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A Unified Digital Twin Platform설계, 작동 및 자동화
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Thisproject highlights ETAP's collaboration with Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited (FFC) of Pakistan to replace their existing Electrical Load Management System (ELMS) with ETAP’s iLS™ (Intelligent Load Shedding System), integrating IEDs for real-time monitoring and load calculation, utilizing ETAP’s digital-twin platform and model-driven solution to effectively meet load shedding requirements and enhance system reliability.
This study utilizes ETAP software to analyze a real high voltage short circuit in scale cascade transmission lines, employing the Real Time (RT) and SCADA Integrator module for simulation, including load-flow and transient analysis, with experimental validation conducted in the Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Laboratory at UTEC, highlighting the novelty of simulating a high voltage short circuit with experimental validation.
ETAP and EnergyTron collaborate to integrate GIS data into power system software, streamlining the design process for brownfield projects by providing valuable information on existing electrical assets and terrain features, although the success relies on the accuracy and completeness of the GIS data.
Explore our innovative solution utilizing ETAP to manage the challenges of power distribution networks in Queensland's Western Downs region, where dynamic infrastructure and evolving gas well lifecycles necessitate robust data collection, network monitoring, and reliable studies, bolstered by stringent cybersecurity measures and a collaborative master model shared among subcontracted consultancies to ensure reliability and efficiency.
Explore the complexities of current transformer (CT) saturation's impact on protective relay performance in high fault current scenarios, examining the importance of accurate CT selection and contrasting ETAP's saturation analysis capabilities with traditional methods in a real-world scenario, providing insights to enhance protective relay operation and system reliability.
I categorize findings from arc flash study reports, noting errors in spelling, grammar, data input, and layout, but the most critical, like inconsistent results, demand attention; I rely on the ETAP arc flash calculator to detect significant inaccuracies, exemplified by a case with a GE Prolec transformer, emphasizing the need for meticulous data review to prevent mislabeling incidents.
Explore how ETAP can assist in meeting European directives for arc flash studies and understand the distinctions between North American and European electrical safety standards, offering crucial insights for professionals.
Explore how outdated Arc Flash Study findings were overcome by utilizing ETAP software to update equipment data, validating short circuit currents, and generating fresh Arc Flash results aligned with the 2018 standard, providing the client with enhanced safety measures and confidence in their protocols.
ETAP ArcFault™ software is recommended for performing Arc Flash Analysis on electrical utilities and renewable power systems operating at 15 kV and above.
ETAP Arc Flash Analysis software is used to perform arc flash analysis for systems from 0.208 kV to 15 kV in accordance with IEEE 1584-2018 “IEEE Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard Calculations.” The software determines the incident energy and arc flash boundary values required to comply with NEC equipment labeling. It also provides hazard evaluation for shock protection and arc flash PPE according to NFPA 70E 2018.
전 세계 전력 부문이 지속 가능한 에너지로 빠르게 전환함에 따라 그리드 코드 상호 연결 연구의 중요성이 가장 중요해지고 있습니다. 그리드 코드의 수동 분석은 복잡한 시나리오와 엄격한 규정 준수를 포함하여 시간이 많이 소요될 수 있습니다. ETAP Grid Code는 전력 시스템 설계 및 운영 수명 주기 전반에 걸쳐 로컬 그리드 코드 또는 표준 준수를 보장하기 위한 소프트웨어 도구 및 제어 하드웨어를 포함하는 모델 기반 솔루션입니다. 또한, ETAP' 디지털 트윈과 함께 고유한 발전소 컨트롤러(ePPC)는 시스템의 실제 성능에 대한 정확한 평가 및 연구를 보장하여 규정 준수를 개선하고 위험을 최소화합니다.
The Red Sea Utility Grid is in the Tabuk province of Saudi Arabia. The site is a vast 33,000 km2 of islands, lagoon, coastal plain and mountains with extremely diverse marine life and terrestrial landforms. The grid is divided into four off-grid microgrids. The focus of this presentation is about three of the microgrids that are very similar in size and operation. Each of these microgrids includes two PV generation (total 6 MW), two battery storages (total 5MW, ~18 MWh), and two emergency backup diesel generators (~ total 3.8 MW). The system is designed to achieve high reliability by having redundancy at various levels.
