331 Item(s) found

How to perform harmonic analysis with ETAP

How to perform harmonic analysis with ETAP

Learn how engineers use ETAP Harmonic Analysis software to simulate harmonic current and voltage sources, identify harmonic problems, reduce nuisance trips, design, and test filters, and report harmonic voltage and current distortion limit violations on balanced or unbalanced systems. Additionally, for transmission and distribution system operators, Harmonic Grid Code automates harmonic analysis for detailed power quality assessment reporting demonstrating the generation facility is designed to comply with applicable harmonic limits. Study reports include worst-case incremental and total harmonic distortion, frequency-dependent Thevenin Equivalent at PCC, and color-coded impedance loci charts.

Seamless Transition of Microgrids - From Grid-Connected to Islanded Mode

Seamless Transition of Microgrids - From Grid-Connected to Islanded Mode

This webinar outlines how ETAP Microgrid Control Solution devices and implements adaptive strategies to enable a smooth transition between grid-connected and islanded modes during unplanned islanding.

Design & Operation of Power Systems with a Digital Twin Foundation

Design & Operation of Power Systems with a Digital Twin Foundation

This webinar introduces an integrated model-driven approach for engineers and managers to design and operat power systems. ETAP’s Digital Twin Platform combines electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties with intelligent visualization for modeling, design, automation, and real-time predictive analysis. Learn how ETAP’s unique multi-dimensional database eliminates the need for hundreds of copies of the project file, by providing unlimited graphical presentations, configurations, data revisions, loadings, generations and operational values within the same project database. Moreover, ETAP unified platform allows simultaneous analysis of the network under various conditions.

Parte 4 - ETAP GIS para diseñar, analizar y expandir redes de Transmisión y Distribución (T&D)

Parte 4 - ETAP GIS para diseñar, analizar y expandir redes de Transmisión y Distribución (T&D)

Descubra cómo los propietarios, operadores y planificadores utilizan ETAP GIS para diseñar, analizar y expandir mejor sus redes. Discutiremos cómo incluir redes de transmisión, subtransmisión y distribución en un mismo modelo eléctrico y resolver las redes combinadas.

ETAP iSLD - Crear y actualizar diagramas unifilares digitales inteligentes Parte 3

ETAP iSLD - Crear y actualizar diagramas unifilares digitales inteligentes Parte 3

El diagrama digital unifilar inteligente (iSLD), es la representación de su sistema de energía y la base de todos sus estudios de ingeniería eléctrica. Discutiremos su importancia, qué lo hace inteligente, por qué es crucial mantenerlo actualizado y cuál es la mejor manera de hacerlo.

ETAP NetPM - Explained in 5 minutes

ETAP NetPM - Explained in 5 minutes

A 5 minute demo on  how to shorten the project duration for power system modeling and studies, from months to weeks, utilizing ETAP Network Project Management (NetPM™), a platform for collaborative engineering.

Parte 2 - Acortar el tiempo de entrega del proyecto y mejorar la eficiencia del diseño

Parte 2 - Acortar el tiempo de entrega del proyecto y mejorar la eficiencia del diseño

Aprenda cómo acortar el tiempo para el modelado y los estudios del sistema de potencia de meses a semanas, utilizando ETAP Network Project Management (NetPM™), una plataforma para la ingeniería colaborativa.

ETAP 21 - Aspectos destacados en módulos de análisis y diseño para sistemas eléctricos

ETAP 21 - Aspectos destacados en módulos de análisis y diseño para sistemas eléctricos

ETAP 21.0 ofrece un nuevo conjunto de módulos de análisis de potencia integrados, capacidades de dimensionamiento eléctrico, automatización y soluciones de operaciones. En este seminario web, demostramos nuevas funciones y soluciones de diseño, análisis y simulación, además de muchas de las mejoras y mejoras que permiten ahorrar tiempo.

Harmonic Mitigation Project in Steel Plant

Harmonic Mitigation Project in Steel Plant

This presentation aims to explain the necessary steps to comply with national grid code standards; an exemplary case of a steel manufacturing plant with intensive use of induction furnaces and a THD that exceeded the Grid Code's limits. This presentation highlights compliance, analysis, engineering (electrical power system studies), and equipment designed to comply with the technical criteria and mitigation. ETAP was used to size a filter to mitigate harmonics and improve the power factor for 34.5 kV transformers for grid code compliance. 

Efficient Design & Analysis with CoSimulation

Efficient Design & Analysis with CoSimulation

Co-simulation is the cooperative simulation of a system model through different software packages. Collaborative simulation, as such, spans more physics domains and offers more insight than single-domain engines alone. Therefore, the collective composition of its parts enables multi-domain, multi-physics simulation results.​ETAP CoSim™ enables ETAP simulation engines to collaborate and interact. For example, the ETAP Time Domain Power Flow can co-simulate with ETAP Harmonic Analysis to assess harmonics distortion over time. ETAP CoSim platform also enables ETAP and 3rd party tools to co-simulate and solve large, complex, and multi-disciplinary system models—collectively via an efficient API surface. The ability to co-simulate with third-party software extends existing software capabilities into the multi-physics domain and greater situational awareness. This solution presentation will introduce the concepts of co-simulation and the flexible ETAP CoSim platform. The presentation will also highlight commercial use-cases of Phasor and Electromagnetic co-simulation using emtCoSim™ and Controller Hardware-in-the-Loop (CHIL).