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Voltage Stability Analysis provides assessment of weak, unstable or uncontrollable areas of the electrical network that may jeopardize future load growth due to unexpected voltage collapse. Conducting an effective Voltage Stability analysis is essential for system planning and long-term interoperability. ETAP Voltage Stability provides numerous time-saving functionalities to automatically analyze multiple load growth areas at the same time and understand the stability margins available using a holistic network simulation.
ETAP Voltage Stability provides numerous time-saving functionalities to automatically analyze multiple load growth areas at the same time and understand the stability margins available using a holistic network simulation.
Voltage collapse is a significant threat to generation, industrial, distribution and transmission system. It is generally characterized by loss of a stable operating point as well as by the deterioration of voltage levels in and around the electrical center of the region undergoing voltage collapse.
Voltage stability improvements are possible in all types of power systems susceptible to voltage collapse including generation, industrial, transmission and distribution. Voltage stability may be improved during design as well as system operation phases. ETAP offers numerous solutions that may be used in combination to safeguard an electrical system against voltage collapse.
Transformer Tap OptimizationDetermine optimal tap position, maximize var delivery and improve transmission voltages.Learn more
Dynamic Model ValidationVerify and maximize reactive power capability and comply with operating grid codes. Learn more
Star – Auto Evaluation Automatically assess generator protection and ensure back protection selectivity. Learn more
Volt/Var OptimizationVoltage reduction during critical conditions is widely used to obtain load relief. Learn more
Distribution Load Shedding Decentralized VS solution for infrequent disturbances due to undervoltage condition. Learn more
Optimal Capacitor Placement Optimal placement of fixed or switched shunt capacitors for improved voltage profile. Learn more
FACTS DevicesModel and utilize FACTS devices like SVC, HVDC, etc. in order to improve voltage via automatic reactive power control. Learn more
Coordination & SelectivityEnsure overcurrent and distance relays do not operate under overload condition. Learn more
Contingency AnalysisEvaluate network contingencies, unplanned outage impact and remedial actions. Learn more
Easily utilize multiple study scenarios to understand the impact of reactive power compensation devices, the best location for placement and improvement in stability margins.
ETAP Voltage Stability software helps to accurately identify the system maximum load carrying capacity limits and reactive power compensation requirements. In this webinar, learn how to identify voltage stability limits, simulate the impact of voltage instability, perform sensitivity analysis, calculate & report instability indices and assess results via network views & plots.
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