329 Item(s) found

How ETAP Arc Flash Calculator helped me detect significantly flawed arc-flash studies

How ETAP Arc Flash Calculator helped me detect significantly flawed arc-flash studies

I categorize findings from arc flash study reports, noting errors in spelling, grammar, data input, and layout, but the most critical, like inconsistent results, demand attention; I rely on the ETAP arc flash calculator to detect significant inaccuracies, exemplified by a case with a GE Prolec transformer, emphasizing the need for meticulous data review to prevent mislabeling incidents.

Managing European Arc-Flash Safety Requirements using ETAP

Managing European Arc-Flash Safety Requirements using ETAP

Explore how ETAP can assist in meeting European directives for arc flash studies and understand the distinctions between North American and European electrical safety standards, offering crucial insights for professionals.

How to Advance Results Accuracy: Transitioning Arc Flash Studies to IEEE 1584-2018

How to Advance Results Accuracy: Transitioning Arc Flash Studies to IEEE 1584-2018

Explore how outdated Arc Flash Study findings were overcome by utilizing ETAP software to update equipment data, validating short circuit currents, and generating fresh Arc Flash results aligned with the 2018 standard, providing the client with enhanced safety measures and confidence in their protocols.

ETAP Energy Storage

ETAP Energy Storage

Apply optimal charging, discharging and arbitrage to improve energy efficiency, increase reliability, and reduce customer costs

ETAP ArcFault™ - High Voltage Arc Flash Analysis

ETAP ArcFault™ - High Voltage Arc Flash Analysis

ETAP ArcFault™ software is recommended for performing Arc Flash Analysis on electrical utilities and renewable power systems operating at 15 kV and above.

ETAP Arc Flash IEEE 1584-2018

ETAP Arc Flash IEEE 1584-2018

ETAP Arc Flash Analysis software is used to perform arc flash analysis for systems from 0.208 kV to 15 kV in accordance with IEEE 1584-2018 “IEEE Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard Calculations.” The software determines the incident energy and arc flash boundary values required to comply with NEC equipment labeling. It also provides hazard evaluation for shock protection and arc flash PPE according to NFPA 70E 2018.

Cómo realizar estudios de interconexión a la red para cumplir los requisitos del ETAP Grid Code™.

Cómo realizar estudios de interconexión a la red para cumplir los requisitos del ETAP Grid Code™.

Con la rápida transición del sector eléctrico mundial hacia la energía sostenible, la importancia de los estudios de interconexión del código de red se convierte en primordial. El análisis manual de los códigos de red puede llevar mucho tiempo, implicar escenarios intrincados y un cumplimiento estricto;ETAP Grid Code es una solución basada en modelos que incluye herramientas de software y hardware de control para garantizar el cumplimiento de los códigos o normas de red locales a lo largo del ciclo de vida del diseño y las operaciones del sistema eléctrico. Además, el exclusivo controlador de central eléctrica (ePPC) de ETAP, junto con su gemelo digital, garantiza una evaluación y un estudio precisos del rendimiento real del sistema para mejorar el cumplimiento y minimizar los riesgos.

The Red Sea Utility Grid is in the Tabuk province of Saudi Arabia. The site is a vast 33,000 km2 of islands, lagoon, coastal plain and mountains with extremely diverse marine life and terrestrial landforms. The grid is divided into four off-grid microgrids. The focus of this presentation is about three of the microgrids that are very similar in size and operation. Each of these microgrids includes two PV generation (total 6 MW), two battery storages (total 5MW, ~18 MWh), and two emergency backup diesel generators (~ total 3.8 MW). The system is designed to achieve high reliability by having redundancy at various levels.

Utilizing ETAP Power Plant Controllers & integrated SCADA for Multi-Area Renewable Energy Systems

Utilizing ETAP Power Plant Controllers & integrated SCADA for Multi-Area Renewable Energy Systems

Large power plants are designed and operated to maximize reliability. This is typically done by having multiple points of interconnection and networked configuration. In case of a failure or loss of one point of interconnection, the plant can be reconfigured by closing a coupling breaker and transferring power to another point of interconnection. However, to ensure optimal operation of the power plant, it is important to have a reliable control system that can handle such real-time changes in system configurations. Traditional PLC-based and non model-driven control systems struggle with such real-time changes of the configuration. ETAP Power Plant Controller (ePPC) is a model-driven solution that simplifies the control and management of multi-area power systems. ePPC can handle real-time changes in system configurations, enabling the controller to adjust quickly to any changes in the power network, ensuring optimal operation of the power plant. Additionally, ePPC uses a digital twin concept that allows for easy configuration and simulation of different system setups. The use of the digital twin concept means that any errors can be identified and resolved before implementation, ensuring efficient and effective setup of the power plant. Overall, ePPC offers a valuable solution for controlling multi-area renewable energy systems, providing real-time control with simple setup and reliable operation. 

Track, Analyze & Reduce CO2 Emissions in Electrical Networks with  ETAP Sustainability Analysis

Track, Analyze & Reduce CO2 Emissions in Electrical Networks with ETAP Sustainability Analysis

Estimating carbon emissions, or the CO2 footprint, is a critical global concern due to its direct correlation to climate change. Governments worldwide are implementing initiatives and incentives to reduce CO2 emissions in various sectors, including generation plants, transmission and distribution grids, and industrial facilities.