Time Series Unified Power Flow Analysis
The time domain unbalanced power flow or time series distribution load flow simulation is used for the purpose of varying load and generation in the system and solving the steady state power flows in the system over a function of time.
Time Series Unified Power Flow Software Key Features
- Single year load growth analysis
- Multiple year load growth analysis
- Solar / Wind Farm annual yield and losses estimation
- Live one-line diagram plots for graphical results comparison and analysis
- Progress bar with elapsed and remaining time

- Consider unlimited loading and generation patterns using ETAP Profile Library
- Allows specifying user-defined intervals for the profiles (hours or minutes resolution)
- Supports the import of profiles from ASCII format (.csv)
- Simplifies the creation of profiles for standard profile types such as the "8760 profile";
- Define seasonal variations including holiday adjustments
- Include load growth for multiple years (unlimited)
- Ability to mix customer classes or sectors into composite sectors
- Include solar irradiance patterns to simulate daily, monthly or yearly output from a PV farm
- Graphically assign customer classes or sectors to loads and generators
- Automatic time series synchronization of multiple patterns
- Ability to include devices in service or place them out of service during the planning period
- Time series plot include: current, voltage drop, energy losses, demand, yield, and consumption for a specified period
- Provides the functionality for creating, viewing, and editing profiles for a specific customer, or by customer type, meter demand, network demand, or generator
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