Intelligent Load Shedding - iLS™
Fast, proactive, and optimized load shedding solution for industrial systems
Load Shedding and demand curtailment are critical for the preservation of essential loads and avoiding widespread system outages. This power balancing strategy should be based on an integrated fast-responding system that considers process and power system dynamics.
Utilizing an electrical digital-twin foundation with embedded predictive analytics, adaptive optimization algorithms, and action validation, etap Intelligent Load Shedding ensures fast, safe, optimized, proactive, and reliable operation.
Intelligent Load Shedding means the monitoring and making decisions based on the state of the system model, value of the operation, criticality of the processes running, and environmental impact.
Solución que ofrece valores instantáneos y duraderos
ETAP ILS predice el escenario óptimo de deslastre de carga basado en la dinámica real del sistema, lo que lo convierte en la solución más inteligente disponible, sin dudas.
- Eliminar el desprendimiento innecesario de carga
- Reducción del tiempo de inactividad para cargas críticas.
- Reducción de los requisitos de reserva giratoria
- Sistema de preservación de carga confiable
- Respuesta rápida a los disturbios.
- Integración perfecta con el sistema SCADA
- Plataforma escalable, interoperable y redundante
- Validación precisa de esquemas de desprendimiento
Intelligent Controller
A model-driven controller integrated with real-time operational digital twin to validate, optimize, predict, and preform load shedding.
Concerns & Challenges
An incorrect or insufficient response to a disturbance such as a fault or a system islanding event can cause excessive shedding or total system blackout. These large and sudden disturbances result in extensive operational disruptions and costly recoveries. How much to shed and how fast is the answer.
Protection Against Production Losses
Ensuring Reliable Power & Service Continuity
Resiliency – Capacity to Recover Quickly & Restore Effectively
Lower Cost of Operation
Workforce Safety & Environmental Impact
Impulsando el éxito para la industria
For more than 30 years, ETAP Intelligent Load Shedding solution has ensured safe and reliable operation across a range of industries from Oil & Gas to Hospitals, and Manufacturing. Learn how ETAP ILS delivers value and savings from implementation to benefit recognition.
Historias de éxito destacadas
Show more [+]Recomendamos la solución ETAP para las industrias de Minería y Generación de Energía para monitoreo en tiempo real y desprendimiento de carga inteligente. Desde la implementación del Sistema de Deslastre de Carga ETAP en nuestro lado minero, la evitación de costos del tiempo de inactividad ha aumentado aproximadamente a $ 5 millones. Más importante aún, al no ejecutar generadores diesel, tenemos una reducción total de costos de $ 72 millones.
Amman Mineral
Ahorro realizado y reducción de costos
Amman Mineral, operador de una de las minas de cobre y oro más grandes de Indonesia, redujo significativamente las pérdidas de producción causadas por una variedad de perturbaciones ambientales al implementar la solución ETAP Intelligent Load Shedding.
Hasta la fecha, la instalación tiene un ahorro total para evitar costos de más de $ 72 millones por no operar generadores diesel a través de la optimización y reducción de los requisitos de reservas de hilatura.
Optimize load preservation
The critical loads in a mining company include the mills involved in unearthing process as well as the motors that cool them. Sag mills as large as 12,000 HP are the backbone of the entire process. Due to disturbances at the supply, if these machines are shed, it typically takes 24 hours to bring them back in operation. ETAP ILS monitors the entire system collectively and knows the status of every individual load and the amount of loading. ETAP ILS uses this knowledge to reprioritize the load shedding list dynamically such that all critical loads in the mining company are being preserved under foreseen or unforeseen circumstances with an estimated saving of at least $500,000 per day.
Reduction of spinning reserve requirements
By providing a faster and intelligent control of the loads being shed, the required spinning reserve demand was reduced tremendously. By reducing the amount of required spinning reserve, the savings on the fuel cost and maintenance for these diesel generators paid for ETAP ILS in the first six month alone.
Reliable load preservation system
ETAP ILS scans the system periodically for signs of disturbance and in some cases potential disturbance such as a trip on the pulverizer that crushes the coal for the steam generator. After a pulverizer trip, the coal feed into the combustion chamber will be reduced and eventually will result in a drop on the steam pressure and final electrical output. ETAP ILS does not wait for the system to reach that stage and instantaneously knows how much load shed needs to be done to prevent mechanical stress on generators and the rest of the system. ETAP ILS is trained to think and it always double-checks to make sure the disturbance signal it is receiving is in fact true and not a nuisance signal. With multiple redundant units available, ETAP ILS is the safest and reliable method for load shedding.
Show more [+]La potencia y la funcionalidad del sistema ETAP Intelligent Load Shedding realmente dieron en el blanco con los desafíos que Holcim tuvo en la planta. El riesgo de cortes de energía no programados casi ha desaparecido. El hecho de que ILS se integrara e implementara con relativa facilidad fue la clave para un ROI inmediato
Holcim Cement
Fiabilidad mejorada y corte reducido
La planta de cemento de Lafarge Holcim en El Salvador es la compañía líder en el país en la producción y comercialización de cemento, concreto y agregados de alta calidad.
Holcim se dirigió a ETAP para reemplazar su sistema de desprendimiento de carga lento y poco confiable que resultó ineficaz para preservar el sistema de energía contra las perturbaciones causadas principalmente por la red eléctrica debido al clima inestable y los rayos. Cada interrupción en la planta tiene un impacto de pérdida de producción de 1,2 millones de toneladas.
