State Estimation Analysis
ETAP State Estimation processes telemetry data such as power measurements to obtain an estimate of the magnitudes and phase angles of bus voltages in the actual power systems.

Using these values and the electrical model, the State Estimator examines the data for obvious data errors, determines those portions of the network which have sufficient telemetry to be observable, generates artificial measurements ("virtual" measurements) at locations where they are required for observability, complements with pseudo measurement and then computes the estimate of the system voltages and electrical power flows for the entire system.
State Estimation Software Key Features
- State estimation of non-observable subsystems
- Comparison of measured vs. estimated values
- Dependable & fast convergence solution
- Minimum system measurements requirement
- State-of-the-art estimation techniques
- Data consistency checking
- Bad data & error detection
- Load distribution
- State estimation comparator
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