GIS Modeling & DNA

nov. 8, 2021, 18:12
Duration : 20:36
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The traditional power system model and desktop-based analysis work well for greenfield projects. It becomes incredibly challenging to make use of the modeling in a brownfield project. The network routes are limited by existing infrastructure and road layouts. A new design for a built-up urban area is possible by multiple iterations of cable lengths, optimal routes, placement of electrical assets, etc. The iterative process becomes more manageable by having a georeferenced map of all interest areas with high accuracy. GIS-based software becomes extremely helpful to undertake a brownfield design. However, the challenge remains in extracting the GIS data into a power system software in executing the electrical analysis. ETAP is breaking ground in this avenue. EnergyTron is closely working to implement this on a large scale, potentially the largest in the world for this type of project analysis.
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  • Estudio de caso
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