Distribution Reliability Assessment

Reliability Assessment for Distribution

Reliability Assessment


The Reliability Assessment module for ETAP evaluates the availability and quality of distribution power systems. It can also make autonomous decisions to keep grids stable and reliable as more DERs come online. Using flexible input parameters, results can be quickly obtained for both radial and looped systems. Powerful calculation techniques allow engineers to choose the depth of system design and the associated results, and choose from a number of reporting formats.

Analysis of customer failure statistics show that, compared to other portions of electrical power systems, distribution system failures contribute as much as 90% towards the unavailability of supply to a load. These statistics show how important it is to assess the reliability of distribution systems.

This module is suitable for reliability analysis of large-scale distribution systems. By using this module, distribution system reliability can be assessed, and the merits of various resources and modifications can be quantitatively evaluated to make cost-effective decisions to achieve the greatest possible improvement in system reliability.

Distribution Reliability Assessment


  • Produce studies and reports to support long-term planning & redundancy
  • Model the reliability characteristics of each component
  • Availability & quality of power assessments
  • Single or double contingency studies
  • System-wide and feeder-wide calculations
  • Optionally include load flow constraints
  • Calculate maximum load transfer rates
  • Assess reliability level for the system and at each load point
  • Indices for customer-oriented, energy (cost) and system reliability
  • Reliability library data based on IEEE Std 493-2007 (Gold Book) and IEEE Std 3006.8
  • Unbalanced load flow constraints for alternative sources
Electical System Reliablity Assessment Software


  • Accurately assess distribution reliability and potential for consumer interruption at point of service
  • Determine approaches to achieve optimal system reliability at minimum cost
  • Pinpoint areas of concern affecting the availability and quality of power supply
  • Enhance ongoing grid stability and reliability through data-driven decision making and maintenance strategies
  • Prepare comprehensive reports that demonstrate reliability standards compliance


  • Calculate indices (scroll down to see the full list)
    • Bus and load point reliability
    • System reliability
    • Energy (cost) indices 
  • Rank element contributions to energy (cost) indices
  • Consider load flow constraints, including
    • Capacity of power supply
    • Capacity of branch and its voltage drop
    • Minimum voltage of buses
  • Calculate maximum load transfer rate with respect to load flow constraint
  • Pinpoint critical elements for load transfer per each element failure
  • Incorporate load transfer rates in calculation of reliability indices
  • Select the types of components to include in plots
  • Multiple phase configurations
  • Unbalanced system reliability calculation
  • Datablock visualization
  • GIS diagram plotting
  • Apply user-defined parameters & settings


  • Graphical display of reliability results
  • Load point/bus reliability indices
  • System reliability indices
  • EENS & ECOST sensitivity analysis
  • Load transfer results for load flow constraints
Distribution Reliability Assessment Analysis

Customer Oriented Indices

  • Average Load Interrupted per Connected Load Served - ALII
  • Average Customer Curtailment Index - ACCI
  • Average Service Availability Index - ASAI
  • Average Service Unavailability Index - ASUI
  • Average System Interruption Duration Index - ASIDI
  • Average System Interruption Frequency Index - ASIFI
  • Customer Average Interruption Duration Index - CAIDI
  • Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index - MAIFI
  • Momentary Average Interruption Duration Index - MAIDI
  • Sector interruption cost estimates: Customer Damage Function - CDF
  • System Average Interruption Frequency Index - SAIFI
  • System Average Interruption Duration Index - SAIDI
  • System Customer Total Average Interruption Duration Index - CTAIDI
  • Other indices including but not limited to: CEMI, CELID, TIEPE, NIEPE

Energy (Cost) Indices

  • Component parameter library
  • Element contributions to the EENS & their rankings
  • Element contributions to the ECOST & their rankings
  • Expected Energy Not Supplied - EENS sensitivity analysis
  • Expected Interruption Cost - ECOST sensitivity analysis
  • Interrupted Energy Assessment Rate - IEAR
  • Interruption cost library
  • Order of most contributing components to EENS & ECOST

System Reliability Indices

  • Average failure rate - l
  • Average outage duration - r
  • Annual outage duration - U
Distribution Reliability Assessment Plots

All of these indices can be used to evaluate the reliability of an existing distribution system, and to provide useful planning information regarding improvements to existing systems and the design of new distribution systems.

Use of indices helps to efficiently model various power system elements and devices to include their effects on the distribution system reliability, such as fault isolation and load restoration through the operation of switching devices. 

In order to analyze the sensitivity of reliability index EENS or ECOST with respect to failure rate of different elements, element contributions to that index and their rankings can be used. The rankings can be for a load point or the overall system.

The indices EENS, ECOST, and IEAR can be specifically for each load point, or for the overall system.


















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    Analysis of power distribution network in Mission critical areas – Airports & Datacenters

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    Play 11:00
    Distribution System Reliability Analysis

    Distribution System Reliability Analysis

    Assess system for greatest improvement at minimum cost with ETAP's Reliability Assessment.

    Play 18:47


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