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Reduce Risk Improve Safety Enforce Compliance
ETAP AC Arc Flash Analysis software brings you new and enhanced capabilities which allow for faster and easier assessment of arc flash hazards and incident energy analysis. Identify and analyze high risk arc flash areas in your electrical power system with greater flexibility by simulating and evaluating various mitigation methods in your arc flash study.
The Arc Flash Analysis program is a completely integrated module that solves multiple scenarios to determine worst-case arc flash energy levels. The Arc Flash calculation software module also produces professional reports and high quality arc flash hazard labels at a press of a button.
The Arc Flash Analysis module also includes comprehensive single phase and three phase arc flash calculations as well as an invaluable arc flash analyzer tool to summarize results from the arc flash study.
DC Arc Flash and ArcFault are offered as a separate modules.
ETAP provides an all-in-one software solution to perform AC and DC arc flash analysis on LV, MV, and HV systems. Perform arc flash analysis and evaluate incident energy and arc flash damage points during the protection and coordination study significantly reducing the number of scenarios required.
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DC Load Flow, DC Short Circuit, DC Arc Flash, Battery Sizing & Discharge Analysis
Identify and analyze high risk arc flash areas in your electrical system
Network Analysis includes modules such as Short Circuit, Load Flow, Arc Flash, Motor Starting and more.
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ETAP brings significant energy savings to the industry by diverting non-essential loads during hours of high energy costs
According to the Top 40 Electrical Design Firms published in EC&M Magazine, 100% of the Top 10 Electrical Design Firms rely on ETAP
ETAP has established itself as the de facto standard for nuclear generation plants
ETAP has been deployed at government institutions and armed forces facilities, worldwide
ETAP enables designers and engineers to conceptualize the collector systems, determine wind penetration and perform grid interconnection studies
Oil and gas exploration leads companies to some of the most remote, inhospitable locations on Earth in search of energy
ETAP offers advanced power analysis, simulation, and operation solution for the smart Data Centers
Top manufacturers around the world depend on ETAP to meet the industry's rigorous requirements
From basic standby systems to 24/7 mission-critical generation, some of the world's most advanced power generation plants count on ETAP
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This webinar will provide an overview of the fundamental differences between the IEEE 1584-2018 and existing arc flash methods. To better understand how the 2018 model combines empirical and arc flash physical behavior, the presentation will cover background and insights into the model development validation.
ETAP Arc Flash Analysis automatically estimates the Incident Energy released in the event of an arc fault and determines the required Flash Protection Boundary.
ETAP makes the creation of multiple configurations and operating modes for the system being modeled easy once the model has been created and then the available incident energy for each bus in each configuration can be determined and compared. The worst case incident energy and corresponding personal protective equipment (PPE) can be put on arc flash labels to be applied to the equipment.
ETAP 7.1 now includes the ability to customize and link arc flash electrical safety labels using Microsoft Word. This webinar explains step-by-step instructions.
Compliance requirements of NFPA 70E - 2015 Edition using ETAP 14 Arc Flash Analysis: Compliance with the Latest Standards and Guidelines, New AC and DC Arc Flash Modes, Study Case, and Interface Arc Flash Analyzer Enhancement, New Sequence-of-Operation for IEC Arc Flash, New Enclosure Isolation for Main & Load Protective Devices, New Correction Factors for Arc Current and Incident Energy.
ETAP Arc Flash Analysis software is used to perform arc flash analysis for systems from 0.208 kV to 15 kV in accordance with IEEE 1584-2018 “IEEE Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard Calculations.” The software determines the incident energy and arc flash boundary values required to comply with NEC equipment labeling. It also provides hazard evaluation for shock protection and arc flash PPE according to NFPA 70E 2018.
New Standard, New Method, New Learning Curve
Introduction to ETAP Arc Flash Hazard Analysis module with instructions on how to setup arc flash calculations.
This article presents different methods for assessing the hazards of high- and low-voltage 1-phase equipment. One common question being asked is how to determine the hazard level associated with 1-Phase (1-P) Arc Flash (AF) incidents. There is very little information about this type of circuit in the available guidelines such as CSA Z462-08, NFPA 70E 2009 & IEEE 1584 2002. If the right risk level is not properly determined, we run the risk of over-protecting or under-protecting personnel that are working on this type of electrical system. The objective of this article is to present different methods for assessing the hazards of high and low voltage 1-P equipment, and to justify the results taking into consideration the behavior of arc faults at different voltage levels.
It's important to understand the Hazard/Risk Category levels listed in NFPA 70E, but just as important to understand the limitations of these tables.
This article explains how arc flash software is essential to identifying and analyzing high-risk arc flash areas, so you can help keep your electrical staff safer.
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30일 동안 무료로 ETAP 테스트 드라이브를 통해 ETAP 솔루션의 기능을 직접 경험해보세요. 언제 어디서나 이 클라우드 기반 데모 플랫폼에서 ETAP의 광범위한 모듈 컬렉션과 분석 결과를 사용해 보실 수 있습니다. 오늘 온라인 데모를 시작하세요!