Eliminate unnecessary load shedding
With Holcim’s power generators running continuously to support a power contract to provide power to the grid to help offset peak loads, the unscheduled outages were proving costly, not to mention compromising the plant’s goals of meeting its own requirements to maintain the process load operating 24 hours per day, every day.
The plant’s existing load shedding system were proving to be too slow and otherwise too limited in their ability to respond to the broad and diverse range of operating scenarios necessary to satisfy the operating conditions and business objectives of the plant. In fact, the existing system either would under-shed or over-shed the load causing the system to become unstable and resulting in partial or total plant shutdown.
With the help of multi-threading technology ETAP ILS determines, simultaneously and instantaneously, optimal amount of load to shed under various possible disturbances. Using intelligent grouping and sorting techniques, ETAP ILS determines exactly how much load needs to be shed and what combination of loads would help it reach that target in order to maintain system stability.
Fast response to electrical & mechanical disturbances
Holcim’s ETAP Intelligent Load shedding system remains fully armed at all times, ready to act on multiple scenarios depending on the specific conditions occurring at that time. The ILS system gathers system parameters throughout the electrical network, including the generation and loading status, to adjust its ever changing load shedding scenarios. By the time an event occurs, the substation (local) controls have already been instructed by the ILS system to act, namely, to switch loads as required to properly load the generators and keep the plant running.
The ILS system remains several steps ahead of the event condition by virtue of its constant monitoring and modeling of the entire electrical system, taking into account maintenance cycles, operational changes, or any last minute changes in process control.
The ILS system automatically senses changing conditions and responds with new instructions on continuous basis, allowing the system overall to react within 25 milliseconds or less to an event.
Beneficios de ETAP ILS
El sistema de desprendimiento de carga predictivo de ETAP calcula la potencia mínima requerida para eliminar, así como la mejor combinación de cargas para cada subsistema según el tipo y la ubicación de la perturbación, la generación operativa real, la reserva de centrifugado, la carga, la configuración, la distribución de carga y prioridad. Todo se ejecuta instantáneamente (sin demora) una vez que ocurre una perturbación en el sistema por eventos transitorios o después de una demora de tiempo definida por el usuario para condiciones de sobrecarga en estado estable.
Pro-Active versus Reactive
Va más allá del desprendimiento de carga reactiva cuando se detecta una perturbación.
Optimal Load Preservation
Determina la cantidad de desprendimiento de carga que se necesita y en qué combinación óptima para evitar el estrés en el resto del sistema.
Faster Load Shedding
Responde a las perturbaciones de energía instantáneamente (sin demora) desde la detección hasta el cobertizo de carga.
Intelligent Load Restoration
Restaura las cargas de forma incremental en función del conocimiento de las interdependencias de procesos y sistemas eléctricos.
Smart Logic Validation
Pruebe y confirme fácilmente esquemas lógicos de deslastre de carga en modo en tiempo real utilizando el motor integrado de Análisis de Estabilidad Transitoria.
Reliable, Proven Technology
Utiliza métodos de cálculo robustos diseñados en una plataforma de arquitectura abierta que permite la validación de esquemas de deslastre de carga en todo el sistema mediante simulación antes del despliegue en el campo.
Key Features
Deslastre de carga inteligente ETAP: ILS ™ determina de forma dinámica e instantánea la mejor prioridad de deslastre de carga.
- Alertas del operador sobre condiciones de funcionamiento marginales.
- Muestra los MW mínimos requeridos y las cargas seleccionadas
- Desencadenante y desprendimiento de carga dependiente del tiempo
- Lógicas y macros de control definibles por el usuario
- Activadores del sistema definibles por el usuario
- Pantalla operativa y reserva de giro recomendada
- Lógicas de isla de sistema y subsistema
- Comunicación y automatización IEC 61850
- Mostrar datos monitoreados en el diagrama unifilar
- Predecir la respuesta del sistema después del desprendimiento de carga
- Interfaz amigable para el operador
- Supervisión de activadores de deslastre de carga
- Horarios de deslastre de carga ilimitados
- Prioridad de carga definida por el usuario y grupos
- Opción para simular y probar recomendaciones
- Control de reducción de carga VFD
- To Shed or Not To Shed
Intelligent Load Shedding for industrial systems
This webinar presents how ETAP iLS Controller ensures fast, safe, comprehensive, and reliable operation by utilizing an electrical digital-twin foundation with embedded predictive analytics, adaptive optimization algorithms, and action validation to make Faster than Real-Time decisions.
The Case for Online Monitoring Using ETAP Real-Time™ in a Nuclear Power Plant
At a given nuclear power plant, nuclear safety is directly dependent on a reliable source of electric power supplied via the plant’s auxiliary power system. The auxiliary power system typically consists of an MV and LV AC and a DC distribution system, powering thousands of individual loads and circuits, i.e., pumps, fans, valves, sensors, and controls specifically designed to protect the integrity of the nuclear reactor and containment structures. This presentation will explore past practices and recent developments in the online monitoring of such systems using a digital twin. The presentation includes the reasons for utilizing online monitoring, the advantages of using a digital twin versus simple data collection, and the multi-faceted benefits realized from such a system (i.e., business, safety, reliability).
ILS Business Case - PTAR de Bello
The presentation will show the implementation of the intelligent load shedding (ILS) of ETAP, in the water treatment plant of Bello, Colombia. First, a description of the production process that is carried out within the plant will be given, then particularities of the power system will be shown, and a general description of the architecture regarding the automation system of the plant will be made. Finally, the intelligent load shedding system will be presented, as a predictive system to keep the system online, in the event of contingencies that affect its stability.
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