Software para protección Transmisión

Software para protección Transmisión

Combine la potencia de ETAP Star & ETAP StarZ con el análisis más exhaustivo de riesgo de arcos eléctricos para un software de protección de transmisión integrado para sistemas de transmisión y subtransmisión.

ETAP Star proporciona herramientas inteligentes y potentes capacidades para analizar la protección del sistema y solucionar fallas en los viajes, la operación errónea de relés y interruptores, la mala coordinación.

ETAP StarZ amplía las capacidades del dispositivo de protección para incluir el análisis de fallas deslizantes y el modelado detallado de relés de distancia (21) para protección de generador y línea.

Key Benefits

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    Integrated Stability & Protection Sequence of Operation

    Many protection functions such as over/under frequency, out-of-step, generator loss of excitation are set based on power system dynamic characteristics. These protection functions were conventionally set with the assumption that, system dynamics are predictable using simplistic and aggregated models. Higher penetration of distributed energy resources (DERs) has made power system dynamics considerably more complex to predict through conventional approaches. ETAP offers a new solution to perform unified protection and transient stability study to accurately capture interactions between system dynamics and protection system. This solution allows protection engineers and network planners to 1- tune protection settings to act properly during system dynamics, 2- design and test remedial protection schemes, 3- evaluate all protection functions such as out-of-step, overcurrent and generator loss of excitation protection function and 4- perform grid code studies that require evaluating DER performance along with its protection system.


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