Flexible methods to ensure safety and protection
The Ground Grid Systems module for ETAP enables engineers to quickly and accurately design, visualize, analyze and report ground protection projects of any size or complexity. Flexible design methodologies allow for quick auto-designed layouts and highly detailed schemes to optimize designs in modeling, prior to physical construction. As a result of its efficient multi-core parallel calculation algorithm, the analysis of irregular and large-scale renewable applications is extremely fast to produce. Color-coded graphical plots provide immediate analysis through revealing 3D visualizations.
Supported Methodologies:
This module also includes soil analysis, for the automatic generation of a two-layer soil model from soil measurement data, based on the Wenner four-pin method.
Soil Analysis
Ground Grid Potential Plots
Ground Grid Report
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エンジニアリング システム内でのこの製品の使用法を学習します。
Learn how to determine optimal cable sizes, physical attributes, and maximum ampacity using ETAP’s Underground Raceway System module, ensuring that cables in duct banks or directly buried are operating within their maximum potential capacity. The advanced graphical interface allows for design of cable raceway systems to meet existing and future needs by using precise calculations to determine the required cable sizes, physical capabilities, and maximum derated capacity / ampacity. In addition, transient temperature analysis computes temperature profiles for cable currents, reducing the risk of damage to cable systems under emergency conditions. All cable steady-state temperature calculations are based on the Neher-McGrath Method and the IEC 60287 Standard.
In this webinar, learn how to obtain accurate and economical ground grid designs by quickly identifying appropriate ground grid layouts, while efficiently conducting studies using integrated fault analysis tools.
Overview on ETAP capabilities in ground grid system design and analysis using IEEE 80 Standard and Finite Element Method (FEM).
Accurately and efficiently design and simulate small to very large grounding systems with various geometry using ETAP’s field-proven grounding safety analysis software.
ETAPを30日間無料で試用して、ETAPソリューションの機能を実際に体験してください。このクラウドベースのデモ プラットフォームで、いつでもどこでもETAPの豊富なモジュールと分析結果のコレクションをお試しください。 今すぐオンラインデモを始めましょう!