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ETAP предоставляет возможности и модули, специально разработанные для инженеров и проектировщиков критически важных объектов генерации
Высокоэнадёжный программный комплекс для анализа перетоков мощности
- Программный комплекс ETAP соответствует Своду федеральных правил США
- С 1991 года применяется программа контроля качества
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Online Monitoring of Nuclear Power Plant Auxiliary Power Systems using ETAP Real-Time
At a given nuclear power plant, nuclear safety is directly dependent on a reliable source of electric power supplied via the plant’s auxiliary power system. The auxiliary power system typically consists of an MV and LV AC and a DC distribution system, powering thousands of individual loads and circuits, i.e., pumps, fans, valves, sensors, and controls specifically designed to protect the integrity of the nuclear reactor and containment structures. This presentation will explore past practices and recent developments in the online monitoring of such systems using a digital twin. The presentation includes the reasons for utilizing online monitoring, the advantages of using a digital twin versus simple data collection, and the multi-faceted benefits realized from such a system (i.e., business, safety, reliability).