC 60364-5-52 & IEC 60364-4-41
  • IEC 60092 - Cable capacity calculations for power cables in ships & offshore units
  • BS 7671 - Cable sizing & capacity for low voltage installations per British Standards
  • NF C15-100 - Current carrying capacity & sizing for low voltage power cables per French standards
  • NF C13-200 - Current carrying capacity & sizing for high voltage power cables per French standards
  • AS/NZS 3008 -  Cable current carrying capacity & sizing based on AS/NZS 3008

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Cable Systems

A complete solution for your cable system needs

Industries associés

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Oil & Gas

Oil and gas exploration leads companies to some of the most remote, inhospitable locations on Earth in search of energy

Data Centers

ETAP offers advanced power analysis, simulation, and operation solution for the smart Data Centers


Top manufacturers around the world depend on ETAP to meet the industry's rigorous requirements

Fossil Fuel Generation

From basic standby systems to 24/7 mission-critical generation, some of the world's most advanced power generation plants count on ETAP

Metals & Mining

ETAP brings significant energy savings to the industry by diverting non-essential loads during hours of high energy costs

Engineering Consulting

According to the Top 40 Electrical Design Firms published in EC&M Magazine, 100% of the Top 10 Electrical Design Firms rely on ETAP

Nuclear Generation

ETAP has established itself as the de facto standard for nuclear generation plants

Government & Defense

ETAP has been deployed at government institutions and armed forces facilities, worldwide


ETAP enables designers and engineers to conceptualize the collector systems, determine wind penetration and perform grid interconnection studies


Colleges and universities use ETAP to teach students in electrical engineering to design, model, and analyze electrical power systems



    Cable Ampacity & Sizing

    Cable Ampacity & Sizing

    Proper sizing and current derating ensures that cables operate to their maximum potential while providing secure and reliable operation. Learn about design and application requirements to properly size and analyze cable systems based on IEEE and North American cable standards and guidelines: IEEE 399, ICEA P-54-440, NEC NFPA 70

    Play 27:04
    Cable Ampacity, Sizing & Shock Protection - Part II

    Cable Ampacity, Sizing & Shock Protection - Part II

    Proper sizing and current de-rating ensures that cables operate to their maximum potential while providing secure and reliable operation. This webinar covers cable sizing, current carrying capacity and electrical shock protection based on IEC and British standards.

    Play 28:31
    Cable Thermal Analysis - Part III

    Cable Thermal Analysis - Part III

    This Cable Thermal Analysis webinar explains how to design cable systems to operate to their maximum potential while providing a secure and reliable operation.

    Play 40:00
    Cable Sizing per NF C15-100 & NF C13-200

    Cable Sizing per NF C15-100 & NF C13-200

    Cable Sizing & Shock Protection software module offers a powerful tool to save time and improve accuracy for low & high voltage cable calculation and electrical design using the latest French Cable Standard.

    Play 19:14

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