Large power plants are designed and operated to maximize reliability. This is typically done by having multiple points of interconnection and networked configuration. In case of a failure or loss of one point of interconnection, the plant can be reconfigured by closing a coupling breaker and transferring power to another point of interconnection. However, to ensure optimal operation of the power plant, it is important to have a reliable control system that can handle such real-time changes in system configurations. Traditional PLC-based and non model-driven control systems struggle with such real-time changes of the configuration. ETAP Power Plant Controller (ePPC) is a model-driven solution that simplifies the control and management of multi-area power systems. ePPC can handle real-time changes in system configurations, enabling the controller to adjust quickly to any changes in the power network, ensuring optimal operation of the power plant. Additionally, ePPC uses a digital twin concept that allows for easy configuration and simulation of different system setups. The use of the digital twin concept means that any errors can be identified and resolved before implementation, ensuring efficient and effective setup of the power plant. Overall, ePPC offers a valuable solution for controlling multi-area renewable energy systems, providing real-time control with simple setup and reliable operation.
Estimating carbon emissions, or the CO2 footprint, is a critical global concern due to its direct correlation to climate change. Governments worldwide are implementing initiatives and incentives to reduce CO2 emissions in various sectors, including generation plants, transmission and distribution grids, and industrial facilities.
Learn how the ETAP Microgrid Controller solution leverages an electrical digital twin from design to validation and automation of Off-Grid (permanently Islanded) Microgrids. In this session, active and reactive power control, optimal dispatch and secondary frequency control will be demonstrated.
In today's dynamic power industry, staying ahead of challenges and ensuring optimal system performance is of paramount importance. ETAP PSMS addresses operations and maintenance issues, ensuring system reliability, resilience, and optimized performance. ETAP PSMS offers a comprehensive suite of lifecycle features, including SCADA, HMI, Trends, Monitored Alarms, Events, and Notifications, designed to empower your organization to monitor and operate power systems efficiently.
In recent years, more and more the electrical system generation, transmission, distribution and industrial networks are expanding, being digitized and penetrated with new technologies such as distributed generation. Traditional SCADA solutions are no longer sufficient to support dispatchers and operators to efficiently make decisions during normal and emergency conditions. ETAP eSCADA, based on digital twin technology, supersedes traditional SCADA’s by providing analytical solutions with operator friendly interfaces making data and recommendations available instantaneously. Yet, the system is designed to support complement standard SCADA functionality making it a complete solution. This presentation will cover the capabilities of ETAP eSCADA for operating many different electrical networks.
In Industrial applications, time is money. Quickly identifying faults and restoring assets is crucial to minimize downtime and costs. The ETAP AFAS (Advanced Fault Analysis Software) leverages disturbance records and telemetry data to locate faults and provide steps to restore assets while the fault is being addressed, increasing the chances of a quick resolution.
ETAP Automated Fault Analysis System (AFAS) solution provides Real-Time and advanced analytics of electrical faults for your complex networks. Using the ETAP digital twin combined with disturbance records, engineers and operators have a clear forensic picture of any electrical fault in the network. Using proven ETAP analysis solvers, AFAS identifies faults, including fault type, start time, protection trip time, fault magnitudes, and fault distance/impedances. A novel signal injection features allow users to playback recorded data into the protection model to compare "as designed" vs. "as found" relay response. This comparison using ETAP electrical digital twin is used to validate system response per the configured protection scheme, and the sequence of operation was followed within expected time durations.
FlickerMeter is part of the Power Quality applications in ETAP. FlickerMeter allows importing CSV-formatted data files and analyzes up to 20 signals at each run, to evaluate flicker compliance against emission limits. Flicker calculations comply with IEC 61000-4-15 which is the standard for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and the calculation provides instantaneous, short-term (PST), and long-term (PLT) flicker indices based on a voltage waveform loaded into the calculator.