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Learn how utility engineers use ETAP’s transmission & distribution system analysis and optimization solutions to optimize capacity planning and improve reliability and safety using schematic or geospatial views. ETAP Grid™ transmission system software integrates transmission network planning with detailed substation models, network topology processing, transmission system analysis, electric SCADA and real-time transmission network energy management system. For integrated distribution network analysis, system planning and operations solution it offers a progressive geospatial platform for simulating, analyzing, operating and optimizing the performance of Utility Smart Grids.
ETAP 22 is released and available for download! The Electrical Digital Twin solution helps you design, operate, and automate safe, reliable, resilient, and compliant power systems - even more efficiently & collaboratively than before, on a single platform, facilitating fully integrated lifecycle digitization.
In this webinar, we demonstrated how easy it is to convert to ETAP 22 from various legacy software applications using the most advanced built-in data conversation tool. We also explored many of the new features & capabilities in ETAP 22 and revealed tips and tricks for the best ETAP experience.
ETAP Train Power Simulation - eTraX™ software includes validated, user-friendly and flexible software tools for designing, analyzing and managing AC and DC railway infrastructure. Learn how eTraX integrates with ETAP protection & coordination software (StarZ) to offer insights into line protection, protective relay performance & evaluation, troubleshooting false trips, and system-wide protective device operation.
ETAP 22 offers an impressive new set of integrated power analysis modules, electrical dimensioning capabilities, automation, and operations solutions.
ZSI (Zone Selective Interlock) Scheme has been developed about 40 years ago and since then, the application has expanded from Protection to Arc Flash Hazard Mitigation and even Coordination or Selectivity.
ETAP Star™ is an easy-to-use, interactive, and powerful platform for overcurrent protection and coordination studies. Supported with 100+ thousands of verified and validated protective device and equipment library models from manufacturers across the world, simulation and analysis of any network are at your fingertips. Learn about the intuitive and efficient approach for the creation of Time-Current Characteristic Curves and the program’s artificial intelligence (AI) for protection and coordination or selectivity analysis.
In this webinar, we introduce ETAP Unbalanced Network Short Circuit Analysis and demonstrate how to evaluate the impact of shunt and sliding faults on balanced and unbalanced networks: *Device Duty Evaluation for multi-phase, single-phase, AC & DC systems * Run and evaluate all fault types in one study * Shunt, series, and simultaneous faults * Simulate protective device responses to fault currents and configuration changes Unbalanced Network Short Circuit Standards: * ANSI C37.10 for AC systems * IEC 60909 for AC systems * IEC 61660 for DC systems
A practical example of an internal review of a protection coordination study, including the definition of protective device settings & characteristics.