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This study utilizes ETAP software to analyze a real high voltage short circuit in scale cascade transmission lines, employing the Real Time (RT) and SCADA Integrator module for simulation, including load-flow and transient analysis, with experimental validation conducted in the Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Laboratory at UTEC, highlighting the novelty of simulating a high voltage short circuit with experimental validation.
ETAP and EnergyTron collaborate to integrate GIS data into power system software, streamlining the design process for brownfield projects by providing valuable information on existing electrical assets and terrain features, although the success relies on the accuracy and completeness of the GIS data.
Explore our innovative solution utilizing ETAP to manage the challenges of power distribution networks in Queensland's Western Downs region, where dynamic infrastructure and evolving gas well lifecycles necessitate robust data collection, network monitoring, and reliable studies, bolstered by stringent cybersecurity measures and a collaborative master model shared among subcontracted consultancies to ensure reliability and efficiency.
Explore the complexities of current transformer (CT) saturation's impact on protective relay performance in high fault current scenarios, examining the importance of accurate CT selection and contrasting ETAP's saturation analysis capabilities with traditional methods in a real-world scenario, providing insights to enhance protective relay operation and system reliability.
I categorize findings from arc flash study reports, noting errors in spelling, grammar, data input, and layout, but the most critical, like inconsistent results, demand attention; I rely on the ETAP arc flash calculator to detect significant inaccuracies, exemplified by a case with a GE Prolec transformer, emphasizing the need for meticulous data review to prevent mislabeling incidents.
Explore how ETAP can assist in meeting European directives for arc flash studies and understand the distinctions between North American and European electrical safety standards, offering crucial insights for professionals.
Explore how outdated Arc Flash Study findings were overcome by utilizing ETAP software to update equipment data, validating short circuit currents, and generating fresh Arc Flash results aligned with the 2018 standard, providing the client with enhanced safety measures and confidence in their protocols.
Cities of the future will soon account for 90% of the world’s population growth and 75% of its energy consumption. The pressure on critical resources will increase. The New Administrative Capital in Egypt launched one of the country’s most ambitious development projects to date, setting standards in smart city living is ADMS. ETAP ADMS will manage, control, visualize and optimize power distribution required to run critical smart services for city operators, citizens, workers, and visitors alike. Learn how ETAP ADMS is utilized to support long-term sustainable, efficient smart city services that will support a safer, more innovative, and more prosperous Egypt.
How a failure, to properly perform protection studies, led to a significant substation safety incident and outage. Understanding minimum and maximum fault current values are critical in this case study. The shortcomings led to a fault not being removed fast enough. Short circuit impedances are very valuable, it is critical to have the right cables and impedances of the equipment. An excellent learning from this case study is that line to line arc flash fault exists much longer at medium voltage level. In low voltage we do not see those type of line-to-line arc flash faults because line to line arc flash fault will rapidly turn into a three-phase fault. The arc flash calculator is a great tool to estimate incident energy. The arc flash calculator shows both methods: below 15 kv we can use IEEE 1584-2018 to calculate incident energy at 15 Kv, and above our fault calculated method can calculate calories exposure during the fault.
Arc flash analysis extends well beyond the scope of IEEE 1584 and NFPA 70E methodology for transmission, distribution and renewable energy systems. For many years, the industry has been lacking an “all-in-one” solution for performing arc flash analysis on DC, LV, MV and HV AC systems. ETAP ArcFault™ provides a validated method for performing arc fault simulations in T&D open-air overhead conductor systems plus it provides two methods to determine the incident energy for arc-flash in 3-phase enclosed equipment for 15 to 38 kV renewable energy collector systems. This presentation explains the background and methods for arc fault simulations and explains how ETAP ArcFault helps utilities comply with OSHA requirements to perform arc-flash analysis for systems voltage above 1.0 kV.