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ETAP IEC 60092 provide a complete current capacity sizing calculations for power cables concerning electrical installations in seagoing ships and fixed or mobile offshore units for cables with voltages up to and including 15 kV.
Alerts are provided to the user when a critical situation occurs. A critical situation may deteriorate the cable and tremendously reduce its lifetime. The alerts in ETAP can be based on the options listed below.
If a cable is intended to supply a single motor or equipment for periods of One Hour, Half an Hour or Intermittently, the program can calculate the current carrying capacity by taking into account the corresponding short time duty correction factor.
The cable capacity simulation program for installations on ships, calculates the current carrying capability of a cable based on number of circuits as limited based on the standard.
In addition, the user can enter the actual operating temperature of the cable and the current carrying capability will be adjusted accordingly. The current carrying capability of a cable is calculated based on number of circuits as limited based on the IEC 60092 standard.