Automatic Generation Control Software


Automatic Generation Control

Automatic Generation Control Analysis

Automate Manage Schedule
Automatic Generation Control (AGC) software calculates the required parameters or changes to optimize the operation of generation units. The automatic generation control software uses real-time data such as frequency, actual generation, tie-line load flows, and plant units’ controller status to provide generation changes.

Automatic Generation Control Software Key Features

  • Multi-Area Automatic Generation Control
  • Load Frequency Control
  • NERC Performance Standard
  • Generator Power Sharing (Real & Reactive)
  • Minimize Area Control Error (ACE)
  • Maintain frequency at the scheduled value
  • Operate system with adequate security & economy
  • Maintain net power interchanges
  • Maintain economical power allocation
  • Share MW and MVAR proportionally amongst various generation units
  • Multiple pre-configured automatic generator control modes
Automatic Generation Control

Automatic generation control software is fully integrated with Economic Dispatch and Interchange Scheduling, automatically ensuring that generation adjustments are scheduled in the most economical fashion. AGC also calculates the parameters required for load frequency control and provides the required data on demand to maintain system frequency and power interchanges with neighboring systems at scheduled values.



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